How to Regain Your Focus With The Conscious Driver

How to Regain Your Focus Using The Conscious Driver

One of the most important tools, maybe the most important skill in home recording, in learning things in the digital realm, and in making practical level progress in general, is a concept i call the conscious driver.

IMAGINE... You are juggling a couple of tasks simultaneously, you have a stack of to do’s this week, and you’ve just found yourself traveling to some landing page sales offer-after checking your email, again....

All of a sudden, you see the simultaneous processes of several things you could be doing with your time, and in that split moment you are not sure which one is most worthy of your time... That unsettling feeling of overwhelm runs through your blood, and you start to slouch a little lower in your chair, but just before you get up, curse that you can’t do this, you remember this tiny little method you learned...

The following concept is a really convenient mental framework i developed out of a bizarre frustration that kept occurring from juggling so many things, AND trying to keep my head straight. Wearing so many hats, and blending between a very creative, and FAST, subconscious processing, with a slower, but MUCH MORE controlled, conscious thought process.

What is the Conscious Driver?

It’s a concept. Pretty simple in nature, as it involves consciously transitioning from one thing to the next, as opposed to habitually or unconsciously bouncing around from idea to idea, shiny object, email or social media loop, etc.

It’s an active, practical approach to slowing you down and clarifying a situational priority, making a decision on a single focal point, and then committing to that objective.

Who can this help?

Anyone who may lose focus, anyone who may get swarmed with ideas, anyone who may get overwhelmed with options or get stressed or burn out quickly because their is too much uncertainty.

This is especially useful for people who are working with learning things online, or in any environment where there is a lot of possible distraction.

How can it get you out of a confused, overwhelmed, or indecisive state?

Clarification, simplification of options, and maybe THE most practical approach to realistically calming your mind, making a decision, and getting it done peacefully and consistently.

The Conscious Driver

This is not some mumbo jumbo psycho babble concept with a “teaser“ approach and a ”three easy payments of 19.99“ at the end to hear the secret... This is very practical. In fact, it may be so simple, that most people miss it.

Just remember that simple ain’t necessarily easy...

If we want to look a little deeper, we are talking about the way the human brain would logically process things, only, today things are different, and this overload is a real problem.

See before we had the tv, radio, internet, things were much simpler. So to live, we needed to eat, so we would go hunt food. We didn’t just go prance out into the woods without any consideration to what we were trying to hunt, what we needed, who would go with us, etc...

We had a set of tools... and except for the most primitive and desperate of situations we would do a little planning before-hand.

Our thoughts, lifestyles, and technologies have evolved into CONSTANT, UNPROCESSED STIMULI.

Thus a problem with working online and why things can be overwhelming is because of the fact that are lives are complex, fast paced and ever changing. Our attention spans have decreased, and the type of skill and attention to detail that disciplined practice produces is an increasingly rare thing, yet is inherent to getting great results.

Now keep in mind that this is not your GOAL SETTING, or PLANNING phase. These ARE important. VITAL actually, to finding the right direction, and plotting your course. The conscious driver is a THINK ON YOUR FEET tool. It is a mental framework consisting of a few key concepts that you should build into a habitual thought process for moment to moment re-focusing on your most important objectives. It should be your go-to tool that pops up on your mental flat screen when tempted with distraction or anxious with overwhelming possibility and an indecisive next priority.

**Its all about questions, and asking the right ones will give you the right answers, which will refocus your mind, which will rejuvenate your energy, and lead to more productivity in your work, and in your life.

Again. Before you dismiss this, try it. Actually complete the exercise first, i hope you’ll find its a simple solution and mental habit that brings you more peace, and improved results.

How To Regain Your Focus and Your Energy In 5 Steps

Step 1... Readjust. Stand up or take a break, just break your state for a second. Adjust yourself so that you are totally comfortable. Alignment is the most important. By optimizing our physiology, we literally can help our mind come to the right answer, and get back on track.

Step 2... Clarify what you are trying to accomplish. Consciously iterate it. Understand what your main goal is. Breathe, and straighten up.

Step 3... Constraints - Let’s restrict the possibilities of ALL we could do to the few realistic options, and the best way to do that is to get practical about what’s realistic, given our resources right now. Let’s start to narrow down by what the time frame we are working with is, and then factor any additional hinderences that would make us lessen our options.

Step 4.... Practical objective - Next we need to determine what can we realistically do to make the MOST practical-level progress, given our main objective. The key word here is PRACTICAL. We need to be realistic and understand that rome wasn’t built in a day. Determine the biggest NEXT step that you can take.

Step 5.... Action - The final step is ALWAYS the most important.. Take action! This is also the hardest part, and your mind can come up with all kinds of excuses not to do it and why you shouldn’t. Fight through that, and don’t let that win. By taking action you are building your confidence and trust in your abilities to get the job done, despite the way you feel.

Though these five steps may seem simple, i can assure you that going through this exercise can save your day. Use it and find out for yourself. I hope this helps you to be more productive and get you back on track any time you may need to, as quickly and as effectively as possible.


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