Fearlessly go after what you want

Their are so many things that keep us from what we want. There is too much. Just as their is almost infinite opportunity for those who choose a course and determinately set out after it, there is all this uncertainty and fear that may set in but the bottom line is that if you find something that you want and know you REALLY want... Then you HAVE to summon every piece of energy and willpower, and focused effort into going and getting it.

The most common obstacle that you’ll encounter is first level resistance... This is something like a technical gotchya, or some minor setback. You gotta blow past that, because the obstacles and the doubts are really going to come and you’ll have to face them down. You WILL have to challenge them, and work through at least some portion of time where you are not sure that you can do it, and that you know what you’re doing....

If you get stuck, or hung up on a minor obstacle you’ll never have the misfortune of getting to these bigger obstacles, but you have to go through them to get to the other side.

No matter what thought hangs you up, no matter what real issue you stops you cold, however challenging or difficult it may seem, you have to remember that you resolved to fearlessly go after what you want, and not stop until you have it.


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