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  • The Good Life: How To Create an Extraordinary Life By Becoming an Extraordinary Person

The Good Life: How To Create an Extraordinary Life By Becoming an Extraordinary Person

Living an extraordinary life means becoming an extraordinary person. Their is only one you in the world. It’s your job to make that the most extraordinary expression with the most extraordinary meanings and performances. Life is what you make it. It is the song you write. Becoming extraordinary starts with having a foundational understanding of what living a good life means.

What does it look like and what does it feel like?

You are the creator of your reality, and you have to create your paradise not your prison.

Awakening to the game begins with empowerment and activation.

Starts with living what we call the good life.

Joy, bliss, flow, abundance, Fulfillment, Happiness, freedom, mastery, and purpose. A life of service doing what you love.

Contributes to A life about becoming the best you can be.

A quest to achieve your greatness accomplished in missions, quests, and unique fan experiences

Becoming legendary by Playing an infinite game

When you begin to think and play an infinite game like The G.A.M.E. You become legendary which starts with the way you think and act. When you think in a superconscious state you activate the channel and connect to the frequencies that your spiritual riches live on. This may take practice, or getting into GAMMA states may be instantaneous and easy for you.

Living into ideals and blueprints

You get this constant sense that something good is always about to happen, and it brings a peace and a joy to the moment. I feel like it’s a constantly evolving process, but having blueprints and ideals give you and the universe a place to start to develop into your true self, to manifest your ideals in every area of your life.

Success habits and rituals

These are one part of the critical success factors, and need to be done in the ready state and with blissipline. The success habits are how you build the character and the destiny that you desire and deserve. Success habits can be developed across every dimension of your universe.

Self Actualization

This is fourth stage in the 9 stage journey of modern musicianship. It is the the period in which you reach grounded true flow and optimal performance.


This is actually self transcendence as god shows you how to serve the world.

Music Business Liberation means:

Happiness Creative fulfillment Physical vitality Emotional liberation Mental liberation Intellectual liberation Spiritual liberation Relational liberation Financial liberation

What does it mean to live the good life?

We say Habits, skills, mindset, systems and processes, strategy, blueprints go into your Infrastructure. This is the foundation for your optimal workflow structure, which helps you maintain optimal performance. It is what makes achieving your goals and dreams, living your values, mission and purpose automatic and fun.

Intrinsic motivation to become your become your best doing what you love most.

A life that satisfies and fulfills you and that serves other people.

Becoming a Champion.

Enjoying the journey, focused on the process

The journey is the process of enjoying the fruits of the moment and appreciating the experience of being alive and choosing what we get to do with our time and attention.

A life with a defined dream vision purpose, mission goals and projects

Pursuing your passions with courage

There is a something that comes over you when you pursue your passions with courage for many years at a time. God shows you a path forward every step of the way. For Modern Musicians there is an inner conviction that my destiny lies in my ability to go after my big dreams with courage in spite of fear and uncertainty and doubt. Otherwise they would never materialize. I would just have to pursue them dilligently for years without complaint or condemnation of others as I built the foundation of my empire and set my self on a path to becoming extraordinary, that you allow to blossom and advance in your life.

Freedom and fulfillment

The good life is built on freedom and fulfillment. These two characteristics are hallmarks of the Modern Musician Lifestyle. This entire system stems from freedom and fulfillment. Building skills, habits, mindsets, capabilities to dial into the sweetspot with the recipe of your life..

Doing what you love

Doing what you love is the name of the game. It is through this pursuit that you raise your vibration and have something to give to others. There is no greater joy than doing what you love and helping other people by doing it.

Living in the moment

This is the gift you give yourself. When you bring awareness and intention to your attention you experience the joy of the present moment. Living in the present moment is the gift available to us in each moment.

Falling in love with what you have

It’s in what you already have, who you already are, what you’ve already done, when you build equity in that you build your wealth. Build an abundance of what brings yourself and others success and fulfillment.

Confidence and abundance

Confidence is built through competence as well as trust in the plan, setting out on a course and developing skills, habits, and mindsets to become your true self and live with confidence and abundance

Attitude of gratitude

What you appreciate, it grows and expands. Keep that in mind so stick to the plan. Steadfast your hand and become the man you know you can Always keep an attitude of gratitude close in hand come from the heart as well as you can.

Having it all begins with believing that you can have it and then following the natural path to fulfillment of the vision in every area of your universe.

My mind can bring my desires to life if I focus on the right things, so that’s what I focus my attention on most of the time.

