Growth and Mastery

Growth and Mastery

I hope you had an amazing week in your music business, and i wanted to end this week with 6 Tips for Growth.6 tips for Growth and Mastery1) Be a Master, not a Dabbler - Pursue MasteryThis is the affliction that so many fall into. The dabbler just dabbling with things on the surface but has no depth or real commitment to his craft or his life. He has no structure to make failing harder than succeeding.The master embraces the process of growth and thus constantly improves. Because of his commitment to his craft and his destiny the master becomes the person he is destined to become.Through the process of putting in the reps and doing the work daily, he progresses and advances in a multitude of ways each day.The dabbler reacts to everything around him, the master proactively creates the life he loves.You have to master your meanings and your performance in those critical areas of your life. The Master gets good at the fundamentals.2) Find Your PurposeWhen you understand the purpose for your life everything becomes better. Your mind goes to work for you in unseen ways to serve you. Your purpose is the source of your power. When you’re powered by purpose you’re driven by your own internal drives and desires, and that is the key to good living.3) Develop Your VisionYou have to develop what you want your life to look like and then give it a chance to unfold. Without a vision people parish. With a vision you get to delight in the process of creating that vision. You trade your life for your goals and your vision, so make it count. Get as descriptive as you can with it.4) Reframe BeliefsHere’s where you can make the most immediate impact on your life. Your beliefs are your programs in your matrix. The thing is that we often form beliefs that don’t serve us. To evolve your mind and your life you need to reframe the beliefs that hold you back from your greatness.5) Turn strengths into superpowersYou have strengths that if you were to develop you could turn into superpowers that change the world. You have to first identity those strengths and then you need to proactively develop those strengths.6) Build an unstoppable self concept.Listen to me. The second thing that you need to do is build an unstoppable concept of yourself that will help you win in all areas of your life. This is so important to your overall resilience, your performance and achievement potential, and is your guide in the process of fulfillment.When your identity aligns with your true self you have the starting point for locking into place an unstoppable self concept that will fortify and strengthen you in all conditions. There are few things that will have as profound a difference in your life as an unstoppable self concept. Mastering your identity will improve your experience and every area of your life.When you are ready to step your game up to Modern Musicianship book a Music Business Breakthrough Session here - Fresh,Jamie LegerThe Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators--> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show!Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation AcademyAuthor of The Music Business ManifestoCreator of the Music Business Blueprint 


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