Feeling Into Your Future: How To Become Your Best Self

This training article integrates the 4mat learning model.

Why What How What if


The problem is that we always think we’ll be or feel a certain way when we accomplish x goal. But that’s a never ending sense of constantly chasing a moving target.

Traditional Artist Development was always waiting or longing for something to happen outside of our control, conditional living by default not design.

Traditional Artist Development was all about the push and the grind, always out of alignment with what you truly desire.

Modern Musicianship is about fulfillment and happiness first and foremost.

It is about the alignment with what you want and the implementation of rules, steps, habits, practices, processes, models that actualize your potential and bring your dream to life.


As a Modern Musician you are the designer of your lifestyle and the master of your vibration. That means you are responsible for the energy that you generate.

By feeling into your future you can align your desire and embody that which you wish to have do or be.

As a Modern Musician you are learning how to master the process of your creative fulfillment in addition to liberation financially, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and socially.

One part of the manifestation process is the feeling into your future. What you are doing is making yourself a match to your desire vibrationally, or at least clearing the channels of opposing ideas that might block you, by then feeling into the frequencies your success lives on.

I believe that this is where a large majority of the work is done. It all leads back to your dominant vibration and that can be progressively improved each day through your core practices for self actualization, your daily dials.

Modern Musician’s take their emotional liberation into their own hands by using their thoughts and feelings to generate the thoughts, expressions, experiences, and situations they want to have happen in the future. Your responsibility is to use your emotions and powers of the mind to work with you toward what you want. You have to learn to use your emotions and your imagination and your sensory experience to feel into your future.

This means using and understanding your emotions and Inner OS to create the feelings and experiences you desire through exercising yourself into feeling that way each day. You do this through your thoughts feelings, speech and actions.

A big part of music business liberation, the tipping point of self perpetuating momentum for freedom and fulfillment is emotional liberation.

Emotional liberation is the ability to generate emotional states that you desire as well as emotional flexibility in order to transform negative or destructive emotions into positive or constructive states of being.

Emotional liberation is how you heal yourself and maintain optimal wellness.

If you don’t know what an emotional state feels like, that’s where you can use your imagination to go into the future and do whatever you need to do in your imagination to feel that feeling, and then train yourself to feel that feeling.

For me, it’s an intricate visual and sensory interplay of the many stages of the process that stimulates and inspires me, and all of which keeps me in tune with my vision and purpose and all of which seems to generate the ideal state of mind.

I call it the ready state, because you won’t always be in flow, there may be resistance, but in a state ready to master the moment, which is one part of the goal of the process.

But all of it emphasizes the experience and the feeling that you are having as one of the most important factors for why you are doing something. No i don't mean immediate short term pleasures. Though those can be enjoyable too. Life is short. But an unconditional assertion of my own well being by my subconscious mind.

Thoughts + interpretation = feeling

Modern Musicianship is about turning your desires into the motivation and the performance of your main moves into the most enjoyable activities in your life.

It’s boldly being your best self, and living into the blueprints of your best life.

Part of emotional liberation is a technique we’ve developed called Feeling Into Your Future. It along with success conditioning should be practiced daily until you become one with your future and the desired emotional state is a reality in your daily vibrational output.

First let's talk about why feeling into your future is a key tool for your success conditioning.


The mind and heart turns what you think and feel about most of the time into reality.

You need to tune to prosperity and joy.

There are radio stations that broadcast and receive your ideal frequencies and you tune to those stations with your imagination and your inner game, as well as with your dial dials which are apart of your outer game.

Thus you need to have the power of the mind working for you to keep you in a vibration that is equivolent to the frequencies that your success lives on.

It is about turning what you do into the most enjoyable experiences of your life.

You do that by associating tremendous amounts of pleasure and rewards to the process of the activity.

The real challenge is to feel into your future and find peace, flow, and fulfillment from each day - with the emotions and states you want to experience in the day.

It’s the hardest thing to do but you have to see yourself as a champion who will not only succeed in the future but who is worthy of feeling that feeling now.

You have to see yourself succeed over and over and over again.

Just continue to think about it, saturate your consciousness with it until it expresses itself in the relationships and the deals and the sales that will come as a result.

Keep improving your standards and see what that means in every area of your life.

Start with your identity

What motivates you?

Some things that motivate me are:

  • My unstoppable self concept

  • Music Business Liberation

  • Independent artistry

  • Optimal authentic expression

  • The sun

  • My unborn children

  • My success

  • My angels

  • Transformative influence

  • Heaven on earth

  • Start with your values and your beliefs

What would it feel like to feel like if you had an unstoppable concept of yourself?

It is when you see yourself as the person who succeeds that you will begin to feel like that would feel.

You have to live and condition yourself to live as your best self.

Be the person you want to be today.

Stop thinking it’s going to come some other day and start to feel that now.

Spend 5-10 minutes right now just feeling the feeling of what your desire fulfilled will feel like, what it will bring you, what will the experience be like?

