Music Publicity Tip #1

Music Publicity Tips: #1

Anytime you are reaching out to ANYONE in the media, please remember one thing...

ALWAYS try to put yourself into the other persons shoes.

So simple. Yet so powerful, this can be.

Speak like Yoda, for some reason, do I today.

Music Publicity Tip #1 - Be A Professional

Think of Jane... The overworked, underpaid, just made it past intern and is SWAMPED with responsibilities and is barely getting by.

She's probably have a difficult day, she's probably busy, tired, stressed...

One thing i bet she's not doing or thinking is... "Well, you know what would make my day today... is if an arrogant musician called and left a message about how his band was the greatest thing since sliced bread and was willing to talk with her about being covered."

Especially when the followup call played on her voice mail 2 days later from the disgruntled musician who didn't receive a response yet...

Just remember, anytime you are proposing something to someone or some business about something that could benefit for your business, don't forget to stop and think about what would make THEIR JOB easier.

Research the person you are going to be talking to or reaching out to... Make the effort... Talk about THEM.

W.I.I.F.M. What's In It For Me - is still a very relevant phrase. In the Music Business, flattery gets you everywhere.

You want to apply the WIIFM thought processing before initiating contact, and then FOLLOW UP.

Always follow up..

But when you do follow up, exercise a "pleasant persistance," rather than an irritated nagging that reeks of entitlement.

Last but not least, DO NOT take anything personally! We artists and musicians are sometimes fragile creatures, but when it comes to business, you have to push that stuff aside, and handle business. Be PROFESSIONAL.

What are your experiences with industry professionals, or the media?

Be Brilliant,


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