Why Music is Less Valuable than Expertise and Information

Today had me thinking about two questions that i want to address with you... Is music less valuable than expertise and quality information? And is this why music cannot be sold for high prices?

Unfortunately, just knowing something, or having experienced something, doesn't mean all that much. At least in terms of creating and adding value to peoples lives. Although there are many things that you can grasp and understand creatively and in the realms of your own thinking, this is NOT where the value comes from. With any content that you create, whether its an article, a book, a program, or a song... The value doesn't come from your knowledge, the value is created by you speaking directly to an immediately recognizable  issue/thought or feeling. With information products, you then of course uncover the solutions that you've found and explain how people can use them to improve some aspect of their lives or business.

Since art, (in our case music) at its very nature is highly subjective, it is obviously different in the way it creates value for people. The only requisite here is that it speaks to someone or resonates in some way shape or form. The solution can sometimes be offered in a freshly illustrated perspective that could be helpful, but it's more about recognition and feeling understood.

Is this why music cannot be sold for $2,000? Because it is not valuable in a practical way...What do you think?

It is perhaps the reason why music must be sold in volume to make any real profits. The fact is, that you are selling a subjective experience to each individual.

So, then begs the question, how do you use your creativity, talent and musical skills to increase profitibility and would you if you knew how?

Do you think you could create something that would provide value to someone else's life to the extent that they would pay you for it, and that could pay for you to explore and continue to have fun making and performing your music?

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