Getting The Recipe Just Right With Optimal Performance Coaching

Optimal Performance is functioning at your best. It’s feeling your best, and playing your best. It’s blocking out the noise and distractions and getting into the zone. Operating at a high level of self awareness and self mastery, being laser focused and getting into flow in all areas of your life.

To understand optimal performance you need to understand that you are really advancing through a series of states, most people only live in a few habitual emotional patterns, modern musicians cultivate flow in all areas of their life by the way they prime themselves for flow in all areas of their life by having an optimal workflow structure.

It’s training that gets you to optimal performance. Success conditioning and building your foundation are the key to your success. That’s why you’ll learn about it in our next lesson as you follow the Flow Protocol and Build The Foundation for long term success.

This is also the path to optimal performance.

Optimal performance coaching is the fastest path to optimal performance, and it is the core coaching methodology for the music business coaching component of modern musicianship.

It’s a combination of neuroscience, cbt, nlp, success coaching, law of attraction, spirituality, flow coaching for optimal performance, positive psychology, success coaching, fitness and performance coaching, sports psychology, integrating your health and fitness with your nutrition and energy practices, breathing, optimal workflow structure, mindfulness, meditation, and success conditioning, creating productivity, achievement, fulfillment, flow and success through self development, self actualization, self mastery, and self realization, all integrated into what we call optimal performance coaching.

There are 5 core skills of optimal performance (and a large number of meta skills), they are: mindset, physiology, creativity, productivity, learning, and mastery.

It was born out of 15 years of assembling and fleshing out the pieces of the system for the future of artist and talent development, as I designed and customized my blueprints for my life, career and business and created the mission and organization of Music Business Liberation. Studying success for 15 years, I transformed myself in solitude for 7 years inspired by god reaching spiritual liberation, what we call self transcendence or enlightenment, and my deep interests for helping creators, entrepreneurs, and veterans to live the highest quality of life possible.

After studying flow, sports psychology, self actualization and peak performance, high performance, goal setting, productivity, and more I evolved my model into optimal performance which is about the optimal performance of your functions and the integration of your head, your heart, your hand, your voice, and your business, all go into unlocking your full potential through your content business, and through the 3 dimensions and the 10 factors of success. The goal is to find the optimal progression pathway, integrate the plan and blueprints, your mission and philosophy, as well as your mind body and soul to find the sweetspot with your business and regimen to achieve more balance, more clarity, more peace, more confidence, and optimal performance. This leads to greater short and long term fulfillment, happiness, flow, success, and mastery. Through the coaching we develop an optimal workflow structure in order to help you achieve optimal performance in all areas of your life. In order to improve your health and fitness, your finances, your career, your lifestyle, your intelligence, or anything else. Mastering your life is about the aligned thought, feeling, speech and action done consistently, focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want.

The process of doing, iteration, feedback, adjustment and rewards of what and who you become.

Optimal performance coaching integrates The Goal Achievement System and the goal achievement process as well as the flow protocol and the other methods and techniques for achieving and maintaining optimal performance.

Through the daily disciplines of Optimal Performance Coaching, self development, business and career growth, exercise, meditation, creating, performing, sleep, diet and success conditioning.

Optimal Performance Coaching is about integrating your head, your heart, your hand, your soul, your voice, and your business into optimal performance. It will help you be your best self and live your best life, as well as become the leader and master of your universe.

Optimal performance coaching is the art of mastering the way you think, feel, act and speak to achieve optimal performance and create your paradise. With optimal performance or flow coaching you are building an optimal workflow structure and integrating everything you are doing in all your dimensions of life mastery to build a flow based lifestyle and life experience.

Once again the GAME is: The G.A.M.E. of Modern Musicianship Is the heart and the science of success.

As you begin to understand and play the GAME you will immediately begin your quest to achieve optimal performance and self actualization, and if you join The Fundamentals Course and Coaching Program or The Modern Musician Academy you will receive optimal performance coaching with your own music business coach and enjoy the benefits of the full experience of Modern Musicianship. This includes a customized client portal and career growth tools in addition to the training dojo and the membership level you choose to help you unlock your full potential. Signup for a Music Business Breakthrough Session when you are ready to step into the arena and play the GAME the way it is best played, with the proactive experience of having a coach and community to support your optimal career growth.