It will feel like a steady connection of wellbeing and mastery and fulfillment from all dimensions, desires and dreams.

It will feel like flow and passion.

It will feel like endless confidence and satisfaction with every stage of the process

It will feel like a perpetual state of growth from solid understanding and habitual ways of living that produce uniquely fulfilling experiences as I master each moment.

Don’t worry. This may come very easily, or it may require a lot of different strategies to figure out how to do that. It along with consistently aligning with your desires is how you will advance on your path to paradise progressing along the bridge of incidents to your liberation and mastery.

Consistent rehearsal for who you want to become for the rest of your life.

Feeling into your future should start early in the day so you activate your motivation for what you are doing during the day.

Build your states with fire-starters for daily motivation

One of the key power tools i love to give artists is a powerful motivational tool that can pave the pathway for giving you momentum and alignment. Firestarters are the bread and butter motivational messages that put you into a sense of multidimensional flow with the organic pull of your desires.

Some of these messages simplified and boiled down to essence for me are:

  • Learning is life

  • Life is learning

  • Learners are earners

  • Vibrational equity

  • Ground punch

  • Meditation mastery

  • Mastering the moment

  • Raising vibration

  • Self actualization

  • Well being frames

  • Mastering your ABC’s

  • Activating and Mastering your ideals

Feeling into your future is all about harnessing your Inner OS to feel into the blueprints of the thoughts, feelings, actions, and speech of the life you want to live.

And then in so doing that consistently over time you eventually live into the vibration of your best self and truly become the optimal expression of your true self with manifest destiny.

You have to identify what you want and who you want to become and then you must envision and hold that on the screen of your mind until you resonate with the essence of the experience of having that in your physical reality now.

I have to see myself as the music business architect, as a respected trainer coach creator teacher best selling author, grammy winning singer songwriter producer, scratch golfer,

When i feel into that future i activate the pathways and cooperative components by which the dreams can occur.

Redirect memories of the past that illicit negative emotions.

You have to calibrate to the bigger part of you through meditation and short breaks we call Pitt Stops where you can ReCalibrate to your true self and align with your purpose and spirit once more.

That puts you back into touch with your heart. Your emotion.

Through the action of self actualization exercises and practices you can learn to integrate those two key components in what you are doing with all your practices, habits and processes.

You often have to have a certain level of flexibility in your mind and heart for the right answers to come.

Sometimes you won’t be in the neighborhood of your best thinking, or when breakthroughs can occur, so you have to do the best you can with what you’ve got right now. Work your way into better feeling thoughts and you’ll be feeling your path to paradise a little more and more each day and you’ll be able to work your way up from negative thoughts to positive emotional well being.

The power of questions

Why is this doomed to fail is a typical question that people ask which comes up with an answer, and what you need to learn to do is to ask yourself powerful questions like what does the best outcome for today look and feel like?

How do we make the most out of this day? How do we do all we do today with love and excellence?

For Modern Musicians, the moment is a powerful equation of meaning and performance in divine rhythm and time. The dance of life is full of incredible moments. Modern Musicians learn how to create meaningful moments as they learn how to master their universe through the more effective use of their thoughts, feelings, speech, and action. They build up such incredible states of pure bliss consciousness that they bring the joy in all they do.

The power of intuition

Your intuition is another one of your mental faculties you’ll always be developing, and you can build it up through practice. You have to connect with your source and let intuition guide you through the maize.

The power of full sensory stimulation with our imagination

The experience of super learning is one that is all engaged playing full out. The difference that you can have on your overall experience of life can be tuned through the full sensory stimulation of your creative imagination.

Modern Musicianship is integrated training with learning and implementation all apart of the processes, projects, campaigns and launches.

What does it feel like to be your best self?

How do you live with confidence now?

How do you create and cultivate that confidence on a daily basis?

How do you live into these emotional blueprints?

Feeling into your future is all about living in beautiful states.

Here are some techniques for feeling into your future:

When you see yourself with the life you imagine what is most appealing about that image?

For me seeing the fruits of my labor and enjoying the victory of the harvest

What does expansion look and feel like?

To me it feels like aligning and allowing one uniquely fulfilling experience at a time.

And for my passion and my life work to bubble to the surface and advance in the most satisfying and fulfilling of ways throughout our conversations and energetic exchanges.

Integrated learning, training and implementation

Modern Musicianship is a pathway to becoming through the integrated learning and skills training through implementation of habits, practices, processes, projects.

It’s all on a pathway to victory. As a Modern Musician you take the champions challenge, so it's a journey that you are committed to that will lead you to your happiness, success, fulfillment, achievement, and mastery,

You learn and grow and then teach/create and flow.

Driving the dream

Success architecture is designing and creating the future. Driving the dream is the process of embodying the vision of the best you possible and aligning with that expanded state of you as you tune into the frequencies that your success lives on. By connecting to what you want by holding and impressing your subconscious mind with the feelings of your future reality it will go about pulling you toward it and bringing the cooperative components into your universe.


