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Just wanted to make sure you didn't miss it!

The Modern Music Biz is the industry that Independent Artists regained ownership and control of.It's the natural evolution of the gatekeeper driven crapshoot called the traditional music industry, and it’s how the power found it’s way back into the hands of the people, the Artists and Musicians, as well as their fans. 

That time in history when a next level of artistry emerged to empower an enlightened culture of musical creators who no longer need to compromise. The polarizing perspective that pervasively separates professional musicians into two camps, either the "lucky" have's that hit it big or the regular working "have nots" is slipping into irrelevance as many tuned in music makers are waking up to a new reality. A normal, full-time income living the career of their dreams, the lifestyle they choose, and running their operations efficiently to remain in a state of flow and keep the bills on auto-pay. Led by a next level of Artist that stepped up to lead their tribe, who claimed and gained control over their own destiny, and who have learned how to harness the power of the modern toolset to spend the majority of their day doing the things they most enjoy. Modern Artists lead this Creative Revolution from the front. Connected by music and the organic content we cultivate, grow and harvest as indie content creators. But there’s a GAP still for many of us!In this report I’m going to show you how to upgrade your music business in terms of career growth strategy and mindset, as well as operational infrastructure. You’re going to learn the key factors and components that may be the missing link for you to generate that next level of results and opportunity for your music business. 

Their is a Next Level of Music Business Growth...

Click on the Title below or 

 to learn all about it in my new report jam-packed with tips, insight and expert advice.

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: Brought to you by 

  • How to turn new fans into loyal, paying true fans and supporters without giving up a percentage, or becoming a tech ninja.

  • How to step your game up and grow your music career like a professional Independent Artist.

  • How to attract instead of promote and build a core fan base to share the journey of your career with.

If you have any questions, objections or just want to give me some feedback you can reach me via email here, or phone here

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger


The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and earn a full-time living doing what they love-on their own terms.

CEO of The Music Business Liberation Program

Author of The Music Business Manifesto

Creator of the Music Business Blueprint


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