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- Your Unique Value Position U.V.P. is Your KEY To Success
Your Unique Value Position U.V.P. is Your KEY To Success
Todays lesson is another CRITICAL piece of training that's going to help you better TRANSLATE the unique characteristics and professional value that are all YOURS.
You’re second function as a Modern Creator is to identify, define, and align, your Unique Value Position. Not only are you going to learn all about this today, you'll even start developing it. Let’s lay the groundwork first...
What Is a Unique Value Position?
It’s one of those X factors that’s going to make or break your success. period. See... as society and global commerce evolves, people who are creating strong foundations for long-term future success are zooming all the way in, narrowing down, and locking in their Unique Value Positioning.
They are doing this because now almost HALF the population works on some sort of a “freelance” basis... Meaning, people everywhere are taking their destiny into their own hands and going into business for themselves! And why wouldn’t they? Their is no such thing as “job security” anymore, and all the traditional education and training we’ve been taught is becoming less and less relevant to CAREER success anyway.
I mean, why wouldn’t we try to find our TRUE purpose and path and spend our lives doing the things we love? More and more, people are finding ways to bridge a “best of both worlds” approach to their professional career and I think at the HEART of why those who succeed in doing this vs. those who don’t-is an identified, defined, and congruent U.V.P.
NOW, in order to get to a “cellular” level for understanding this concept let me say it like this...
Your experiences, talents, skills, aspirations, interests, values... Etc. They are all like illuminated little beacons of signal that point to your U.V.P.
Basically, those who are going to be successful in the near future, and those who are already there now, have in some capacity (whether conscious, or unconscious) HONED IN on their unique strengths and abilities and somehow bridged the gap to meet their market with a product or service that people will pay them for.
It’s not easy. I’m not saying that it is... and people who will tell you that it’s as simple as just “following your passion” and blogging about daffodils-because you love them more than anything else in the world.... etc. probably don’t have a realistic or experienced enough perspective...
But, you are a CREATOR, you can CREATE a way. Right? You’re Damn right!
Bottom line, at the center of building your personal brand, the thing that is going to distinguish you and underscore your success-isn’t a “fill in the blank” answer...
It takes you following something strategically and sticking it out for a long period of time... Usually without much initial evidence that it’s “working...” Which can be tough. But it’s about being prepared, knowing how to use the tools, building a solid foundation and platform, keeping your eyes open, and utilizing your creativity to both solve existing problems, and create genuine connection through adding value to peoples lives.
What I’m really saying here is that, the new “path,” in the NEW economy, it is NO LONGER a cut and dry set of options-like doctor, lawyer, accountant, butcher, baker, candlestick maker...
The points of distinction aren’t vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry like they used to be... Now we can CREATE our own flavors, red velvet supreme mixed with raspberry sherbet. You tracking?
It’s more precise tuning, more-so part of an internal narrative and core understanding of who you are.
It’s about finding a way to do what you love, serving those that love what you do. However you can make that happen.
It takes work to find out how to make that work, I don’t think theres any way around that whether you’re a musicpreneur, an expert, a contentpreneur... or anyone else for that matter.
But you are a CREATOR... It’s your job to look at your life, your experiences, your interests, your content, your goals, your areas of passion, the few key things you most love to do, and allow yourself the time to develop that, follow some things, try and fail, and eventually figure out what that all amounts to for you.
Balancing the practical aspects of being a CREATOR (creative, intuitive, highly talented, multi-capable solutions oriented individual) and an ENTREPRENEUR, (running a profitable business) are the requirements of building a successful personal brand as a MODERN Content Creator who gets to experience endless freedom and fulfillment doing what you love, for those that love what you do.
You’ve gotta get granular, and you gotta zero in on this thing I call your Unique Value Position. It’s ALL yours, you gotta FIND it-which may take some time... but disciplining yourself to do this now is what can make you an INDISPENSABLE asset to your audience, your market, and everyone around you. Forever.