Frames are a way of prompting a desired state as you’ll notice that you have certain frames that illicit confidence or negativity, certain states and feelings and before long you can feel the full boiled mood that’s starting to cook up. Frames are used in NLP and communication, and can be used to change your experience in the moment and thus strongly impact your quality of life. Frames can come up as beliefs. Some frames you need to change. Frames can The frames of your life will determine your thoughts and feelings in the moment and your overall quality of life.

Anchors/Set points

Anchors are often frames that embody a certain emotional state or point in time. They are like frames that have an enduring quality, anchors are reliable messages, words, images, feelings that can be used as set points for states.


Feeling Into Your Future Exercise:

Understand that you are the creator of your reality.

You have to have to have the power that creates worlds working with you. Understand that you are a world builder. Feeling into your future is about creating the construct and the feelings that the future you created already. You have to learn to remember to feel it real. Through living into the vibrational blueprints.

In this exercise you will see yourself achieving at every stage of the journey. It will be the most enjoyable and rewarding exercise that you can repeat daily.

Let's begin.

Start from the beginning and go through how you started and build up momentum... Start with one main experience at the start of your journey and now progress from the baselines that you are at right now and proceed through the mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, physical, career, dimensions. Advance through all the stages of the brand building and the growth of the audience.

Imagine your first 10 subscribers, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, your first 1 million subscribers...

How about sales?

See the cash register flowing with your first 10 sales, then 100, then 1000, then 10,000 then 100,000 and then millions.

How do you feel?

See yourself as all in as going to the conferences and meeting with the influencers in your industry.

See yourself getting on blogs and on podcasts and featured in playlists and getting reviews and hungry buyers of your products and services

See yourself on stage crushing it and feeling so vital and connected to source and to your audience and to your content.

Proceed with a vision for the life you want to have:

Find the words and visuals that turn you on and propel you to your future.

If you can’t feel what it’s going to feel like you won’t bridge the gap.

Don’t be hard on yourself if it doesn’t just happen automatically. You have to think about it in a way that causes you to have the feeling. You have to work at it. It’s a process. It starts with an intention and it will come to you in different ways.

Think of the universe as conspiring with you to help you be your best self. Get inspired through the wellspring of consciousness that illuminates from concentration on what you want.

What does it feel like to be do or have something?

Take some time right now and consider this.

Can you feel what victory really feels like?

What if victory was continually thinking and feeling the thoughts that gave you joy and happiness?

Go ahead and think about it. Play around with the feelings.

How do you feel in your sensory experience? what scents, textures, and emotions are you feeling?

Calibrate to your higher self - Think what are the ideals for my thought, feeling speech and action?

You make adjustments in your perception and attitude

Keep coming back to your true self and adjusting both your perception or your procedure. What you think or what you do. Everything is a course of action to become through doing and having.

You Make commitments to the vision

On a daily basis, each hour to the life you are creating. I know i'll be the best in the market by mastering the fundamentals and building a brand that thrives all night. I make commitments to my dreams every day and it renews and refuels me.

You Constantly ask for higher guidance and follow your intuition

I look for what questions i could ask of myself that would go to work for me in finding the answers to, i would go through that process every day as much and as often as i could remember to do.

Success consciousness

Success is a state of mind. Modern Musicians develop a success consciousness that attracts as well as shines the light on the success in everyone. This is one of the many gifts that Modern Musicians bring, and it starts with understanding what success is both in themselves and in others.

Resolving inner conflict

The FUD factor will show up at some point and you will have inner conflict that tests your resolve, but as a Modern Musician you will come back to the thoughts and feelings that keep you in an ideal state of mind. As you learn and improve your 4 powers you will develop the ability to dissolve fears, change limiting beliefs and redirect your mind from negative unwanted inner or outer chatter to the desired emotional states. Emotional liberation is one of the greatest achievements of your lifetime, and one of the vital keys to self mastery.

Developing your focus and concentration

One of the best things you could do is to learn how to drive the dream. Driving the dream is a concept of Modern Musicianship that means to align and embody what, why and how you do what you do through consistently maintaining the desire and the identity, the capabilities, the skills, the values, the behavior, the environment, the embodiment of the characteristics and qualities of the person you want to be. Integrated everything into giving you the ability for optimal performance. To get into flow with all relationships and in all areas of your life.

In Conclusion:

Architect into your mind and body all the thoughts and feelings that you want to experience.

A train of thought persisted upon, cannot fail to produce it’s results on the character or circumstances. Mastery. Wealth. Bolster the words and phrases that make you who you are and inspire you into your blueprints.

You are blessed to be the molder and student of your own reality.

Instead of external focus on the internal focus of control.

Feel the future on a daily basis, practice makes perfect. Practice makes permanent.

Think about it how it all comes back to mindfulness and meditation and your success conditioning. Feel it real Daily, during the workday, and at the end of the day.

When you are ready to step your game up to Modern Musicianship, claim your Breakthrough Session for some Music Business Coaching as a complementary thank you for what you do.


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