How to "be as if"

How to "be as if"

How do you not fake it til you make it, but literally become? You do it by learning how to BE AS IF you already had the money, and were a person who was good enough to create that much value.So how do you do this? Here are some tips for how to BE AS IF in your daily life. 

Modern Musicians are prepared and ready  Modern Musicians are ready. Most of them have prepared to be their best selves all their life. They are able to consciously "be as if" they had the good they desired. That means think and feel as if they already were/had the good that they desired.  They do this with the harmony of the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds.  By aligning with their desires and unlocking their potential with modern musicianship.  It's the next evolution of artist/musician/creator. It's the technology to achieve music business liberation!   Build an Unstoppable self concept  The most important factor for your success or failure is your identity. It’s an integrated and unstoppable self concept that will allow you to manifest your best self, and live your best life.  This has to be a powerful set of meanings and visuals and words and phrases that capture the power you have within you. Your true self must be developed and expressed. An unstoppable self concept has the power to transform your life.  Meditate on expanding your full potential  When you do this your mind will begin to come up with ideas that will inspire and excite you. After you do that you want to capture those ideas into your life management system. This should be digitally, or physically in a notebook if that’s your style. I’d highly recommend getting a digital task management system like omnifocus for mac or it’s equivolent on a pc. It’s important that you get in the habit of capturing your ideas. These are where all your gold is. You have to remember to go back and expand on those ideas, and to continue to process them in your system as they take shape and find their way into your songs, products, brand messaging, and into tasks that find their way onto your calendar.  Love yourself - and align with your divine nature  Did you know that you exist as a complete and divine being? Most people don’t recognize that just by loving themselves they can help the world as well as all their relationships. It doesn’t cost anything to love yourself, yet it’s one of the hardest things for people to allow and accept themselves with self love. Be kind to yourself and love the joy and abundance right into your world by starting with loving yourself first.  Align with your values  In order to be as if, you have to understand what that means which means an alignment with your values. Clarification of your top values are an important exercise if you’ve haven’t ever done it, and would be a great idea if you haven’t done it in a year or more. You will be responsive to your top 3 values in most conversations, thus you should clarify these top 3 so that they can consciously be top of mind.  Tell your stories  Your stories are the part that are constantly evolving. How you tell your stories will either empower or disempower you. Where your focus goes, energy flows, Modern Musicians are mastering themselves on their journey, and are consistently inspired by the empowering stories that they tell about themselves and others.  Master your states  Your states of being are your feelings and your thoughts. Your emotional state is an expansive pallette of experiences. Your thoughts, trigger feelings, which cause action. Your states turn into moods and vibrational set points. Start to master your states by exercising awareness in your body, in your feelings, in your thinking, and in your spirit. Think of the incredible range of states you can have on a daily basis depending upon what happens. The question is how do we condition ourselves to feel the states and experiences we want to have happen? Modern Musicians harness the power of the Inner OS to get into states of flow, joy, happiness, fulfillment, and love every day.   They use conscious affirmation, priming, declaration, and visualization as rejuvination and purification of their mind. To return to a Heart and mind connection by getting into flow. By being autotelic in their ways.  Do the things that turn you on  These are the things like writing, exercising, meditating, learning, connecting, making a sale or getting a deal. You have to find the handful of things that you can do that turn you on. If you look hard enough you can find this favorable activation with just about any activity or experience.  Enjoy the journey  There is really just the journey. Doing the work, enjoying the process. The journey is the process. You have to enjoy the journey to be rejuvinated by life and the many flowing energies that are always abounding in each moment. To really enjoy the journey is the gift you could give yourself, and why you are here on this planet. It’s why you came into this life experience. Modern Musicians recognize that the universe is a masterpiece that is working for and with them. They formulate and articulate their desires and dreams, and then enjoy the journey and the process of becoming that they are on.   Empowering perspectives vs disempowering perspectives  There are many ways to look at life. The lens you are looking through can either be an empowering perspective or a disempowering one. The problem stems from a thought or belief. You are always moving toward flow or fear. How can you use the power of your mind to empower and inspire yourself everyday?    Letting go of reactivity  You are not responsible for everything that happens, but you are responsible for how you react or respond. By proactively playing the game of business Modern Musicans play offense instead of defensively reacting to the world around them.  When you are ready to step your game up to Modern Musicianship, book a music business breakthrough session as our gift to you for what you do.    Stay Fresh,  Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators  --> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show!  Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.  Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy Author of The Music Business Manifesto Creator of the Music Business Blueprint 

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