The Starting Point for any Expert/Artist/Personal Brand

Your mission for today is simple. It really is the The Starting Point for any Expert/Artist/Personal.

As a Modern Content Creator, your success and fulfillment will largely hinge upon clarity and purpose.

Just getting off the phone with a new client, Im reminded of how fundamentally VITAL these four little words are.

They are truly the basis of everything that drives us, or at least, they should be; yet many of us will find it so easy to get bogged down in the day to day activities that we’ll often lose perspective of those all important roots of motivation, inspiration, and direction in our careers as Expert/Artist/ and Personal Brands.

This exercise, which is typically Mission number 1 with my clients and students, is basic basics, but it really is one of the most powerful exercises you could ever do, and If you have not already done it, NOW is the time.

Clarity is the single most important factor for success in the New Economy, and as a modern content creator, period.

All this particular mission entails is defining four questions. It will not take you longer than 15 minutes, and it is not hard to complete.

As we quickly approach 2013, now is the best time to get this pinned down to be ready for 2013 to be EPIC.

Go ahead and watch this short video now and complete the mission.

Please share your comments below, and pass this along to anyone you care for.

Have an amazing week, and i'll see you on our next mission.

P.S. Let me know your thoughts on the video.




or to participate.