MCC Roundup #1

What is the Modern Musician Roundup? 

A condensed and personally curated summary of the most relevant gems I come across throughout the many feeds, channels, books and audio/visual content I consume.

If you are an Artist or Content Creator, then you know it's hard to keep up with and and especially vet the overflowing river of ongoing content, resources, recommendations, new tools and technology that exists out there for Artists and Content Creators-without wasting a lot of precious time.

Let me share with you some of the best stuff I find, hand-picked and delivered for you on a bi-weekly basis! (That means twice a month for rest of you hooligans...)

Subscribe here to have a trusted friend share the content, resources, recommendations, tips and insights sifted, sorted, summarized and delivered to your inbox biweekly.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Artists and Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and earn a full-time living doing what they love-on their own terms.

CEO of The Leaders Edge, LLC Founder of Artists Academy Creator of the Music Business Blueprint


M.C.C Roundup #1

Musicians Guide to Goal Setting - A fantastic and detailed guide written by the lovely Ariel Hyatt of the CYBER PR queen for the new music biz. She knows her stuff, has been around for a long time and has written a couple good books on music marketing as well. Check out Ariel, she's got it.

Facebook Marketing for Musicians - Good article on Facebook by Amy Porterfield. She's one of the foremost authorities and experts on Facebook marketing, you can listen to her, she knows a thing or two about it.

Social media 101 for entrepreneurs - These guys are mostly about selling stuff, but in this case the article has got the goods.

Which Music Library Is Best - For anyone who's interested in FILM and TV Placements, this is a good interview with the founder of the Music Library Report, Art Munson.

The Self Released Album 201 - This is a FANTASTIC four part article series that breaks it down folks. If you didn't know before, this is a great guide to the self-released album, by Cameron Mizell.

100 books every entrepreneur should read - Good collection of books for ANYONE to read. Especially Modern Content Creators.

What music creators should know about streaming royalties - Pretty self-explanatory, (even for you!) this is from the we create music blog.

DIY Indie Artist Case Study - This is a good case study of an album launch and a dude with some film and tv placement success under his belt that is doing some cool things with artist development in the modern world.

What is artist development in the traditional sense, nowadays? Watch this, it's funny.

My Book Recommendation this month is a book called "Mastery," by Robert Greene. - It is one of the best books I have read in, well, honestly maybe my whole life, but definitely in the last couple years. It is EPIC. Seriously, you need to run your busy little behind over and buy this book. Get in on kindle for the cost of a latte.

Let me know if you kids found this helpful or not.


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