How to Learn More Effectively - 5 Levels of Learning

We are all constantly learning stuff. How do we reduce the clutter in our minds and avoid information overload and burnout?

I believe that if you understand and REALLY master the BASICS of this total focus equation, you’ll find deeper levels of learning, and a simple strategy for how to learn more effectively.

I know this will sound simple. But it is a concept that really frames what i think the best way to get good at something is.

This = better performance and a healthier, happier mind.

Level 1: Someone, tells you something, once... You may remember it. Probably not.

Level 2: You are looking for an answer to a question... You go and find the solution. Increases chances you’ll remember it.

Level 3: You find an answer that solves the problem you had, and you write it down... Further increases chances you’ll remember it.

Level 4: You learn the info to the problem you were trying to solve, write it down, and then go do something with it.(take action)

It is in your active consciousness, and also stored as a memory now.

Level 5: You learn it, write it down, take action on it, learn from what you did, and then explain it to someone else (teach it)... It is embedded into your subconscious now. You have got it.

The more things that you can learn at level 5, the better you’ll learn, and the better you’ll be at everything you do. So if there is anything you want to learn, and i mean really and deeply understand, go a little further than the rest of the pack and jump to level 5.

This is INCREDIBLY powerful.

This is a pretty simple thought, but its application is universal, and is something you should really take to heart and implement every day to not only learn a lot of things you are already interested in, but learn them at a deeper level conceptually, as well as through the wisdom of experience. The depth that you understand and know something is exponentially more important than the breadth of information you retain. Everyone has google nowadays.

Cheers, Jamie


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