Waiting For The Curtains to Roll Back

One of the hardest things i struggle with sometimes is the fact that forging my path, on my own, is a path that must be walked in solitude until the platform and structures are built. Which must be done by hand.

There’s always all this talk about if you just “believe” and put trust in “god” or the “universe” and take a stand for something you are passionate about and on every level feels right... Then all the sudden. the curtains pull back, and the team that was anxiously awaiting you to just SAY THE WORDS, instantly rushes in to aid you and resupply you with the essentials to finish the job.

This is hardest thing for me sometimes... I would LOVE that. There is nothing that would make my job and the work i feel im supposed to do, easier, better, more efficient, probably even much more effective.

For some strange reason, the next thought seems to lead me to the thought that BECAUSE i don’t have the “A TEAM” and all the contacts, mentors, and everything, i feel like im working against the grain.

Also, an irrational, delusional belief has sort of developed that it must be my fault that i don’t have the life and results i feel like i could have right now... If only, but, should, are the words that seem to come be used alot in the next lines of internal dialog.

But kill all that crap. The only thing that separates me from having all those things is the amount of time, work, and persistence i am willing to commit to having them.

There is nothing else to even say about that is there?

This is so fricking common sense that its stupid. A+B= C for every action there is a reaction. If you want something you don’t have, you figure out what you need, and then you work to go and get it.

There is nothing mystical, spiritual, mythological or philisophical about it.

I sometimes feel like we have forgotten some of the basic fundamental things that our grandparents generations have passed on to us.

We cannot EXPECT anything to be given to us... There is nothing we can assume. We cannot “think about” and hope for shit, without just getting up and doing the thing that has to happen to get what we want.

Ya, going to the gym can be uncomfortable. It can be hard to push YOURSELF, to go the extra little bit, and make the last several reps REALLY count.

But you know what. That is what seperates you from any and everyone else. These are the things that EVERYONE feels.

This is the stuff that people who recognize that and break through it... say.

So for gods sake. GO... RIGHT now. and do that one little thing that you know you can do right now. It may seem small and trivial... It may seem like extra work, and feel a bit uncomfortable... and no, no one is ever going to MAKE you do it. You have to overstand that, and learn how to MAKE yourself WANT to do it.

So please. Get that done. And the rest will fall into place. I promise.

See you there.



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