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- Your Fan Relationship Management Center: A Relationship Database
Your Fan Relationship Management Center: A Relationship Database
An alarmingly fertile output of new tools, widgets, and services continue to sprout across our beautifully blooming little niche market-place, at varying levels of practicality and value.
A vast assortment of Direct to fan technologies have truly liberated the modern music business, and although their are many of us still reluctant to acknowledge or implement these new technologies, the modern musician embraces his new set of tools and systems…
But while the technological advancement, the hyper growth of our global community and marketplace has been transformational for so many it’s easy to get overly focused on the most recent streaming services exploits, the tabloid sensationalism from certain online publications, the youtube flash in the pan success stories… while slipping into a sort of bitterness about who’s really benefiting from all our “progress…”
Last I checked, the royalty rate was still a joke, Apple still shaved a casual THIRTY PERCENT off the top, and a new class of middlemen have emerged, almost all sharing two syllable names…
Amidst all the madness, many of us are still totally missing the point of the Modern Music Industry...
It's not about the "Digital Music" Revolution... It’s about the ARTISTS and OUR FANS! This is the Artists revolution!
The modern music business is how we truly put the MUSIC back into Music Business.
Modern Musicians Upgrade Their Career Operating System, as well as their Inner Operating System
How come 75% of unsigned artists still want a major label deal, and how come over 90% of all albums released by independents each year sell less than 1000 copies?
I’ll tell you exactly why…
Poor Psychology.
Poor Strategy.
Poor Skills.
Poor Habits.
Poor Systems.
Poor Processes.
Typically a combination of some or all of them.
To take your music career and direct to fan business to the next level, some upgrades are in order. Today, let me introduce you to vital tool for all artists and musicians #1.
Your Fan Relationship Management Center
A fan relationship management center, is a central component modern musicians understand and embrace, and we make sure our clients and students install into their music businesses.
A Fan Relationship Database is More Than a Mailing List. It is The ENGINE of Your Music Business
This is what you should have in place prior to your next promotional campaign, launch, or release… The order of priority does matter. If you want to get exceptional or even maximal results with the growth of your music career and fan base, then understand...
Being a Modern Musician without THIS, is like owning a car without an engine.
No matter what anyone else may have led you to believe about how important social media is, streaming, blogging, X, Y, or Z… Please understand that your number 1 career asset, your most valuable resource for the life and livelihood of your career… is…
Your Fan Database. What we call your Relationship Database.
The central system that contains the contact information and interactions with your fans over time. Yes, you want to have a following across your social channels as well. But your Database “catalogs” the relationships you develop over time as well as organizes and stores the data needed to communicate with them in multiple formats so they can support you throughout your journey together.
Fan Base Relationship Development: Should I be building an email list?
Fan Base Relationship Manager - The Engine of a Modern Music Marketing System
No matter what anyone may have lead you to believe, the answer is Yes. Your Fans name and email address is how you can stay most directly connected to your fans in the modern world. Email marketing, also happens to be the leader in sales conversion and one of the best delivery methods we’ve got.
Twitter could shut down, Facebook could randomly close your account, mistakes happen and all the sudden you can be left in the dark without a flashlight or a point of contact. No word. No explanation for what you may have done or not done wrong…
The fact is that you are not in control of these properties. You need to build your own database. One that you control and that you are actively building. It’s not about the size of your following, it is about the connection and the relationships you develop with the fans and contacts who support and value your Art.
That’s why we call it a Relationship Database.
Your Relationship Database is a central infrastructure for your career’s growth that houses each of those valuable relationships in the form of their contact details. It is your connector to your fans, partners, vendors, sponsors, professionals, and the rest of your network.
Again, I encourage you to look at your Relationship Database as akin to the Hub of your Platform.
I am trying to frame this up from this perspective for you-so that you can more easily focus on both the value of your most valuable business asset, but most importantly on the value of the relationships you have with those who support you.
The Heart of Email Marketing for Musicians
How to build better relationships, earn more income, and spend more time doing the fun stuff.
The goal is to actively develop your fan relationships, and the best way we’ve found for doing that in the Modern World is by creating a sophisticated Music Marketing System as the Core Engine for both on-going relationship development, as well as automated sales of your content, tickets, merch, t-shirts, and whatever else you choose to create and offer to your audience…
A sophisticated engine called The Music Marketing System adds our friend technology and automation into the mix and helps us step our GAME up to the next level. Essentially the functionality of your Music Marketing System still centers around your relationship database, and can be as simple as automated email marketing or fully integrated multimedia followup sequences and campaigns.