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- Why Personal Development is The Key To Your Success
Why Personal Development is The Key To Your Success
Why do you need to embrace the path of self mastery and embarking on the journey of personal development in addition to artistic and entrepreneurial growth?
Because everything rises and falls with your own personal development, your identity, your character, your personality, your experience, your decision making effectiveness all contribute to the cascading symphony that your life becomes because of your own personal development.
What is Personal Development?
It's the development of your talent and potential. Turning talent into skills and strengths into superpowers. It is the improvement of yourself. It is the pathway and progression you follow to become who you are destined to be. It’s doing, thinking, and feeling the things that allow you to be your best self.
Let me ask you a question.
Why do we believe in the development process of all kinds of products and services we buy in our lives yet don’t believe in and invest in the development of our very self?
I need to get you sold on you in order for you to live your purpose, spiritually connect to your source, create growth, and master your destiny.
We believe in the flourishing of people through practices that build people up, rather than tear people down.
Success, well-being, and relationships depend on your personal development
When you do extraordinary things to become an extraordinary person, you expect great things out of life and that’s what you find.
Why do you need to adopt this mindset?
Personal development is the key to self mastery and lasting fulfillment. It is the foundation for your growth, happiness, mastery, self actualization, and fulfillment.
It’s about becoming the best you possible.
Leaders rise and fall by how committed to their personal development they are.
Their careers grow to the level of personal development they have achieved.
Modern Musicians work on themselves harder than they do on their job.
They become masters at the process and integrate their personal development into their artist and entrepreneurial Development.
It’s this integrated training that helps them become their best and achieve their best.
Modern Musicians make their craft their obsession - developing skills, habits and mindsets in hundreds of areas of interest, topics and passions to produce high value content that turns them on and serves their audience.
They study success and develop a success consciousness.
You begin to build an unstoppable self concept because you demonstrate to yourself that you are worth taking the time to improve and thus begin to see yourself as an unstoppable person.
You are assembling and building and cooking up a world class meal for you and your whole family, so build an unstoppable self concept and level up your identity first and the behavior and feelings will change later as a result.
You stop focusing on what’s wrong, lack or limitation, or why you can’t do something and you just focus on what you want.
You can either live in the problem or in the solution. Do you want to be the victim or the victor? The victor isn’t going to circumvent having any challenges, but he trains for and allows himself to live in the solution instead of the problem. It’s a totally different state and it is the foundation for thriving and flourishing long term.
Hunger to improve and master your life
You don’t just want to improve things you really want to master them. You don’t want to have average conversations you want to have extraordinary ones.
Get so clear on your vision that nothing is going to stop it from happening.
What do you want to grow?
I set out to pioneer the future of artist and talent development and it led me to developing the skills, habits, and mindsets necessary for becoming the content and music business architect and founding music business liberation as well as founding modern musicianship. Just get started on the journey and let it evolve as you learn, do and grow.
Development and expansion
Life is about the development and the journey as well as the process of expansion you experience in pursuit of the mission. It’s about committing to your ideals and sticking to them in order to become the ideal version.
A person who enriches himself is a rich man. He has a rich interior life.
Personal development is the invisible element that energizes us and helps us actualize our potentials.
It’s what has led to the founding of this company and mission Music Business Liberation, a daily journey to become the best I could be.
I built a disciplined inner operating system and evolved through blissipline.
Any spiritual teacher will tell you that no greater service can be done than to develop and actualize your talent, and give the best of ones self to develop their own potentials.
"Find a man dilligent in his work and he’ll stand among kings"
Expands your perspective in the world
I’ve always thought about and approached the world a bit differently than most.
There are many benefits to following your heart and listening to your intuition. The pathway for Modern Musicianship was born out of the need for a diverse set of skills needed to be successful long term in this world.
Establishing your set points
You want to establish your set points
Physically With your thoughts and feelings With your patterns With your spiritual connection With your finances With your identity With your relationships With your workflows
Your setpoints are your vibrational default patterns that determine for a large part your state of being. When you tap into your own spirituality you walk with the path of harmony and one-ness through treasuring the divinity in yourself and others.
Growth mindset
Personal development is about the growth and development of your potentials, it is with a growth mindset that we see and continuously grow and develop in all ways.
Peace of mind Health and energy Loving relationships Financial freedom Personal fulfillment
Building many great pieces of content, developing skills and capabilities gives you confidence and clarity and that equals power. Your confidence can be trained and built up in several different ways, it’s rather involved to try to summarize in a sentence or two but you definitely need to get a plan and build confidence in yourself up.
Makes you stronger
Personal development makes you a stronger, more resiliant, more reliable, more effective person in every area of your life. It’s not just from books, but from application of the wisdom in the books, when that knowledge goes from learning to doing it is activated in your practice and the result of that development is who you become.
Learning journey
Personal development includes your learning journey which is apart of what Modern Musicians understand as complete learning.
It is in the integration that learned skills and ways of being begin to transform you and your world. You have to be patient but persistent in application of the principles.
It’s your motivation and your inspiration that you need to cultivate by why stacking and practices that cultivate your drive and ambition.
Skill development
Your personal development largely consists of the development of unique skills that assist you in your journey through life and allow you to create your own future.
Build daily habits around reading and learning, creating, meditating, exercise and improving yourself. These habits will form the foundation for the rest of your life.
To begin you have to first know your baselines
Where are you at on a scale of 1-10 in each area of management?
Physical 1-10 Inner OS 1-10 Spiritual 1-10 Relational 1-10 Financial 1-10 Career 1-10 Intellectual 1-10 Recreational 1-10
Personal development leads to clarity and focus, which leads to knowing what you want, and by developing your strengths and making your weaknesses irrelevant, you build a path and a life that you love born out of the wanted things, experiences, and relationships that you desire and dream of. In other words you build a life around your true self. Therefore, it is like building your house on a rock that will guide you home throughout all the years.
Personal development shapes how you see the world, if that paradigm is always growing and evolving, so will your whole life be growing and evolving.
Personal development is a life affirming process of building confidence and characteristics that propel you to your success. It’s the most rewarding personal and professional journey you will take.
Personal development matures your character along the natural growth of human potential. It is a very self actualizing process as self actualization is one stage in Modern Musicianship.
Modern Musicians integrate a personal development plan into the blueprints for their career growth.
Your intellectual journey is important as well as your spiritual and career development, personal development is about the learning journey and the skills development that helps you be your best self and live your best life.
Integrating personal development into your life is important in helping develop the factors of your success through how you think, feel, speak and behave. It goes into the recipe of your success and should be planned for.
Set some goals right now for your learning journey and how you are going to integrate personal development into a regular focus in your life. What skills do you need to learn next? What do you need to learn in order to do? Clarifying your thoughts right now will help the transformative process of turning your visions into reality, your dreams into blueprints.
As you’ll learn you are going to want to get a coach and that’s why Music Business Coaching is one component built into Modern Musicianship.
To go over your goals for next season, or to get some insights and a breakthrough, book a Music Business Breakthrough Session and get some music business coaching as our gift to you as a Creator.