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- The Inner OS
The Inner OS
One of the most important dimensions of all the dimensions, though they are all important and play apart in the greater whole of the system for your universe mastery, is the second dimension, The Inner OS.
The Inner OS or Internal Operating System is the invisible ecosystem of powers that resides within and creates the infrastructure for our experience of our life. The Inner OS includes the emotional systems, the 6 mental faculties of your mind, your brain and nervous systems.
It is responsible for the quality of life and the value that you produce in this world and determines whether or not you access and unlock your full potential.
Your inner OS is the central command center for all the things you can’t see and over time you can learn to control coming from within.
It’s the operating system for your inner game.
Your inner OS is your Mental faculties, mind and brain, sensory, nervous and emotional systems.
It runs programs called mindsets and beliefs which are like frames in your matrix
Your mindset is really the master collection of all your mindsets which are individual paradigms that define your map of the world in a particular area.
Your thoughts are the vehicles running through your mind and on the highway of the collective conscious.
Your logic is like the infrastructure or the roads on the highway within your individual mind.
Reason is typically the precursor or explanation for a decision made.
It is one of the 6 mental faculties that god gifted us with.
Reason could be like the engine in each of the individual vehicles. They power the thoughts that cause and trigger the feelings. Reason can vary tremendously, and much of the traffic is happening below your conscious awareness.
Emotions are the instinctive or intuitive sensations and responses to a thought, action, or circumstance. Though there are thousands of distinct emotions there are 5 basic emotions joy, anger, love, hate, horror. Or mad sad glad afraid ashamed.
Feelings can be almost any subjective reaction state, pleasant or unpleasant, that is characterized by an emotional response.
Perceptions are the interpretation we get about a certain experience, situation or event.
Perceptions are easily misconstrued.
Values are that which you hold most important. Your activities and priorities, actions and decisions tell you what you most value on a daily basis.
That brings us to belief. It’s neither right nor wrong. But belief makes it so. Belief is the powerful catalyst to that which we desire. We have to believe we can have it and that we deserve it.
Disciplined use of the Inner OS leads to a healthy, wealthy, wise, and happy life.
Cognitive powers developed with discipline over time can create the capabilities to create revolutions.
You’re free if you use the Inner OS to create freedom for yourself.
Modern Musicians harness the power of their inner OS to create their future, and liberate their emotional well being.
The Game begins and ends in your mind.
Success is 80% why, and 20% how. So activate in the game by getting your mind right first, and then taking action.
The human mind is like a computer. The worlds most intelligent supercomputer. We would eliminate a large part of the worlds problems by teaching people how to understand and master their Inner Operating System.
Your inner OS is your greatest asset for it is how you create your paradise or your prison.
Modern Musicians create a paradise with their Inner OS.
Developing your effectiveness with the inner and outer os is how you turn your content into currency and alchemize your brand and life in the pursuit of mastering your universe.
Priming is a tool, method and technique of success conditioning where you are priming yourself for desired states and outcomes that you want in your life. Through priming you can learn to increase your desires and action steps with power and momentum and prepare yourself for wanted experiences and conditions.
Good success conditioning is just priming our brains and body to perform at our best by design, thus improving the quality and value we can create through our work and performances.
Instincts can be good or bad based on a number of factors for determining the values and desired outcomes from understanding your own nature. I have a number of good instincts, and a few negative instincts that cause me to evaluate and improve the nature of my decision making.
Emotions are the fuel and the also the reward system, they equate to our signals from the soul, when you are in emotional alignment with your destiny there is no greater feeling and god and the universe designed it for humans to experience their own glory, humanity, passions, expressions through positive human emotions
Ignorance leads to suffering, whereas wisdom leads to liberation, emotions can add up to a positive or negative state but your attitude is the uniquely human factor and discipline of mental faculty that can cause the generation of another positive cycle of emotions. Modern Musicians learn how to use their Inner OS and more specifically their emotions to navigate their lives like professionals driving an optimally performing race car.