new blog post - 8 inner game tips

How good is your inner game?

It's very important. So it's worth a quick self assessment.

Along my journey into the souls optimal development and unfoldment I’ve come to realize just how important your inner game is.

The difference between a good inner game and bad one are the difference between getting and nailing that next opportunity-or not.

Having a good inner game is mission critical to the true success and freedom that you desire and deserve for your music career.

Inner game is one of those important yet rarely brought up subjects.


 i deliver 8 inner game tips that will help you with your artist and music business development.

 and i'll see you in the comments...

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger

*Music Business Liberation helps independent artists and musicians grow their music businesses like a pro. 

 a complementary coaching session to set your goals for 2019 and be ready to hit the ground running come January.


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