Finding something to feel happy about sets the calibration point

If you can find one thing, you’ll attract another and another and another until you feel your whole world flooded with positive happy thoughts that leave you empowered and inspired and taking massive action as a result.

Developing your gifts. Your talent and potentials.

This is what you dedicate your life to. Developing your genius and delivering your gifts to the world in the many ways that you can.

Playing the game of life and business like it’s an infinite game

The G.A.M.E. Is infinite. You want to be relevant long after your gone. How can you become that way? How can you become infinite in how you think about your life and Your Game?

It is how you can be more strategic in achieving your goals and dreams.

It’s building a great content business that facilitates liberation in all areas of your life.

Building a great network is about cultivating great relationships.

Start with the relationship with yourself first, then go and share and inspire and elevate others.

Defined vision and mission

You need to have a defined vision and mission as you should have by now from your dream to runway blueprint.

Well designed destination vs. An undesigned destination

In 3-5 years you want to arrive in a well designed destination, instead of an undesigned destination. This means that you want to flesh out blueprints all the way down to the ways you want to feel and the things you want to achieve. Modern Musicians begin with the end in mind. They are incredible achievers who love to plan and then bring their plans to life through implementation of the plan. They follow the goal achievement process of setting their blueprints, driving the dream, and then living into their blueprints.

Life in service to your purpose, the world and others

Theirein lies your power. It’s a frequency that you live on and thus transmit.

Empowered, aligned, clarity and focus, mastering your life

These are hallmark characteristics of being a modern musician, and the modern musician lifestyle.

Creating your own reality

You do indeed create your own reality. How we think, feel and behave generates our experience and our reality. Modern Musicians see this as the greatest opportunity that god or man could give you.

Designing your future

The first thing you have to do is to design your future life. You can get as detailed as you like and you can go out as far as you’d like, just be sure to really figure out what you want and then make a plan. This plan is apart of your blueprints.

Then living into it

The next thing you need to do is to not only execute the plan, but to live into the blueprints. This is the part that you need to bring mindfulness and a lot of meditation on all these strategies and action plans as you assimilate information, execute and create the assets that build the fanbase and income to fund your future.

Masterful mission

Your mission is connected to your purpose and gets you out of bed in the morning. It’s extremely important to have a masterful mission that you are working towards every day.

Purpose and desire fulfillment

The real drivers here are fulfilling your purpose, dreams, aspirations and desires. There is no more worthy of a pursuit.

Goals, projects and tasks

Turn goals into skills through habits and practices.

So my goal is to earn five and eventually six and seven figure paydays through launches and campaigns, the strategies, which I’ll do through the habits of creating and launching products, programs and courses

Life in service

My purpose is a life of service. It is a life dedicated to the liberation of souls, and the full development and realization of potentials.

The path of Mastery

Is the most satisfying and fulfilling path of any I’ve ever traveled. It is a build up of a symphony of skills, capabilities, wisdom and insight that combine in your definite chief aim or your major purpose. I believe we each have a great destiny, and the path of mastery in each area of your life will lead you to it as you combine skills and abilities to form the full multidimensional expression that is you. It’s through the growth that you feel alive and engaged and prepared on a solid foundation to thrive. A life of deep work leads to the most satisfying relationships starting with yourself and everyone you attract into your life as you add value to every person that comes into your life.

Constant improvement

You have to identify the areas in your life that you want to improve and then commit to advancing each area, skill, habit, you have to identify, change and strengthen beliefs into a philosophy, you have to learn how to build positive states that are so vibrant in well being that you don’t spend any time on your fears or worries. You can quickly and easily adjust the lens of your thoughts and feelings when you find yourself in disempowering states with perception filter reframes.

Standards, Processes, and Workflows

You must set standards and build processes and workflows in each key dimension of your life. This is how you will go above and beyond. This is how you will set the standard. Your workflows are where your productivity and your creativity intersect, your processes are how you maintain your standards and improve your ability to produce, publish, promote, and profit from value.

Lifelong learning

Many people believe that the learning process happens during our time in school and then stops after that. This is a mistaken idea. Life is actually learning most of the time. You are learning about yourself, about others, about your job, about your dreams and desires, you are learning about the world and all of it informs your perspective and what you do, say, think and feel.

A Complete Education

You have to determine who you want to be, and then assemble all the skills habits mindsets systems and process For achieving the goals, dreams and desires through complete learning you can advance along the progression of integrated growth and skills development creating a symphony of skills for your masterful mission and turning your life into a masterful performance.

