The Email Types For Modern Musicians

There are 7 most common types of email that you’ll send out.

Content Based Story Telling

I had this experience and learned these things. You could speak of events or experiences that made you come alive, as well as share your dreams with the audience, you have to find the style and tone that are right for you and your audience.


These are obviously promotional in nature and are usually centered around a launch or a campaign promoting a show, or selling a ticket. These can be long sequences of emails with upsells and downsells as well as promoting subscriptions to your email list or other places to view your portfolio of work.


Transactional emails are perfunctory in nature and can be



Broadcasting emails to nurture subscribers into loyal customers

Trigger based

abandondened basket sequence

someone watches your video

someone becomes a true fan

Someone becomes a new fan

Someone attends a performance




or to participate.