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- The Seeds of Transformative Influence | Transforming your Emotional State | Handling your emotions like a Modern Musician
The Seeds of Transformative Influence | Transforming your Emotional State | Handling your emotions like a Modern Musician
What does a heavenly state of mind feel like to you?
What is the highest operation of your mind and how do you activate that operation to it’s greatest impact?
To me it looks like serious play mastering my destiny through the content that fulfills me, provides for me financially, and serves the world, and my audience through building forever brands.
To me it looks like focusing on the next 10-15 books and courses and becoming the best in world at what i do through the building the curriculum that leads you home with a complete education and a complete development pathway
It looks like building a complete set of skills and mastery over the tools in order to connect and impact the world through my content and brand experience
Coaching, teaching and training the world while in my zone of genius and creating world class content that helps you uplevel every area of your life starting with your career and personal development.
You’ll gain confidence through your daily practices and completing each cycle with your daily dials
Developing your powers
Thinking, reading, writing, singing, speaking, coaching, conversations, marketing, sales, project management.
You need to develop the skills and your use of the tools.
Let’s proceed.
Your State of Being
Your thoughts and emotions are the cause for your state of being. They are the cause of your vibration and thus the fundamental factors that you should always be utilizing to achieve what you want in life.
Your life is a series of thoughts and emotions that flavor the moment and develop your ideas.
Your thinking creates an image.
Your imagery invokes emotion.
Emotions cause action.
Action sets up a reaction which leads to your result.
It all comes back to these fundamentals.
You can transform your thoughts and emotions by transforming the meanings and associations you have in your universe.
Emotions are the cause of your actions. They are the energies in motion in your body and everything that we do is because of the way we will feel.
The management of self is really about State management.
The driver of all behavior is Pain and pleasure – so to form good habits we have to link enormous amounts of pleasure to the actions we take that will build the habits that will build the pathway to the results we want.
Changing your frames
It’s all about your frames
Think about it. Just think of one thing you love. That frame feels good. From that frame most of the thoughts you have will be drifting into the background if they’re negative, and immediately drawing similar thoughts of positive things, feelings or experiences into your awareness. That is how the law of attraction works.
You have a thought. Then you have a feeling, and then that causes you to take an action or not take an action. When you have a good thought, more thoughts like it are drawn to you, same thing with a negative thought. Go ahead and try that out.
Your “valuations” are based on your evaluations, which are the perceived levels of worth we place on ourself and others. The valuations are the value judgements we place on ourselves, things, people, experiences, and situations. Your valuations are the key to how you can turn a bad day into a potentially good day. When you have a strong evaluation of yourself you tend to see your strengths or view yourself from a place of self respect and that increases your self esteem and self confidence. When you have a negative evaluation of yourself you are more prone to negative emotions and evaluations of other peoples intent or behaviors. Your valuations are the seeds of figuring out what you value. You can change a situation by the way you evaluate it, just like you can change the way you feel by how you evaluate yourself and your situation.
The frames in your matrix
Start by identifying the frames in your matrix by identifying your core beliefs and your negative beliefs.
Developing focus, this is what Modern Musicianship will help you do.
Developing the power of your concentration. This is what you will be doing as you learn how to harness your inspiration and motivation into concentration with consistency and determination to complete the mission as well as with faith that the seeds you are planting will grow.
Developing yourself
This is how you water and cultivate the seeds.
This is the journey of developing yourself as a person as well as artist and entrepreneur.
You develop yourself everyday through your learning journey, and your interests and passions will grow as you more fully realize your higher self and allow yourself to receive your highest good.
You have to trust in the process of it unfolding exactly as it is supposed to. As the moment is always perfect.
When you do this it gives you confidence, when you have confidence you take action and that leads to the cycle of results you’re getting.
You have to let the false self dissolve along with the old stories and limiting beliefs.
You have to get into flow. All of my life attributed to the process and the practice of getting into flow. Flow with my thinking, flow in meditation, flow in my writing, in my speaking, flow when I’m coaching and having conversations. Flow when I’m golfing and playing hockey or tennis. Everyday I build up the connection between myself and source energy as I further enlighten and awaken all aspects of my potentials.
When I get into the right state, into the right place I can be the right person which is my greatest motivator for action. Intrinsic motivation.
When my mind negates itself or dismisses the potential it is sending off the wrong signals and maintaining a negative vibration. The negative vibration sets up a negative reaction and should be actively averted by focusing on something positive.
What your soul truly seeks is for your mind to be activating its power to create what you want in your life and that means that your mind has to become all in on seeing you thrive.
Such that it creates the frames and beliefs of a person who is thriving.
If you can circumvent that unnecessary friction you’ll achieve what you want with out keeping one foot on the brakes.
It is about developing your genius.
You develop your genius by doing your daily practices and progressing the development of your dreams, powers and potentials.
I seek to be flowing like a great river, expanding on beauty and love and joy and pure bliss consciousness.