Success Habits and practices

Your success habits and practices are what you build your life on. They are the key ingredients in the pathway to your success. Start by identifying 1-3 areas of universe mastery and then 1-3 success habits to install into your life and stay consistent with those habits for days, then weeks, then years, then decades, and a lifetime of success and happiness.

Identity - Developing an unstoppable self concept

It’s about an alignment in your identity with your source and your true self. That’s an active process that is a fluid conversation between you and the divine.

Mastering your functions

I believe if you spend your time and energy worrying about whats wrong or what you don’t have you’ll miss the opportunity to experience what you want to have happen. If you focus on what you can control you focus on the bridge of actions, feelings, thought and speech that will close the gap between where you are and where you want to end up. You want to focus on each of the 7 functions of the content business growth process so you will be most likely to succeed.

Vibrant energy and living in the present moment

Practices that renew and refresh you like success conditioning can raise your vibration and cause you to feel a vital amount of energy. Each of your practices throughout the day adds to the energy and experiences of your day.

Inner OS Mastery

The inner OS is the equipment god gave you to create and master your life. Your emotional system, nervous system, your mental faculties, and your sensory mechanisms. We don’t learn anything about it in school. The use of it will determine where in life you go.

Mastering your brain states

There are 5 main brain states and you need to learn how to operate in all of them. Through conditioning with sound therapy you can tap into and tune your alpha states, beta states, theta, delta and gamma states

Training your nervous system for happiness, bliss and success

You can learn to do this throughout your day in many subtle and not so subtle ways through what you think, feel, speak and do.

Faith instead of fear

Your spiritual dna is perfect. Your spirit is perfect. Belief In god and the universe is a state we must reside in. This is a mainstay of Modern Musicians. They are faithful and they receive the abundance of lifes riches through deep understanding of certain laws and principles.

Love instead of anger

Modern musicians learn to shift to a 5D consciousness and become a loving human that actualizes their potential in life. They learn to choose love instead of anger and negative emotions.

Joy instead of sorrow

Starting with a base of happiness as the center of who you are. Firmly confident in your true self. Joy should be something you bring to the party. You have to cultivate joy in all your activities and interactions with others. Joy is an emotion Modern Musicians experience on a daily basis.

Pursuing your goals and dreams

The path to becoming extraordinary is the dedicated all in pursuit of your goals and dreams. There is no half in or half out commitment here. Modern Musicians dedicate themselves to the achievement of their goals and the fulfillment of their dreams and desires. It’s an all-in, playing full out state we call The Ready State.

Meaning and Fulfillment

Meaning is your motivational canvas, empowered meanings can change your life and revitalize your energy while disempowered meaning can fatigue or irritate you. Modern Musicians see life as a game they can win by the meaning they shape their world with. It’s these little distinctions that turn them on and fulfill them.

What qualities and characteristics of the good life can you think of? Here are a few that come to mind for me right now

◆ State of celebration, gratitude, fulfillment, satisfaction, honor, abundance, confidence

◆ Self made independent wealth

◆ Launching, growing, thriving, scaling, and mastering

◆ Living in the vibrational state of your higher self

◆ Delicious deliberate creation

◆ Unconditional happiness

◆ Getting into the mood to feel the stories aligned with what you want

◆ A state of bliss, having found the kingdom within, harmony with the three minds

◆ Living in beautiful states of being, Mastering your emotions

◆ Serving a purpose greater than yourself

◆ True self mastery - Seeing yourself as and living as the person you want to be

◆ Finding what turns you on and activating in the game

The game is your purpose and your mission in life. It’s the life affirming process of growth and love.

Activation Exercise:

Becoming enlightened and receiving your purpose, then embracing your journey and mastering your mission and vision through managing and performing your daily dial tasks and the processes that order your life and workflows in all key result areas

Flow based journey to the destination that fulfills you and makes you rich with passive income and a diversified portfolio of investments yielding tremendous returns for all involved for 1000 years

It’s walking with your fans and seeing how you improved the quality of their lives somehow

Go into your future now. Walk into the house, make yourself a cup of coffee, turn on the computer in the morning eager to get to work on your opportunities and responsibilities

Feel how it would feel to have accomplished your vision and your dreams. Sense with all your heart what that would feel like.

Live into the blueprints of the life you want with confidence and with a sense of ease and oneness with the universe

Sense with a staying power the beauty of your strength and confidence in your self and who you are as a person.

Allow yourself to be your true self

Tune yourself to the frequency your success lives on

Notice how you have to commit to the path, then you have to align and allow

What understandings have you had since you read this training and went through this exercise?


or to participate.