Modern Content Creators and The New Economy


The initial bang of the post-industrial age brought with it the ultimate economical game-changer, and the most significant transformation to commerce in the history of the world.

Though our application of the tools and technologies we hold remains largely primitive, the opportunity is almost infinite.

The future of education, skills development, and value creation in the new economy is innovation and specialized content.

It’s why, for the first time in history, CONTENT CREATORS, are not only the leaders, but the farmers, manufacturers and distributors of value.

You may not know it yet, but there is a CORE set of tools, a CORE set of principles, and a simple yet sophisticated framework for how to achieve everything you want, live the lifestyle you want, and most importantly experience unending freedom and fulfillment doing what you love, for those that love what you do.

Nope. I’m not even talking about push-button profits through scientifically manipulating the pain-points the lowest common denominator will pay you to pretend to solve for them...

In today’s lesson, [Part 2 of 15] on our way to discussing the content marketing process, and ultimately being guided through the formation of your own content strategy; you are going to learn why it’s not content-but content CREATORS that are king in the new economy, as well as understand what it means to be a Modern Content Creator.

The Tipping Point - The Opportunity

The economic opportunity is unlike anything that has ever, or will ever again exist.

Whether AS the person/expert/artist that aligns with a brand and creates the content for them and thus utilizes their resources to connect with and provide value for their larger audience, (Partnerships) or as the solo Modern Content Creator with his/her own message, expertise, and mission, for the first time in history we have the ability to have it all. Without compromise.

Knowledge is changing the world and evolving our brains faster than ever, and knowing stuff is what it’s all about today. Stuff about ourselves, about business, about how to acquire skills and develop talents faster, how to master our hobbies, improve our fitness, grow bigger tomatoes, develop our relationships, and on and on...

Sure, we’ve got a ways to go, and of course the “junk mail” marketing models still exist... But Marketing has evolved. At least for my audience it has.

I’m not saying that the old school sales and marketing tactics aren’t still powerful, or don’t still work, i’m saying that the fundamentals stay the same, but now is the time to advance our society through incredible content, thorough research, mastery of skills, and contribution in the global conversation.

I mean, anyone can simply offer to help an audience for free or paid, through a “coaching” environment, or feedback from their blog or social networks. At the same time, by simply listening with an open mind and offering basic guidance you can significantly help someones life or business, as well as LEARN exactly what your audience wants, what they need... and then give it to them.

The short story of the long tail: The marketing and distribution channels became accessible to virtually everyone and the mass market has been splintered into thousands of tiny markets often referred to as niches. The shallow breadth of the mass market, turned into a marginal yet passionate depth of the tribal marketplace.

Everything is wired up, the tools are now available, the networks continue to connect every corner of the planet, and over the last 10 years the infrastructure has been created to enable the tipping point for the New Economy, and the Dawn of the Modern Content Creator.

The distribution channels, communication formats, and resources suddenly showed up and global connectivity became available to everyone.

The internet and digital communications technology rewrote every rule and every paradigm we’d been taught about school and business up until that point.

It’s not as though the ideas weren’t valid at one point, but that our education systems had been preparing us for a world, and an economy that no longer exists.

There weren’t necessarily bad intentions, or bad teachers, or even bad information; but the world evolved.

Some of us, born right in the middle of the shift - can see from, and have learned from both sides.

The Next Generation of Marketer, Publisher, Journalist: Birth of The Modern Content Creator

Early dot-commers burst onto the scene pioneering and even creating new business models.

Along with it, sort of on the side - in the shadow of the yahoo’s and other examples, came a savvy new class of marketers who understood and exploited the opportunities to leverage all of the beautiful advantages that an online business could be.

Minimal effort, maximum output, automated processes, auto-pilot income, freedom of lifestyle, marketing mastery. Awesome!

That was all well and good, a marvel of ingenuity, leverage of businesses greatest leverage point.. Marketing.

The residual effect spawned countless me-too marketers who’ve pioneered and perpetuate the “copy and paste,” “plugin profits,” push-button bananza that springs to mind for most people when they hear the words “internet marketing.”

Everyone, instantly became a publisher and niche blogs became in many cases more valuable than traditional newspapers.

All barriers to the Production of ANY kind of content almost instantly evaporated as did the need for traditional media, publishing, and production companies, record labels, etc.

The last 15 years have seen the rapid evolution of not only digital technologies like the internet, but have also laid the groundwork for the NEXT generation of content creation, and content creators.

Communication and connectivity born of creativity - using the FULL palette of tools available to create value, art, freedom, fulfillment...

Better Content. Better lives. Better everything.

Think about it...

•        Outbound vs Inbound Marketing (push vs. pull)

•        Traditional SEO vs. content marketing

•        Lowest common denominator internet marketing - the second generation of internet marketing

•        Guru-and-get-rich-quick-ITUS vs. Epic content, freely available.

