Its Just Not Fair

Its just not fair. I know life isn't fair. But then why do i sometimes feel like it should be? How come i still fall victim to thinking that things are supposed to just all line up  and my hard work should pay off today, or somehow the world is serving me another cold dish of injustice?

now this is not something i'll happily admit to. it doesn't serve me, but sometimes you just gotta vent… and im sure sometime down the road i'll refer back to this for the lesson learned… because that is what matters after all.

But im a singer songwriter producer, so its not all bad.

the lesson learned is the thing i wish to share with you all.

its pretty basic… its been said before… but...

You really cannot expect ANYTHING, and you must appreciate EVERYTHING.

I have a business ready to bust, everything ready to thrive, but im outta money.

No one there to listen or care. So im not going to waste much time talking about it.

But since i know no one will likely read this, im going to exercise my skill of prioritizing, and test myself, to see if when i review this in a couple years i can remember the place im in now, and the feelings im feeling.

If there is someone reading this, just try to keep the faith.

til later.



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