Developing self,
You develop yourself by what you learn and how you think during the day, it’s very critical that you do so effectively.
developing content,
You develop content each day as you grow and learn and tap into greater ideas and perspectives that you form, as you develop your voice as you develop little assets that produce the value in and for your life.
Reactivating the spark
Allowing yourself to receive the gift of the moment.
Is all we’ll ever need to do. Completing each next single step is all we ever need to do.
But You have to be open to receive the idea, feeling, experience, or train of thought that expands and energizes you.
When we align and allow god to work with and through us we transition over to a higher level of consciousness and elevated states of being.
This place of love consciousness is where I now come from as my fundamental state of being.
This place of love is stronger than any other force in the universe working against the harmony of my greatest good.
Content development is the expression of your soul as driven by your purpose and learning journey.
Each moment could be another high vibe output of divine creation and expression as long as you live into the blueprints of the life you really want and play each cycle full out.
Intensions of experience
I aim to build the passive income revenue streams that support my mission of music business liberation while doing what I most love and am passionate about. Helping develop your potentials. Helping you self actualize and achieve music business liberation.
You are this possible everything.
You see it’s all about your vibe. Everything you do you do to increase your vibe. Your overall levels of flow.
It’s about getting into harmony with god, the universe, the superconscious, the source and then progressing along your path and purpose.
Your job is to remember that the moment is perfect. It’s always perfect. Life in it’s natural state is perfect. The joy that can be felt every single moment is the gift that god and the universe offer.
My job as a master sgt for the artists revolution is to ensure that you build the foundation and the structure for the long term flourishing of your career. To build a brand that thrives all night. That you make it to your music business liberation. This means all the way to your paradise, doing what you love, on your own terms.
My job is to help you fulfill your purpose and achieve your dreams. I coach you along your journey and empower you with the training, tools and resources to operate as a Modern Musician.
To get everyone to play along at home I created it as a game.
To facilitate you on your journey to self actualization, enlightenment, and then complete music business liberation.
I stand for empowering you to be the master of your self, your career, and your content.
What I really aim for you is to learn how to transform your emotional states by transforming your thinking to have predominately positive, empowered states and experiences in your life.
Connecting to what drives you.
As a former combat veteran with PTSD I am no stranger to a vast range of emotional states and experiences. You have to learn how to control your emotional states and you can do that by changing the way you think and feel.
We get addicted to our stories and it keeps us stuck.
Or we ruminate on thoughts we’d do better to just ignore.
There are times that you don’t feel like working and don’t feel motivated. But how do you use your environment and the power of your inner os to transform the way you feel and thus get into a productive state that powers your dreams? How do you harness your mental faculties and your emotions to uplevel another cycle towards your dream?
Start with awareness. What are you aware of now for your powers of reason, for your intuition, for your powers of perception, for your powers of willpower and focus, imagination, and memory?
Start with the picture in your head. It is driving around all your thoughts and feelings and it’s your job to enjoy the process and drive the dream.
Now let me break this down.
Thoughts, feelings, actions, habits, pathway, superpower in paradise.
The first thing to understand is that we all live in a matrix. Where we are bound by our traditional conditioning and programming. These are the paradigms of your thinking and feeling. Most of our paradigms are there to support us, but occasionally you come across one that is actively holding you back… how do you shift into a new paradigm to let your highest self emerge and steer the ship into it’s full potential and greatest good again?
For a while… the answer is willpower.
It will be conscious competence at first but eventually it will become automatic. You’ll be unconsciously competent.
Part of my mission is to get to help you awaken and then activate in the game. You will do this through training and the many Modern Musician activation exercises. Your job is fulfillment and goal achievement.
First start with the Identity which is the driver of your behavior.
You have to develop the most passionate most confident version of yourself as the identity and you have to learn how to see and think from this perspective to shift yourself into the right habits that will evolve you into the person you are divinely becoming.
If your identity is the champion then that is who you will be.
When you match a clear intention with an elevated emotion you create a new state of being.
Abandon your judgements when altering your identity as they will try to hold you back and keep you accustom to certain thoughts and feelings. Your traditional conditioning and programming is the cause for your suffering which must be dealt with through allowing yourself to heal and strengthen to become your best self. Your true self is not the false self which dissolves and eventually fades away as the true self is here to stay.
You have to commit yourself to a quality of life, and a standard of living. Commit to raising your vibration a little each and every day. You have to commit yourself to being the person who is the champion.
Your mental models or constructs are the frames of your mind they are like the blueprints by which you see the world. When your expectations match your blueprints you are happy. Otherwise there is an emotional conflict as something gets negotiated to rebalance the reality that you are calibrated at.
Your vibration is this growing aura that you are cultivating each day through your daily activities, your habits and practices.
Your thoughts are like the garden of your mind, let the good thoughts grow into words and actions and tend the garden of your mind with a fine tooth comb.
A lot of people think that their thoughts won’t get better, but they’re wrong, they will get better if they work on them.
