Take Regular Breaks

It can be hard to get up sometimes... You feel like you won't remember where you left off, like you won't be satisfied if you don't push a little harder and hammer it out. Listen. DON'T get STUCK. Get up and take regular breaks. Your mind and your body will thank you.

One thing i used to think, is that if i hammer it out and just keep pushing, that the right melody, the right lyric, the right sound, the right take is just around the corner.

But by this time i've already pushed myself to hard as it is… and its just, time to take my mind off of it, take a break, go on a walk, just zoom out a bit.

But since you become so attached to the song and your music, it can be illusively hard to do.

i've learned that it is almost equally as important to your skills and technique while working, to know when to get up and take a break.

Here are a few tips for keeping your workflow, flowing.

if you are starting to get a headache…. get up.

if you are starting to get frustrated… get up.

if your ears are ever starting to hurt… get up

Be a problem solver. work with a purpose. if there is something that you don't like, or don't want… find out what it is, and learn how to fix it.

Create and work in phases.Take Regular Breaks!

Prioritize those pieces based on energy expenditure.

will have to end here for today. Have the best day you can have.



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