Again, this is something that ultimately rests at the center of YOUR core. It will probably take some time, some trial and error, and likely some persistence to unlock, but it’s THERE, you just have to commit to finding it.
Neither I nor anyone else can tell you what it is for you... but, I CAN SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the complexity and time it might otherwise have taken you to clarify, define, and align with your U.V.P....
And that’s what I’m going to equip you with today.
Are you ready to get started?
Let's Review Our Progress
So first a quick recap... YOU are a CREATOR, and It’s ALL content marketing. Hopefully you’re obtaining a very clear understanding that Marketing is not a dirty word, (except when people aren’t deeply proud of their CONTENT and what they created in the first place.) and is the SECOND half of your job as a Modern Content Creator.
Content Marketing.
Turning your content into currency is the magical moment when you’re content CONNECTS with your audience on an emotional level, that provides value to them in a unique way. Being a MODERN Musician/Creator requires a balanced integration of both the Artist and the Entrepreneur in you.
To be successful in the GLOBAL conversation as such, you need to think and operate like a MODERN Musician/Creator. We must embrace the tools and technologies available to compete today and for the rest of history. We must not only create content with A.D.D. in mind, but we must shape the EXPERIENCE to deliver unique value that builds brand loyalty.
It’s not NEW tools, apps, tactics, or ideas we need... It’s the creativity, clarity and focus to use the ones we have-BETTER.
The Modern Creator builds a 3 Dimensional Brand that communicates in high definition and creates a transparent, congruent experience for their loyal audience.
Again, it’s not only your ability to create valuable CONTENT, but your effectiveness in building a sustainable long-term career, your success in delivering your message to the people who need it; all heavily relies upon your ability to get that content in front of the people that are looking for it.
Part of your responsibilities IS translating and promoting your content, because relying on people to “discover you” is a sure-fire way to kill your career.
Leading Edge Creators, Modern Musicians rise to the occasion and embrace the opportunities of the New Economy. They understand that they have the innate power, creativity, capability, and responsibility to CREATE their OWN Economy.
You are a CREATOR of value. Content creators are the Gold-miners of the Modern world.
You’ve learned that Content Marketing is a process, and that you are a Multimedia StoryTeller.
You have now gained basic comprehension for the lingo, and know the difference between a Content Strategy, and all that the term Content Marketing really encompasses.
All of this nicely leads us into your next lesson, your second function as a Modern Musician/Creator:
To identify, define, and align your Unique Value Position.
It’s a term that encompasses a few concepts, and simplifies the process of you translating your professional value and unique points of distinction.
Your U.V.P combines three key terms you’ve probably heard before... Value Proposition, Unique Selling Points, and Branding Position.
This lesson will not only explain how to define your key distinctions as a business or for each of your brands, but it will take you through an exercise for how to actually do it yourself.
It is my aim to simplify and clarify this as much as possible for you so that you never have to think about or get confused about what a USP, a Core Value Proposition, or what your Brand Positioning is.
We’ll be clarifying-through real life examples-what exactly those terms mean in a moment... But I want to take a step back and make sure you get the bigger picture first, before we start getting more granular.
Your Unique Value Position is merely the external translation of the CORE value and service you offer to your market.
Since we can’t read minds, we have to be able to clearly communicate what it is we do, and as always, clarity is key.
Thus, nailing your U.V.P really starts with connecting, defining, and focusing on the starting point.
Everything begins with purpose, vision, mission, goals. From there; core values, skills, talents, and background are key factors in your business development as an Artist/Musician or Creator.
Your U.V.P is not something that’s necessarily set in stone, nor is it’s definition a “fill in the blank” exercise. There are many variables. Nothing is a one size fits all, but it’s a beneficial exercise in gaining more clarity and focusing your core marketing message.
In an infinitely more narrow and competitive world of commerce, distinguishing your points of distinction is a highly valuable pursuit.
Don’t Be THAT GUY.
Big enough to serve ALL your needs, yet SMALL enough to still care...
Great customer service at a bargain dollar price...
