The Inspiration Action Loop: 10 Ways To Trigger Inspired Action

We are what we repeatedly do.

The habit of inspired action is how we turn disciplined practices into blissipline that improve and grow over time, as we evolve our worlds through our work and service to our mission, our people and our audience.

Modern Musicianship is a 9 stage journey leading to music business liberation, content business mastery and self realization.

With blissipline, inspiration and motivation work together with your thoughts and feeling which inspire your action and activate a flow state of consciousness.

Thoughts and ideas breed and come to you as you capture and develop existing ideas and concepts.

Modern Musicians develop the Inspiration Action Loop so that when you get inspired you enjoy the feeling and then take action to reward that inspiration as you then align with that desire consistently through driving the dream.

States and moods

A state is a mixture of your thoughts and feelings, and a mood is a sequence or series of states that leads to your dominant vibration.

Inspired action is a pattern that you develop over time that adds to your life in many invisible ways as you become a vibrational match to your desire.

Once you realize that their is nowhere to go to get what you want, you start to realize that success is a combination of how you think, feel, act, and speak.

It certainly puts things into perspective.

A belief to adopt is that each moment is another moment of the divine working with you for your own good.

It’s all an unfolding life of joy and fulfillment that culminates in what you experience through inspiration and concentration driving the dream.

Success conditioning

Visualization and meditation as well as affirmation and incantation and declaration are core habits that should be developed daily until you maintain the desire and identity of the dream fulfilled. Use desire and success conditioning to turn you on and activate the success consciousness that you have no doubt already begun to cultivate through the things you’ve done successfully and the success you’ve noticed in others.

Here are 10 ways to trigger the Inspiration Action Loop to take inspired action.


Music is one of the greatest inspirational vehicles of all time. It’s why we got into the music business. Music can be a trigger that you use on the daily to achieve certain states or feelings. Use it daily.

Celebrate Good Times

Focus on a good memory or feeling. Celebrate those good times. Be grateful for all the things and people in your life that went into that moment.

Recalibrate - Take a Pit Stop

This is something that modern musicians build right into the rhythm of their day as they take pit stops every 60-90 minutes.

It’s how they refresh their brain. The pit stops as well as the meditation is how you purify the mind.

Read The Bible

The scripture is a deep source of nourishment for your life. Learn everything from reading and applying things to your own life.

Read a Book

Their is a wealth of inspiration in books. I’ve learned so much through self education over the last 15 years it has fundamentally changed my ways of being in the world. I am an evolved person compared to what I once was, an impoverished, undeveloped potential.

Read a Blog

Subscribe to dozens of them on topics you most care about or you need to know for your career and business. You can easily use something like feedly to manage and update the feeds all in one place. I’ve been using this for over 12 years.

Watch a Movie

This is counterintuitive, but sometimes a movie can really take you into exploration, discovery, playfulness and love. Make some time for a movie regularly.

Go for a Walk

This has been a game-changer for me. I now take several walks a day and find myself being inspired and activated by getting into the flow during my walks. I know that there is a lot of benefit to getting oxygen into your lungs as well as a connecting with nature. The activation of your body in the walking triggers thoughts and ideas in a different way than just seated or standing.

Watch an inspiring video

I’ve watched 1000’s of them on youtube. They can really turn your day around. They are a great way to start the day in my experience because they activate your positive drives and desires.

Inspiration can actually be triggered. It has to be done repeatedly, but it can become a part of your way of life.

Images that create in you feelings of great joy and happiness can actually be triggered through focus on those images or holographic images as they are called.

In this exercise you are going to create thought loops that trigger inspired moments and feelings as well as experiences and feelings.

It will train you to always follow your inspiration up with action and find something positive about negative situations. It will teach you to have transformative influence on your ability to transmute negative energy into positive productive focused energy.

Inspiration Trigger Programming

Inspiration trigger programming can be done with certain sounds, images, words, phrases and feelings. I’ve learned how to use the sound frequencies of theta to automatically trigger a ready state of inspiration and receiving of good ideas.

In this exercise you are going to select a breathing pattern to trigger your inspiration.

You will have to train for it at first but after repetition it will become automatic.

Inspiration trigger programming is how you can develop the ability to have breathing trigger your inspiration.

Inspiration trigger installation exercise

While seated or laying down I want you to relax and then begin to see a countdown from the numbers 3 on the screen of your mind, 3, again and 2, and 1.

You are now at a deeper level of mind, in alpha or in theta. Here is where we can tap into our ability to superlearn, meditate, and develop our powers in the world through meditation, visualization, affirmation, and any number of success conditioning tools. This modern musician activation stage tool can be done everyday to strengthen your loop of inspiration and action in connection with your goals.

The Alternate Nostril Breath

• Sit comfortably, making sure your spine is straight and your chest is open, with your shoulders down and relaxed, and place your left hand on your left knee. • Press your right thumb against the right nostril to close it. • Inhale for 4 seconds through your left nostril. • Use your right ring finger to close the left nostril (your index and middle fingers should point downwards) so both nostrils are momentarily closed. • Release the right thumb and exhale through the right nostril for 4 seconds. • Inhale through the right nostril for 4 seconds, then reseal the right nostril with the right thumb. • Release the left nostril and exhale out of the left side. Once you have inhaled and exhaled out of each nostril, you’ve completed one full round.

Complete as many rounds until you trigger inspiration. Note all the things that you can think about that are great about that inspiration. See how vividly you can create a state of inspiration within yourself.

See the inspiration that you have and turn it into desire, and let yourself feel that desire now. Let it radiate in every cell of your body and you happily and joyfully achieve optimal performance at each stage until you achieve the states and outcomes in your life.

After you’ve done it once or twice. You can train yourself to trigger the inspiration you need to fuel you driving the dream, faster and at deeper and deeper levels.

Do this everyday, and for every workblock. You will eventually become a master at this loop and the journey will be the most blissiplined pathway to greater and greater fruit for a lifetime.

If you are ready to step your game up to Modern Musicianship, book a music business breakthrough session to get some music business coaching on us, in order to achieve your goals faster and more effectively.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger  The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.

Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy Author of The Music Business Manifesto Creator of the Music Business Blueprint 


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