summer sale offer 1

Summer Sale Starting Now!

Summer Sale!

Well it’s the most beautiful time and day of the year in Ann Arbor MI, and it’s almost time for one of the most important days of the year for the united states, our independence day, (July 4th) so I’ve decided to run a summer sale for 30% off ALL Academy memberships.

If you’ve been on the fence about joining but have been curious about music business coaching and interested in taking your operation to the next level, now might be the right time. Consider this a sign and advance along the next step of your path by booking a Music Business Breakthrough Session now.

If you need a refresher here’s why you should step into the arena and accelerate your career’s growth…

To be clear I’m talking about the coaching for your career and souls development…

Having a coach is like having a guide who’s job is to facilitate the optimal unfoldment of your life.

A good coach will get you to do the things you don’t always want to do, to become the person you want to be.

What else does a good coach do?

Helps you achieve your goals

Helps you increase performance and productivity

Creates an environment of growth and wellness - a safe place to let life unfold

Shows the players how to look at the game

Shows the players and the team how to play at their best and how to enjoy the game

Helps bring the best out of you (the player)

Ensures sustained commitment

Helps you identify and align values

Helps you identify and overcome blindspots

Holds you (the players) accountable for achieving your greatness

Reminds you of what you need to know to continue living with excellence

Powerfully reinforces the journey and the importance of experiencing all that life has to offer

Helps develop strengths and cover down on weaknesses

How we help you level up your game with the coaching and training academy

Your career is like a vehicle, and we help you manage your vehicle as well as help you get to your desired destinations. Your goals and dreams. With a GPS, a map, and a guide we coach you to your artistic, personal, and career goals like a modern musician.

Strong interactive support will help you progress faster and more effectively than doing it without strong interactive support.

Accountibility - there’s nothing like having your ass on the line. You need to put some skin in the game to motivate as well as perpetuate optimal performance. With accountability you’ll follow through and complete the mission.

This is how you’ll increase your results (income, fans, productivity, and happiness) across all your KPI’s, and how you’ll fulfill your goals and desires.

Motivation is more a matter of leveraging internal and external factors to put yourself in a position to succeed.

Coaching is easily the most effective way to grow your career and one of the smartest investments you could make in your future. It will pay for itself multiple times over and my coaching comes with a money back guarantee.

If you think Music Business Coaching is right for you Book a Music Business Breakthrough Session now to get clear on your goals, work on your plan, and advance along your true path and take advantage of this summer time sale to get in at 30% off.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger 

The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.

Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy

Author of The Music Business Manifesto

Creator of the Music Business Blueprint


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