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- New Program Announcement - Music Marketing System
New Program Announcement - Music Marketing System
Your Music Marketing System - Free
just a quick heads up on what's right around the corner, and a gift for you.
[First Name], just a quick heads up on what's right around the corner, and gift to drop off for you later this week, no strings attached.
Plus, i'd like to make a little announcement for how you can get my Comprehensive New Program - The Music Marketing System, for free. Later this week.
First, it's been a little while since i've updated you and i hope you don't feel like i've abandoned or forgot about you.
I have not.
I've been a busy little bee, hard at work putting together the training course and toolkit that will help you get to the next level in your career.
There is too much confusion around what exactly your biggest priorities and focal points should be-for advancing yourself as an artist in our modern world. There is also a clear need for some intermediate-to-advanced level step-by-step training for how to build your Music Marketing System.
Although we already created a 12 month program that addresses this (and much more) and is currently serving our amazing membership community, it's become clear to me that their is a GAP, and my goal isn't just to serve the Artists in our Academy, our goal is to serve all artists. To PULL them into the modern world and equip them with the tools to create their musical paradise. Thus, there's a need for me to create a solution that is comprehensive, that will help you right where you are at, and give you the tools and training you need to step up to the next level.
And for my incredible subscribers, you who've been with me from the beginning, i'm going to give you The Complete Music Marketing System, as my gift and thank you for sticking with me all this time.
See, Modern Artists Academy was created as a system that teaches Artists how to use the tools of the modern creator, build their fan base from the ground up, and develop their assets (content, skills, cashflow, and platform/relationships) while doing what they love, and less of what they don't-via creating sophisticated systems and following step-by-step processes to getting their Game on lock...
But that's a long-term program, and many of you are still on the fence... That's cool. Just know that it is always going to be here for those that are ready for it.
But i want to give you much more than a taste of what this is all about actually...
So I've spent a considerable amount of time (hundreds of hours) putting together a super dense system for you and will be releasing it for the first time to you and the world, later this week.
I'm going to be experimenting with both how and why i've decided to do this, and all that i ask for in return is your honest feedback on it so that i can strengthen and improve it and create the most effective program for you possible.
It will be very easy to do as there will be a Google Document that you can simply add a text comment, and/or a voice comment to (cool feature!) to leave your feedback on anything that could use more, better, or possibly less, explanation on. I'm not always 100% certain on if you understand and value the content or not, so this way you can simply let me know. Perhaps, you are like me and prefer more visuals, diagrams and stories. Perhaps you need things spelled out more clearly or better chunked into steps.
Look for that coming later this week (Hopefully! ;-) as we get the finishing touches on her...
In the mean time, do me a favor and reply back to this email with a quick response to the following 2 questions:
Have you ever created or tried to create an effective music marketing system before?
What, at this time, is the single next goal or project that you are focusing the bulk of your time and resources on and why?
Stay Fresh,
Jamie Leger
The Content Business Architect for Artists and Creators
Proudly Helping Thousands of Modern Artists and Creators Master Their A.B.C.'s, (Audience, Brand, Cash-flow) to earn a full-time living doing what they love, on their own terms.
Ph: 734.417.0227 | Skype: Jamie-Leger
www.JamieLeger.com | [email protected]
CEO of The Leading Edge, LLC
Founder of Modern Artists Academy
Author of the Modern Artists Manifesto