Awareness is the answer to first understanding something is right or wrong and then once you can see the situation and realistically assess what you can do to improve it take the action or thinking process in another direction.
Note the cause you have
Note the symptom
Build the new paradigm
You have to construct the beliefs into a paradigm and then strengthen and solidify those new beliefs into a paradigm that reinforces your unstoppable self concept.
Changing the picture
This can be a visual image that empowers you or it can be a collage of experiences or wanted feelings and desires.
Discipline yourself to think and feel your desired emotions each day.
I look forward to the feelings of joy and harmony each day. I like to bask in the feelings of glory and feel the daily training I’m doing like I’m rocky getting ready to win the championship.
The picture in your head, or your mental construct is some of the most important and confusing aspects of our reality.
To start with and go from thinking and progress the story action cycle one workblock at a time.
It’s not what you do, it’s the way you do it.
The present moment energy that’s being generated by the present moment thoughts and how I am using them is why my life is the way it is. Write a beautiful symphony with your mind. Don’t let it dwell in dark places.
Well you have to know that you are either moving in a positive direction and keep going, or recognizing that you are not on track and correcting course. You have to align your energies with what you want and you have to commit to achieving the intentions you set for your emotional states
You get results by the way that you feel.
If you want to feel more joy you have to give yourself reasons to feel joyful. It doesn’t have to be much. I get joy from teaching. I also get joy from practice teaching people things in my own mind. I literally dream about teaching people life impacting breakthroughs. I’m always practicing what it means to be in charge of my emotional vibration.
Own your power – Take responsibility for your emotional states
Take responsibility as the creator and not as the victim. This means that you are not blaming or complaining that others did something to you, but instead empowering yourself as the creator of your own reality.
You are a creator – Fire and wire until your models of understanding are sound and well lit pathways to the emotional states that empower you to be the person you want to become.
It’s definitely true that you can control the experience of the life you have by what you focus on.
Meeting the moment and beginning the process of improving each result one micro session at a time.
The sparks of meaningful moments. Allowing and encouraging these encounters to bring you the joy you desire, it is in this constant state of trying to get into flow that keeps your mind busy doing what It can be for your own advancement.
Mine your past for some transcendent truth that inspires and motivates rather than limits or disempowers.
Managing your state – mastering your emotional state is how you will learn to transform your life by managing your thoughts and feelings. This is how you will direct your energy to purpose driven actions and wanted experiences and results.
The management of your state is the management of your energy.
Your focus Is the magnifying glass that directs where your energy goes. Your ability to control this focus is central to owning your power.
Concentration – concentration is your ability to sustain your focus for increasing periods of time. I used to meditate 3-14 hours a day and my concentration was incredible… These days I’m spending much less time around 2+ hours in meditation per day but my daily work on my daily dials allows me to build up knowledge and skills and make connection, insights and breakthroughs on the daily.
The best way to develop your concentration is with a candle flame or with a spot on the wall, stare at it and think of a mantra or a topic and keep concentrating on growing that one idea.
There are many processes to develop concentration and there are many Modern Musician Activation Exercises to get you started and help you build up the muscle of concentration.
So in conclusion: Here are a few final tips for transforming your emotional state.
Refresh your connection to life and to people
There is gold in the divine and can be found in people if you look and clear the way for those connections to be positive and life affirming relationships.
Don’t do or say something that diminishes you
There is power in the word. Spoken, written, audible or visual, your words matter a lot and what most people do is they say things that diminish them and other people. I’ve certainly done it before, but I try my best now to speak to the greatest and best in myself and others.
Play your role – We all play roles in this life, and your job is to know and understand your role and play it to the best of your ability.
Their are 3 core roles you are responsible for as a Modern Musician.Leader – The leader and CEO of your content business.Manager – The manager of your schedule and content business.The performer – The person who performs all activities and functions.
Play your role by what you say, by what you do, by what you feel, by who you are.
Changing your self image can improve your self esteem more than just about anything.
Breathing and emotional intention are your friends.
Deep diaphramatic breathing can transform your emotional state faster and more effectively than just about anything — some good exercises are the alternate nostril and the victory breath activation exercises you learned or will learn later.
Meditation/mindfulness are your best friends for transforming your emotional states and your default ways of being. With intention and visualization and overall success conditioning done consistently you can transform your state of being and uplevel your life. Each session is the building block for a massive transformation over a long period of time. But you will feel the effects of your meditation practice almost immediately.
Focus on what you do want not what you don’t
This is one almost seems like it is too basic to even mention, but it’s the power in the fundamentals that has the most transformative power. The fact is that we don’t consciously think about what we are shooting for enough and we get caught up trying to avoid what we don’t want. This reversal in your mind will save you what took me a decade and a half to figure out.
Inspirational videos
Watch them and then take action.
Activation Exercise:
Every day, some sort of exercise for some period of time will ensure you are healthy and resilient and able to transform your emotional states without a lot of excess anxiety or fatigue.