As your Optimal Performance Coach, i want you to integrate a new concept into your habits-both short and long term. Besides meditation, it'll do more for you in terms of long term and short term performance than anything else. It's a must have prescription for all my clients and students' work habits. The concept is the use of Pit Stops. Pit stops are what high performance racecars employ to refresh, refuel and optimize for long term performance. Your brain is that high performance race car. If you don't take these strategic breaks to recalibrate your mind body and soul then you will wear the rubber down to the rim and cause system damage which could lead to errors and performance loss long term. To me it's not worth the risk. Pit Stops and meditation are mainstay practices that i've employed over the last 15 years to maintain very high quality mental states and do my best work. It helps me maintain an alertness and a freshness with my vibration. It's like a energy cleanse every time. It's REALLY really ok for you to refresh to the natural state of feeling good. :)- You must take the liberty for doing so! Pit Stops throughout your day will keep your vehicle, particularly your mind and body being the engine-capable of optimal performance and provide you with a very high quality of life as most people don't remember to take these short breaks every 30-60 minutes or so. You can find the time that works best for you. You will want to play around with it. Somewhere around 45-55 minutes being the sweet spot for me, but other people will say 25 minutes is the sweetspot for them. Build your days out in workblocks and worksets. A series of the workblocks, or periodized execution-being a workset. Integrate these Pit Stops into your daily workflows and you will optimize your brain and your quality of life. Give yourself that give of a recalibration after each workblock to give yourself the perpetuating cycles of focused concentration at a level of mental quality that will make the state of your life radiant and optimally performing. Implement this practical habit and you'll change your life. As your coach, i'm here when you are ready to discuss the growth of your music/content business. Book a complementary session here. Stay Fresh, Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators --> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show! Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms. Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy Author of The Music Business Manifesto Creator of the Music Business Blueprint