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Music Career Development System
As you've been learning throughout this series, Breaking through in the Modern Music Industry = Reaching a CORE base of true fans that support you doing what you love, on your own terms.
The goal for Modern Musicians is not in pleasing the anonymous masses by compromising the integrity or freshness of your message to reach the lowest common denominator.
The New Game is about doing work we love that matters to the tribe we choose. To create the lifestyle and the career that we want, on our own terms.
That's the basis for 3Dimensional success (building what we call a 3D Brand) in the modern music industry.
The Grassroots Authenticated Music Experience
The Modern Music Business is about a shared experience and authentic connection and the ability to truly connect and prosper via passionate tribal communities and utilizing the direct to fan technologies that helps connect and empower us all to do what we love.
The Grassroots Authenticated Music Experience takes us back to our tribal origins, (while also upgrading our communication technologies) as Artists in the modern music business are fundamentally content creators and multi-media storytellers. We are cultural leaders as well as connectors, tastemakers, curators, and what we do is deliver unique experiences through the expression of our gifts.
As we've learned throughout this series in the Music Business Blueprint, Grassroots Career Development is the most practical and effective music career growth strategy that we've seen in the last 10 years for many reasons. Mainly because it's the direct path to self-reliance, building from the ground up.
While Career Development Pathways are the practical real world avenues we all travel along our journey of the collection of skills, experience, career and purpose we find... Unfortunately, Career Development Pathways are often more or less cow paths paved over without much intention or attention as to where the pathway may really take us.
When we are ready to get serious about our careers, when we are truly committed to obtaining a set of skills, developing or mastering something like a professional-we can short cut an unseen amount of time, stress, headache, and hassle by finding or creating what we'll discuss in today's lesson.
Step Your Game Up: Upgrading Your Music Business
The game changed as did all the old rules. While most of us recognize this statement, how are you incorporating these new paradigms into the growth and development of your Music Business and long-term Music Career Strategy?
Stepping your Game Up, as I told you I would help you do-means beginning to play and operate at a higher level. This starts with an enlightened understanding of your job and functions, it also involves an evolved method of goal setting and achievement.
Modern Musicians become fully Self Reliant
Accepting the added responsibilities, and managing them effectively, reveals the added opportunities available to artists in the modern music business. When you can see through this new lens-one of the things you will be able to see more clearly-is the other two dimensions of your career. Modern Musicians see and understand their career is an integrated whole. They can see their brand from and in 3 dimensions…. Artists academy and all my work teaches and advocates a core principle that we call Complete Artist Development.
All of the elements across these other dimensions-such as habits, relationships, environment, health, happiness levels, they all play a role… We’re obviously not robots… we’re integrated people, who live integrated lives, and run integrated careers.
We want you to build a 3D brand. Not just a 1Dimensional Brand. Not just successful in one area-while lacking in another... The Artistry without the Financial Return, or perhaps success in both of those dimensions-at the expense of your personal health. Your Brand is actually a trinity. Systemic, Extrinsic, and Intrinsic. Entrepreneurial, Artistic and Personal… They are all directly connected… You cannot separate your self from your work the way a wage worker may "leave it all at the job" when they come home to their life. By integrating the connected nature of developing in all 3 areas of your 3D brand, we are truly capable of achieving 3D success. This is the purpose and our objective at the end of the day. To create and sustain long term success (freedom and fulfillment doing what we love most) that doesn’t come at the expense of someone or something else.
Basically, we do this by addressing and optimizing the other two dimensions and building them into your career growth plan, which we’ll talk more about in a moment…
(*Doing this does go a bit further beyond a traditional business plan… As the Music Business Architect, I comprehensively fit, tailor, design, and then together we tweak your unique set of custom drawn career blueprints to build on your individual strengths, to help you expand your content business across all three dimensions. Our system and VIP program in particular integrates 1-1 coaching, practical training and missions, an exclusive community, as well as the tools and support to help you achieve optimal workflow structure, an ideal productivity regimen that is optimized as best we can in the 5 factors of success or failure, and across all three dimensions…)
But this is not an AD for the Academy or our Music Business Development System. Today you are going to learn the elements needed to achieve optimal workflow structure yourself.
Self Reliance = Responsibility and Accountability
Again, we are taking things to the next level-thus to do this we need a bit more than the thing that sits in that drawer collecting dust we call a business plan… We need a sophisticated career development pathway that’s built from the ground up to help you hit your targets and take your career to the next level as an artist in the modern music biz.
We call this a complete development system, and in particular, a music business development system.
A structured and effective way to train and develop certain skills, habits, mindsets, and achieve targeted objectives using specific tools and resources.