...Small businesses are notorious for these vague, practically worthless points of distinction... Don’t be that guy!
Let’s Get Some Terms Squared Away
Since there is often some confusion around a few foundational terms and their many slight variations, as well as in how to accurately define this stuff for YOUR brand... I’ve taken all the hard work out of it, and clarified everything you need to know to help you define YOUR value and distinction as a Modern Creator or Expert.
First let’s understand the differences between your VALUE Proposition, and Your Unique Selling Proposition/Points.
Core Value Proposition: A customer Value Proposition is the Core Benefits of what you are offering. Whether that is for a single product or the total service you offer.
It needs to be...
Short Specific In Customers Language Tangible
This is the brief, category level, or type of business/brand you are, which generically explains what you do.
It’s something that you’d informally tell someone in a loud place-to someone whom you didn’t fully have the attention of... I.E. In a loud bar or club...
For example, Pizza Parlor, Business Coach/Consultant, Website Developer, etc.
Lots of options. Competitors. Non-specific. Informal.
Now, for CONTENT Creators, or Knowledge Workers of any kind, it’s best to define your Core Value Prop by completing the following sentence:
You help “X=whom,”do/have/be “y=what,” so that/to accomplish “Z=why.”
For Example, I help Experts & Creators Turn their Content into Currency, Master their A.B.C.’s, (Audience, Brand, Cashflow) and Experience Freedom and Fulfillment doing What They Love for those that Love What they Do.
This is much more specific, and is a better strategy for talking to people about what you do. It’s clear, it’s interesting, and not only is it a great conversation starter, it’s also something that will stick out in someones mind-and could potentially send you referral traffic of some sort somewhere down the line.
So make it interesting, specific, and tell people exactly what you do.
*Now, for Artists and Bands... I can hear you saying, but what does that look like for me?
Your core value prop would be something like this:
I’m an “X” ---- I’m a Singer Songwriter Producer. Or, I’m a Cellist and Midi Guitarist. We’re a Rock/Soul/R&B/Pop/Country band, Etc.
The more specific version would include something like this:
My music is like John Legend mixed with Jason Mraz, and a little bit of Sublime.
A soulful storyteller driven by rhythm whose songs will make you cry.
Get creative, your a musician and/or a songwriter...illustrate with words.
A USP, or Unique Selling Proposition, or Unique Selling Points, are just that, a short little summary that defines what separates you from your competitors, and answers the question why they should buy from you.
For example, I’m The Master Content Strategist for Modern Creators.
I wrote the Definitive Guide To Content Marketing Strategy for Creators.
Author of The Modern Musician and creator of Modern Musicianship
I show musicians how to create their paradise by liberating their music business.
Empowering Modern CREATORS with the tools, training and tactics to lead in the NEW Economy.
You get the point... Any distinguishing accomplishments, achievements, awards, or any further distinctions that more specifically differentiates you from others, as well as capsulates your unique value.
Your USP answers the question: Why should I buy from YOU?
Classic USP’s
Fedex - When it absolutely has to be there overnight.
Dominos - Fresh pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or less or it’s free.
Nyquil - "The nighttime, coughing, achy, sniffling, stuffy head, fever, so you can rest medicine."
ABC Trimmers - Will trim and maintain your trees and shrubs six times a year, once every other month, for $16/month.
USP = Amongst others who have the same Value Prop. how are you better or what makes your product or service unique?
It has to be clear and unique. NOT - save money, save time, great service, great price....
Something specific like:
A simple golf swing methodology that won’t aggravate your hip or lower back and will teach you to hit the ball further with less effort!
This can be a distinction in WHO you CATER to, such as-you teach WOMEN entrepreneurs, or even more specific-such as you teach Empty Nest MomPreneurs to leverage the internet and build a business...
So it’s really a process of further definition and distinction, as their are varied levels of needed clarification that you should be able to communicate very precisely.