It is 8 components It is 8 dimensions It is incremental and exponential growth in multiple dimensions It is getting 1% better in every area each day The game is deep work The game is focus and flow Creativity and productivity with determination Serious play to win the day The GAME is communication The GAME is how you win in your life and career The GAME is relationship development The GAME is played in 90 day seasons The GAME is dissolving resistance and getting into flow with love from your superconscious The GAME is optimal authentic expression The GAME is the game of growth The GAME is the game of achievement and fulfillment The GAME is optimal performance and an optimal workflow structure The GAME is always complete the mission

You have an inner and an outer game. But it all starts with the inner game.

All parts of you align and define your unique value positioning and your core story. Your Story is your message, your message is your business. In order for your message to be its best, you have to be at your best. When you are at your best you are usually: 1) Following your heart/passion - Doing what you love and have talent in 2) You’ve developed a strong foundation of training and practice 3) You know how to concentrate and perform your roles in life So optimal performance coaching helps you do all the things that you can do to feel and perform at your best. What does optimal performance coaching look and feel like? The process of generating Happiness, Flow, Growth, fulfillment and mastery in 8 dimensions of life mastery. The GAME is a flow based journey to the goal and the fulfillment of the vision. Optimizing the factors for success Dialing in through your regimen It’s consistently being your true self. And the best version of yourself. Harnessing Inspiration and motivation consistently for consistent action. Content business mastery Optimal performance is a lifestyle It’s incremental and exponential growth in the 8 dimensions of mastery Getting 1% better everyday in every area Vision and desires with daily alignment weekly adjustments Rising into your greatness

Modern Musicianship is about Installing the mindsets, habits, tools, skills, and getting a complete education to become your true self. It starts with clarity and focus.

There are 12 skills for optimal performance Mindset and meaning, physiology and emotions, habits/practices/implementation, happiness and fulfillment, creativity, productivity, spirituality, project management, learning, growth and mastery

Productivity Productivity is the effect of good psychology and good self discipline. It is the piece that makes all other elements possible. Optimal performance is about bringing your life into a state of balance and flow through channeling motivation and inspiration into concentration on your work blocks and work sets. When you can focus your attention for 12+ hours a day you are able to develop the muscles and habits of productivity in order to find workflow and optimal performance through the thoughts, feelings, action and speech that produce the results.

Creativity The development of creativity is an ongoing process of learning, creating and sharing value with the world.

Mindset, meaning and Performance The meanings you form will bring you tremendous joy or perhaps pain, but what you think, determines what you become. Your meanings should be consciously shaped based on your values and beliefs and will lead you to live an extraordinary life. Your performance is what you do.

Emotion This is the element that brings the path and the journey to life. Emotions are the fuel for optimal performance.

All are Integrated into your performance.

Developing skills and capabilities on your learning journey Thoughts, feeling, action, speech Awareness, meaning and performance

Optimal performance is achieved through consistently getting into the ready state after building an optimal workflow structure. Optimal performance coaching includes the following: Concentration and Mindfulness for optimal performance It is through the process of discipline that we achieve our dreams and fulfill our purpose. Once you have clarity on the goals and the skills required it’s about the disciplined consistent habits that you build through using your 4 powers.

Harnessing Your 4 Powers The Power of how you think - this is how you will master the mind The Power of how you feel - this is how you will use your emotional guidance system to lead you to the promised land of positive emotions and wanted experiences, desires and passions The Power of what you do - this is how you will take most immediate control of your current situation and take action to start creating your reality and the future you can picture of your paradise 3-5 years down the road. Power of what you say - this is how you can turn your desires into reality and harness the power of the word to attract all wanted and influence your universe with transformative influence

Wellbeing and flow Modern Musicianship helps you feel a greater sense of wellbeing because of a flow that is in harmony with life, emanates from within.

Heart and Soul - The Why The purpose The feeling the reason The why is the reason and the heart in the heart and science of success. This is the feeling of success. The accomplishment of your big goals and dreams brings the feelings of fulfillment and success.

Head - The thoughts This is psychology, this is part of the science and includes the mindset

Thinking, meditation and success conditioning are the ways to train your mind to follow pathways to your optimal performance and success.

Hand - The behavior This is another part of the science, as there are certain things that you can do, that others who have achieved that result have done, that if you do, can achieve the same or similar results.

Voice - The communication This is the unique expression of your brand, style, message and content.

Business - Your G.A.M.E. This is where everything comes together. In your business. All the skills and the other elements and factors in optimal performance culminate in your business which is your game and the vehicle you are using to achieve your greatness.


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