As you've learned by now-a development pathway is the journey and route taken to a given career and skillset. But most of the time that pathway is a default cow path instead of a complete development system that addresses the three dimensions involved in a professional grade training program: Skills, Habits, Mindset.
School is a development pathway, but it is not a complete development system because it doesn’t address all 3 dimensions.
For example… and not to dog on the educational system, because they’ve got their own problems and that’s a tough fight to win… The objectives just aren’t very targeted, practical goal oriented skills and habits aren’t always effectively trained, and the mindset dimension by in large just isn’t really addressed.
Success is scientific. All the properties required to fulfill the defined vision of success. Clarity and definition are key. A chair is successful only when the chair fulfills the vision of the craftsman who imagined and created it.
When we have all the ingredients for developing all the right factors involved in fulfilling all the properties required for success… We have an optimal developmental or workflow structure... We have a Complete Development System.
Fort Benning, the military training station for example, is a complete development system.
Professional Athletes, Olympians, they train in complete development systems as well as have the most cutting edge tools and technologies.
{Forgive the shameless plug (though this is literally the perfect opportunity to do so) but what we offer in the Academy is a Complete Development System because it precisely helps you develop the specific skills, habits, and mindsets to kick your career up a notch. We help you optimize the external factors within your control, accounting for the development across all three dimensions. We deliver you the unique mix of individual strategies, tactics, campaigns, and the ground level game plan which form the supportive structure that helps you develop your 3d brand, and create 3dimensional success from here on out. This is what we mean by Complete Artist Development.
Having a former military background, when and while creating this-I was thinking of something akin to engineering the Navy seals or the NHL training program of modern artistry. Now, I want to clarify, because I don’t want to scare you off… I’ve been interested in and have studied quite a few learning pedagogies and training methodologies over the years, as a kid with ADD, PTSD, and a GED, not really having been a great student in the traditional standard…}
Like the traditional music industry, traditional business plans and traditional goal setting has evolved…
Traditional goal setting is outdated and just doesn’t work for most people, most of the time…
95% regain their weight loss
25% abandon their new years resolutions after 1 week
60% after 6 months.
The Average person makes the same resolution 10 times without success…
Music Career Development System
A complete development system is a fine tuned productivity regimen that cuts back on your inputs, your consumption of content, meaningless data, long to-do lists that never get to the end-in order to build the habits and stay focused on the things that are going to help your music career grow most effectively.
In short, the linchpin for taking your career to the next level is a combination of two things… The First element is this thing that boils down into what we call Optimal Workflow Structure, which enables and perpetuates Optimal Performance.
Finding or achieving an optimal workflow structure as we call it-is the resulting synergy across the 5 factors of success or failure, (Skills, strategy, mindset, environment, targets) and integrates the growth of all three dimensions of your brand. (Artistic, Career, and Personal)
Optimal Workflow Structure is the synergy of your performance, productivity, and processes.
When all sides work together, everyone wins, and everything works better. We take an integrated approach and believe that the performance, creativity, and fulfillment you experience with your career is connected to and affected by all three dimensions…
With all three working together properly we can find that ideal regimen and structure that makes everything sing in harmony. That hits just the right spot and grooves with you, AND that produces the increase in results that you want.
Although this may sound complicated or abstract it is actually a very natural, fundamental and organic concept.
Every living organism goes through a cycle of development, plants require a certain amount of nutrients to grow and properly flower… they need all those nutrients and a development system facilitates that growth… The very nature of life is a cycle of progression whose natural function is growth and expansion. What's missing is that we don't apply this same fundamental concept to our own lives and careers.
Their is substantial difference between setting a traditional goal for let's say-getting an A in your english class, and developing tangible, laser specific skills and experience as a freelance writer. Knowing how to run a PPC campaign, or manage all phases of the project lifecycle are much more precise, concrete objectives with greater practical value than a high SAT score, for example. Though there is nothing wrong with that either. The difference is both clarity and focus, and the direct, most precise development pathway for achieving success in either objective is a complete development system.
God Created The Ultimate Development System
Whether or not you believe in god, or science, or a combination of both, the fact is that our universe is bound together by a bunch of development systems that influence the quality and flavor of life we experience.
There is no mistake that a flower goes through a systematic cycle of processes naturally obtaining everything required for it's own development cycle and contribution to all the interconnected organisms within it's ecosystem, just as there is no mistake that all the elements required to facilitate this development are there.
What we're talking about with a complete development system is an optimized environment to develop and fulfill all required properties across all 3 dimensions of your brand.
A complete development system would first define all required properties as well as individually assess and diagnose your strengths and weaknesses to then create a custom blueprint for you in particular-based on a set of known criteria, along with a living roadmap to follow and update. (Which we do, by the way, for you in our programs)