The USP goes a bit further than the Core Value Prop. by explaining the key differentials that make your product/service better or unique to your competitors, and the FINAL piece is your POSITIONING strategy.
Branding Position
Positioning encompasses both the STANCE you have in your market, (i.e. what you stand for, how or why you do what you do) as well as your story. At least the parts of your personal and professional journey that got you where you are, or made you who you are, or tells people where you’ve come from and what you’re about.
Branding should be a transparently projected image of what you represent, what role you play in society, and what role you play to your audience.
For most Creators, the core of your branding position should come from an authentic place, and get to the root of your core values, purpose, mission, and personality.
The focus is on the type of client/customer you are trying to attract, although it encompasses your specific points of distinction that highlight your strengths among the many competing options.
Yes, there can be a little overlap between your Core Value Prop, your USP and your Branding Position... Nothing is set in stone. This isn’t mathematics. Again, all of this is simply a way to bring some much needed clarity-to an inherently hard to clarify subject matter.
When I work with 1-1 with Thought Leaders in my premium program, we’re typically focused on turning dedicated experts into the Market Leader and the Highest Authority on their topic, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you are have to be the GO-TO authority in your market...
The Enthusiast, or the Researcher, are both very valued resources that can be the basis of your initial positioning.
I don’t recommend anyone position themselves as something that they cannot backup...
For newer Artists, you can talk about your influences, your aspirations, your life story, the message behind what you’re doing. Etc.
Essentially you want to position yourself authentically, AND you want to use social proof and any credentials you have to raise the PERCEIVED VALUE of what you offer; OR you want to cater your Branding position to speak DIRECTLY to the prospect you are specifically trying to attract.
I.E. Your Affordable Family Chiropractor.
My Branding Position:
I am Jamie Leger, The Business Coach and Consultant for Experts and Creators by day, and DIY Singer Songwriter Producer by night.
I have been apart of the blogosphere since it began, and have watched SEO evolve into the Content Marketing Process. I have spent the last 10 years-running a business online, publishing and marketing content, and writing and producing my own music in my home studio.
As a teacher, content creator, and independent artist in the NEW music industry, I’m a multimedia storyteller. A Modern Content Creator that’s doing what he loves, for those who love what he does.
I’ve built a lifestyle business that allows me to enjoy serving my clients and audience during the day, and create my own music and content as well-at night.
After 10 years of specialized coaching and consulting for Artists and CREATORS of every type, I’ve had the privilege of working with 100’s of clients and students at every level and have a very organic footing on the current state of our community and the surrounding artist and creative marketplaces.
I basically get to test, learn, apply and share what works at the ground level across a range of interrelated communities and all forms of CREATORS-doing amazing stuff in the modern world.
I’ve artistically designed a lifestyle that allows me to run a sustainable business, as well get to share the insights, concepts, tactics, and strategies that are working in our digital economy with YOU, for FREE.
I am in a unique position to be able to be completely immersed in this stuff from all angles, all the time. Feedback from the community and insight through direct conversation with my audience, clients, and students-from first, second and third hand experience helps me to continue to add value to you with the content i produce and publish for you.
In addition to the 10 years on my own and well over the 10,000 hour limit in learning, applying, and studying the greatest in the world at each particular skill I wanted to develop, I test and try each new idea on my own as well (i’m not just teaching people, I practice what I preach.) In result, it’s my honor to be able to share the leading strategies, tactics, tips, and insights with CREATORS like you!
Here are three questions you need to answer:
1. Complete the following sentence... “I help x, do x, so that/to achieve x.”
2. I do it better or differently from everyone else who does something similar by/because...
3. The perspective, story, and position I speak and deliver my message from is...
Alright, let’s take my CORE training program, for another example...
Content Academy: The Content Marketing, Audience Building, and Traffic Transformation Bootcamp for Modern Creators.
12 Weeks To Traffic Transformation - Double your traffic and learn how to create and communicate your content in High Def!
CAPTURE your audiences attention, and CONNECT with them through your content.
