Importance of Vibe

The Importance of Vibe.

They say "the song vibe" is everything in a song. Well they're right. The vibe is that special uniqueness that resonates underneath the message of the song, lyric, and harmony. Underneath that is the vibe of the people, which effects the "vibe" of the music and environment.

As musicians, we don't "pick up" the vibe... We deliver it. Remember that.

Learn how to positively effect the quality of content you produce, by positively effecting the VIBE YOU are in.

What is the one thing that will effect our performance and material content more than any other single factor?

VIBRATION effects the state of being that we are in, the state of being we are in effects the quality of content we produce.

The relationship works by law… You can challenge it. But you can't change it. If i am in a bad mood, or am angry i am simply not going to produce the caliber of content that if i would i was  without distraction, and in a positive vibration.

It is a simple analogy, and maybe illusively obvious at times.

Just remember, we are channels for spirit and our ideas to move through.

NEVER rush, never work in haste. Always move at a steady pace, and monitor the vibration you are in. Understand that you will not work well, when you are in a negative vibration.

Have a the best day you can have.



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