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- Rewriting Your Story
Rewriting Your Story
Your story is how you can effectively live into the blueprints of the life you were made for. When you live a life by design you become your best self by stripping away the old stories and narrative and rewriting the old scripts that are running around in your head and causing you issues. With Modern Musicianship you learn to detach from the old stories and integrate ways of being that are both in line with your story, the more accurate version of who you truly are, instead of the limiting stories that may have held you back in the past.
You see Modern Musicianship starts with identity. You need to develop an unstoppable self concept and write the story that more accurately defines your life and your narrative.
Over time we get too caught up in the minutia and ideas, beliefs, suggestions from others, accusations, fears, all pile up and confuse the glorious story of your true self. You may not see it right now, but if you could see the future you are destined for you would happily get up every morning and work 10-12-14+ hours a day all day every day for years to achieve it. The thing is that you can’t see it yet. Since you don’t see it you don’t feel it. So the first thing to do is to identify what you want and begin to see yourself of capable of having and achieving that. You are apart of something incredible and play a major role for many people and as the star in your show you inspire the world.
For a long time I felt like a lost cause and someone who was different. Though I could relate to many people, I feel that’s one of the biggest blessings, is that I can see and relate to everyone in some way, I still felt different than most of the people in my life in that I didn’t have a set place or an established “tree” of my own.
I now see the way that God prepares a path and knows you deeper than you know yourself until you are ready to see and understand the greatness that is within you. You uncover and develop that greatness every day through a series of courageous steps that lead you to who you become.
You have to first understand that there is a large range of possible versions and scenarios as well as interpretations and possible courses of action. The goal is to identity the optimal version and pathway for you. Life is meant to be a divine unfoldment of the things you desire and dream of. Not a constant struggle. There will be challenges and struggles as the very nature of life holds a positive and a negative charge. But it is in the contrast that what you want becomes clear. Your job then is to move towards what you want, and not focus on the negative and things that don’t serve you.
Possibility is the name of the game
If you don’t believe in possibilities it usually reflects that you don’t believe in yourself. The name of the game is to believe in both and continue to take inspired action. Possibility is the seed. If you are open to it you can find possibilities everywhere you look. While if you are not careful you may find yourself shooting ideas and possibilities down because you are temporarily doubting or without a firm belief in what value and power you hold.
Finding limiting beliefs and clearing them
Throughout your day you will no doubt come across limiting beliefs that block or inhibit your full view of your true self. This happens in many ways during the day, and that’s why mindfulness and awareness are such powerful tools to help you notice and become aware of where there are errant or limiting beliefs that hold you back. Through identifying the belief, you can begin to unravel it by tracing it back to where It came from, how it developed and then resolving that event or story from, and if you can’t determine why or where it came from then you just need to understand that you have to use your inner OS to clear these limiting beliefs and replace them with powerful beliefs and then strengthen them, thus strengthening your identity, and clearing the pathway to your dreams. You get to you dreams through your beliefs. When you strengthen your identity as someone who takes action you will find yourself taking more and more action and that it feels really good when you do.
Acting in harmony with life and alignment with your true self. Your higher self.
There are many ways we can be. There are many people that will we encounter and it’s impossible to know what life will evolve into at a moment by moment basis because you are always learning and growing. Life is learning, and you always want to pay attention to the good that is unfolding for you. It is always teaching you something. It holds so many fruits and gifts that when you act in alignment with your vision and your identity and come from your true self, life opens up it’s secrets to you and shows you everything you need to know. In faith and trust that you are divine and that this universe works on laws and principles that you can align with is the attitude I want you to approach life with from here on in.
The path to mastery
Your new story now includes your path to mastery, mastery of your self, of your career, and of your content. This is central to the journey of Modern Musicianship. The mastery mindset includes the growth mindset which includes a belief that improvement is possible. That becoming better over time is something that we are capable of and Modern Musicianship is the disciplined pursuit of your greatest good and the mastery of your life.
Growth and development
For me, the traditional path and the traditional education system weren’t effective. My story started as I answered the call to pick myself up from broke and homeless and eventually led me to becoming the music business architect, to traveling the pathway to becoming the best I could be which lead me to my daily dedication and devotion of feeding myself with and developing wisdom and skills for the last 15 years of self education and training as I started and evolved my content business which would eventually lead to envisioning and founding music business liberation, creating and refining Modern Musicianship and building a complete development system. Through my self education (apart of what I call Complete Learning) and training as well as time served in the military I learned a ton of lessons as I developed my gifts and was inspired to create the ultimate artist development system for creators in the modern world. Inspired by Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn and thousands of other giants whose shoulders I now stand on I kept my mind open through the army and then war and then coming home and then ptsd and then through to my spiritual enlightenment, where I spent 7 years essentially becoming an enlightened zen master, and over the last three years I’ve been writing several hundred articles in order to flesh out and finish the first two books on Modern Musicianship and The Modern Musician,
The thing I’m most proud of is who I am as a master sergeant for the artists revolution, the music business architect, the founder and CEO of Music Business Liberation and Modern Musicianship.
Creating a complete development system
Though it’s been a project that has spanned over a decade it is my life’s work to build the ultimate system for artist and talent development in the modern world. I want this thing to last for thousands of years so I’ve been hard at work to learn and refine my approach, methodologies, techniques, tools, training and templates to create something outstanding that offers a creator everything they need to thrive all night doing what they love. Modern Musicianship helps you install the core components of the ultimate system for unlocking your full potential right into your life.
In Conclusion:
My life changed when I got serious about being the best me that I could be. To be all that I could be became my mission and quest and is why I excelled in bootcamp and achieved self actualization in my life. Journaling is something that really saw the full development of my potential through my honest conversation with life and all the people in my universe. Meditation and writing, exercise, mental, physical, spiritual, emotional development and success conditioning changed my life from zero to hero of music business liberation and the artists revolution. The secret is to get started and fail forward faster on your path to becoming healthy, wealthy, wise and happy.