Research Survey

Chasing Stars or Hopping Trains...

Which bandwagon are you on, because you can't be on both.

It's time to hear back from you.

It's up to us to look out for each other , To pull each other up. No one else will.

They'll step on our voices if we're not careful.

Luckily things are evolving.

***This Week's Coaching Tip***

"People are often unreasonable and self-centered.Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people mayaccuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. Ifyou are honest, people may cheat you.

Be honest anyway.

If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.Do good anyway. Give the world the best you haveand it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

For you see, in the end, it is between you andGod. It was never between you and them anyway."Kent M. Keith

---I hope you've been getting some value from the content i've been sending out-, and that you are starting to look at the growth of your music business differently as a result.

My personal mission remains to help indie musicians upgrade and thrive in the modern music business, to help them grow their careers and fan base more effectively than a major label, on their own terms, without contracts or giving up a percentage. 

I help aspiring, emerging, and established musicians reach their goals faster while having more fun along the journey. To connect, unite, and engage their tribe via grassroots career development (bottom up, not top down) and better use of their resources-in order to grow their fan base, earn more income, and experience more joy doing what they love most.

As the doors to the Academy come to a close, i've launched an initiative to further pinpoint where the exact state of independent music businesses are at right now. This is how we'll be able to find and improve any weaknesses across the indie musician community-and reaffirm the areas that we are already getting right. It is also how we will be able to improve the level of support and guidance available to indie musicians. But now is where we need to hear back from you.

Please take 2 minutes to fill this out.

Research Study - Condensed Mission Proposal

Virtually every independent musician and music business owner needs, wants and deserves a more substantial quality of support as well as reward for being incredible content creators and the uniters of their tribe in the modern music business.

The fact is that traditional strategies no longer cut it, and an upgraded approach is primed and ready to bloom. Philosophically, and congruent in my practice as well teaching principles (time tested and backed up repeatedly) it is my bet that doing this optimally will add the most value, to the most people, now and for furthest into the future.

For everyone involved both directly and indirectly.

As a music business coach who firmly believes in the power of keeping things independent, natural, and of the highest value to indie musicians i believe it is my proper course of due diligence based upon my position and vantage point in the market to lead an initiative to help update the business models and help indie musicians better connect, engage and unite their tribe using the modern toolset. 

I have created what i believe to be a better way to build a fan base and offer a more effective level of support and guidance for our amazing content creators who deserve to have everything they need to organically grow and harvest their unique content as well as unite their communities in a brave new world.

To support this initiative simply complete this quick survey here.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger 

The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and earn a full-time living doing what they love-on their own terms.

Author of The Music Business Manifesto

Creator of the Music Business Blueprint


or to participate.