•        Traditional “print” news vs. Interactive Content, Gamification, and specialized feeds from hand selected expert sources

I don’t care to even try to make the case for why you should care about content marketing... or even to document the evolution of marketing... you are in the business of CONTENT, the direction we’re going should be self-evident.

I’m talking about the NEXT generation of content creators, online marketers, journalists, information marketers, content marketers... I’m talking about that hybrid of creator AND lifestyle entrepreneur in the digital economy. The New Economy. Your OWN Economy. The one YOU create.

I’m talking about Modern Content Creators...

Endless freedom and fulfillment doing WHAT you love, for those that love what you do.

That’s the real goal right? That’s what WE’RE all in this whole thing for, right?

We are the location independent content slinger. {brisk blow of breathe across the fingertips}

The Storyteller AND Publisher.

The artist AND the CEO.


I’m talking about those who are willing to accept BOTH responsibilities, and also reap TWICE the reward in freedom and fulfillment. A life of peace and purpose, a life without compromise.

I’m talking about Modern Content Creators in the New Economy. (Artist/Expert/Coach or Personal Brands)

Welcome To The Future

Modern Content Creators are those brave individuals who make their living by developing, creating, and marketing their content in the 21st century and beyond.

They are those who embrace the inherent responsibilities AS WELL AS the opportunities-to create a life without compromise, as both an Artist AND an Entrepreneur in the modern world.

They are those driven souls who do what it takes to experience endless freedom and fulfillment doing what they love, for those that love what they do.

They are Authors, Artists, Speakers, Experts, Coaches, Consultants, Writers, Bloggers, Music Makers, Screenwriters, Playwriters, Journalists, Songwriters, and other Creative Professionals...

The New Economy has brought with it, the dawn of the Artist - Entrepreneur. The Modern Content Creator.

YOU are in control-so long as you know how to use the tools and deliver value doing what you love, for an audience who values what you do. Both sides of the coin.

Modern Content Creators are thought leaders with a purpose and a mission. They are professionals.

They are the gold-miners of the New Economy.

They are farmers of ideas and skills, harvesters of knowledge, of experience, and of expertise. They communicate stories, precious jewels of information, insight, emotion, wisdom, inspiration, and motivation to the people they serve.

Their content effects the world. It resonates with and often transforms their audience, adds value and meaning to their lives.

From fully expressing the emotions, problems, solutions, ideas their audience can’t quite put to words like you can; to completely transforming their lives through their wisdom, guidance, insight, and perspective.

Modern Content Creators have, for the first time ever, the unlimited power to inspire, change, transform-businesses and countless lives all across the globe.

As creativity, innovation, intuition, pattern recognition, problem solving, inspiration, transcendence is the nature of our craft, Modern Content Creators understand that they can create anything they can imagine.

At the SAME time, the MCC recognizes and fully embraces the practical nature of value in business and in life. They not only understand that marketing and business are an integral piece for perpetuating their artistic expression, innovation, or solution; but they fully accept the inherent responsibilities for delivering their gifts, message, and expertise with their global audience.

The Master Key To Success in The New Economy

E-commerce technology changed the world of hardware and retail sales, and even BEST Buy became Amazons showroom.

UNLESS you are Walmart, or want to be the low cost leader, brand loyalty is the key to success in the New Economy. Connection is in high demand, and trust has to be earned.

Businesses that are able to form real bonds, meaningful relationships, and earn brand loyalty are the brands that will thrive.

Modern Content Creators are like gold-miners in the new economy. They are the next wave of thought leaders, experts, bloggers, artists and content creators in the modern world.

Most of us have very little strategy, no plan, (or one we don’t stick to) and spin our wheels online unable to ever gain any real traction, the colossal video game we are playing distracts our attention with buzzing jackpot sounds from the pinball machine that is our attention span.

The entry level requirement to be successful is clarity and focus.

It’s about mastery, depth, contribution, and most importantly doing WHAT you love, for those that love what you do. It takes work, but it if you persist it will pay off.

Listening, developing, and harvesting high value content.

Their primary competency as a professional, outside of their craft, is content marketing. That is the VEHICLE, and an essential skill for content creators in the modern world.

We are not really in a recession so much as we are in a state of economic change at a fundamental level. Competition increased, as well as the requirements to rise above the noise.

The New Economy is a world where brands that thrive are brands that are meaningful, that stand for or represent something significant to their audience and customers.

Emotional connection is the missing ingredient to brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the key to success in business so long as you’re not trying to compete solely on price.

Enter the “social brand,” and the Modern Content Creator.

Brands that come to meet, to listen, to learn from their audience. To serve them transparently. To tell stories and create valuable content that is meaningful to them and to their lives are those who’ll thrive in the new economy. Modern Content Creators lead the way.

NOW Hiring: Gold-Miners of the New Economy

If the opportunity was listed as a JOB AD it would look like this:

As a Modern Content Creator your job is to use the tools to master your skills, craft, and functions, by providing exceptional value to your audience and focusing on your areas of management.