You need to build an audience to build a brand. It doesn’t work the other way around. YOUR audience exists all over the world, and are already participating in the global conversation.
The technologies already exist. They are out here, and you ALREADY have all you need right now... You are a CONTENT creator, and it’s your JOB to get your message, your stories, your knowledge and expertise out into the world.
You don’t need more resources, you need more RESOURCEFULNESS. You don’t need more tools, you need to learn how to use the ones you already have access to BETTER. You need both the PRACTICAL training to turn your Content into Currency, AND the mindset adjustments that will empower you to CREATE anything you want as a LEADER in the NEW economy.
Content Academy will officially indoctrinate you as MODERN Musician/Creator, guide you through the often overwhelming chaos that is the world wide web and teach you how to more effectively harness the tools at your disposal.
I’ll be telling you what you need to know as a content creator, and pointing out the key lessons and insights I’ve gained over the last 10 years.
You will be equipped with a full palette of tactics, techniques, and strategies, to build your audience, get more traffic, and grow your brand online.
You will be provided with a FULL arsenal of tactics to communicate WORLD CLASS content, gain targeted traffic, and the learn the biggest secret that will leverage ALL your efforts, as well as help you create a respected and AUTHORITATIVE presence within your community.
You will understand the cause and solution for how to break through your mental and socio-economic limitations, AND live the life you’ve dreamt of.
You will learn how to turn your content into currency, and maximize your greatest asset.
How to use your content to generate targeted traffic, and build a loyal audience that loves you for life.
Learn how to Drive Targeted Leads to a Targeted Message and Convert Visitors into Loyal Subscribers and Customers.
It’s the only program like it, and it’s created for you specifically. You’re welcome! ;)
The Comprehensive-Content, Audience, and Traffic Training course FOR Experts and Modern Musicians/Creators.
How to build a Tribe and Perpetual Lead-Flow for your Brand using the Internet.
The only Online Lead Generation course you’ll ever need.
It’s all broken down into a simple 5 step framework that you can refer to for the rest of your life, to keep things as uncomplicated and clear as possible.
Production = content creation Positioning = branding Promotion = marketing Performance = sales and testing Platform = Infrastructure, network, audience
These FIVE core functions, are skills and key areas of focus-that you will develop, get good at, and ultimately master if that’s something you desire to do.
1. To Be Able to Develop, Create and Communicate High Value Content (Production)
2. To Define, align, and communicate your brands message and Unique Value Positioning (Positioning)
3. To Drive Targeted Traffic To a Sales Funnel That Works (Promotion)
4. To Profit, Test, Measure, and Improve all results through effective performance analysis. (Performance)
5. To build and maintain a loyal audience that loves what, why, and how you do what you do. (Platform) The Master Function and the KEY to success in the NEW Economy. You need to build a solid foundation for your network and audience.
Official Bootcamp for Content Creators by THE Business Coach and Consultant for Content Creators!
After a decade of focusing on just this business model, working with Expert/Artist/and Personal Brands of every level, making virtually every mistake, and having been fortunate to learn from some of the best masters and mentors on the planet, I’ve created the ultimate training course for content creators in the modern world.
Content Academy is a sophisticated, FOCUSED plan of action that will actually TEACH you HOW to use the tools of the Modern Content Creator to create and communicate your content, drive targeted leads online, CONNECT WITH THEM authentically, and Build a Loyal Audience that Loves You For Life.
To signup and/or reserve your seat, go here and nab a spot before they’re all gone.
In Conclusion
You now have a solid foundation with some practical examples of what you need to do, why it’s important, and some simple frameworks for HOW to do it.
Again, begin by answering these questions and if you have any other questions or points of confusion, either reread the article, or see me in the comments and we’ll get you squared away.
1. Complete the following sentence... “I help x, do x, so that/to achieve x.”
2. I do it better or differently from everyone else who does something similar by/because...
3. The perspective, story, and position I speak and deliver my message from is...
Until next time.
Be Your Best,
Get your free spot in Content Academy!