reconnection campaign

Back on track

It's been a wild ride.

but we're back on track.

I've been thinking about how to reconnect with you after last year. 

i'm still not sure if i should just be open and direct with you after such a trying year for me personally, (my year from hell) or just focus on all the positives that still abound-surrounding what we're doing here with artist development and performance coaching for musicians.

On the one hand we're at the most exciting time in history and in my life personally as well… 

On the other hand - i feel like so much was taken from me last year that i just want to hulk out and smash the town.

It's true. 2017 was a year of more pain, grief and heartache than i've ever been hit with.

Last Fall was the worst season of my life, and winter wasn't letting up any-either.

My emotions synced up with the storms and the seasons and before winter was done the heavens took my grandma as well as my youthful enthusiasm.

I'm a combat vet. I've spent years away from home with people trying to kill me. But this was a different kind of challenge. 

Seeing someone you love slowly die.


I had to re-assess and rebalance and recover.

It was a process but things are now going very well.Got back online with my priorities straightened and lifestyle balanced for what's going to be the biggest adventure of my life.

Recovering and almost healed up from last year i’m turning my attention back onto you and the purpose that brings us together. Music Business. Coaching is going to take our industry and level of success/quality of life to another level by turning musicians into enlightened voices and inspirational beacons as tribe leaders and cultural influencers.

you are a/the voice for your tribe and getting together to study the best practices, tips and techniques is in order.

What i’ve been working on for the last 15 years is finally coming to fruition and i’m very excited.

This has been a long time coming and i’m proud to pursue complete liberation with you on this road back home.

i’ve got 12 months to get this book, the training system, the software, the magazine, and the album done.

it’s a lot to accomplish, but it's time. and the first thing we’re going to do is conduct the pioneers study starting with a crowdfunding campaign. the pioneers study will be a comprehensive study to find out another iterative round of what is and is not working right now for musical artists leading the charge.

let me know you are still listening and interested to hear about the developments.

P. S. i'll be producing new content every week from here on in, (though i may not be posting on a consistent basis for a little while anyway) and following up about the progress on this crowdfunding campaign shortly.

god bless,Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators--> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show!Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation AcademyAuthor of The Music Business ManifestoCreator of the Music Business Blueprint 


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