The key to success, and the one constant factor that will always be-in regards to those who are successful and those who are not-is a loyal audience that loves what, why, and how you do what you do.

Subject matter experts are the new teachers, professors, educators, and trainers...

The classroom is global, and the modalities for teaching more effectively don’t require a classroom or a cafeteria.


  • Project Manager

  • Visionary

  • Copywriter

  • Publisher/Marketer

  • CEO - Booyaa :)

*Skills Developed: (Warning: These are transferrable, high leverage skills that will serve you, and allow you to serve others, forever.)

  • Market Research

  • Keyword Research

  • Content Production

  • Content Marketing

  • Project Management

  • Leadership

Everything You Need To Be a Modern Content Creator

The Modern Content Creator begins or renews their journey toward endless freedom and fulfillment doing what they love-for those that love what they do, by fully grasping and implementing the following fundamentals.

I’ve spent the last decade putting together a simple yet sophisticated structure for you to clearly understand and focus on the things that matter, and contribute to us all with your gifts and message, without any unneeded complexity or overwhelm.

Whether it’s an Artist, Personal, or Expert Brand you are building; without a shadow of a doubt, YOU can DO THIS!

Like Mufasa hoisting up young Simba overlooking the vast kingdom atop Pride Rock...

Here’s your “lay of the lands” ceremony. (cue the funky african rhythm sections and tribal chanting, and of course, that crazy monkey sounding off)

It starts with...

Your Mindset.

Again, you have the resources, the access to people, to knowledge, networks, and everything that you need, RIGHT NOW.

Modern Content Creators embrace BOTH sides of their brain, of their roles, as artists AND entrepreneurs.

The purpose is to build a career and lifestyle that provides endless freedom and fulfillment doing what you love, for those that love what you do.

An entire book could be written on mindset alone, so I’ll condense the key pieces down to an an article, or short article series.

After you’ve got the right mindset, and you know what that means, the first step in the journey of a Modern Content Creator always begins with clarity, focus, and planning.

Your Foundation: Clarity & Focus The Starting Point of Your Journey (Link to other video)

Purpose Vision Mission Goals Mindset

Your Areas of Management: These are the 5 components to your brand as a Modern Content Creator (Link to other video)

Platform & Audience Production & Process Positioning & Brand Message Promotion and Partnerships Performance & Profits

A. (Audience) Platform B. (Branding) Positioning C. (Creation) Production D. (Distribution) Promotion E. (Effectiveness) Performance & Profits

You create two kinds of content:

Free=Content Marketing Paid=Products and Services

Your Functions: The Five Functions of Modern Content Creators (Link to other video)

Corresponding to the 5 areas of management, the tangible result of effectively doing that results in the ability to perform the following 5 functions.

1. To Be Able to Develop, Create and Communicate High Value Content (Production)

2. To Define, align, and communicate your brands message and Unique Value Positioning (Positioning)

3. To Drive Targeted Traffic To a Sales Funnel That Works (Promotion)

4. To Test, Measure, Tweak, and Improve all results through effective performance analysis. (Performance)


5. To build and maintain a loyal audience that loves what, why, and how you do what you do (Platform)

Your Responsibilities: The Three Responsibilities of Modern Content Creators (Link to other video)

Their are three intricate systems over which you have control, and are solely responsible for maintaining and improving as a solopreneur, and more specifically, as a Modern Content Creator.

Manage Yourself: The ability to manage your health, your time, and your personal productivity.

Manage Projects: The ability to prioritize, commit to, lead and Complete Outcome Oriented Projects on a fixed deadline, using all available resources, while honoring the constraints.

Manage Your Business: The ability to manage and improve the operations of your business. I.E. You’re business needs to make a profit.

Your Tools: The Tools of the Modern Content Creator (Link to other video)

Communication Formats Distribution Vehicles Traffic Generation Methods Leverage & Systems Web services & software

Your Assets: The Five Assets of a Modern Content Creator (Link to other video)

Your Platform Your Knowledge & Skills Your Content, Product & Service Suite Your Relationship Capitol Your Systems & Workflow

Each of these sections are fully fleshed out articles unto themselves, and can be linked up to this page once published.

Please Note: I’ve had some slots open up recently and that means I’ve got some time available to review inquiries for my personal coaching and consulting programs. I only have the ability to take on maximum 10-15 cases/clients a year, because I give my clients above and beyond what anyone else would, and they become like family. If you’re really ready to step your brand up, then NOW is the time.

If you're interested in working with me personally on your marketing plan or content strategy, send an email to jamie @ JamieLeger DOT com hit reply to this email and let's talk.


To become indoctrinated as a Modern Content Creator, and get equipped with a full palette of tools, techniques, and content creation formats for you to tastefully turn into valuable communications, go to content marketing bootcamp.


or to participate.