Early March Enrollment Offer

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It's March Already...

Three months is a really long time when you’re building a Music business. You can get several new songs done, finish projects, and reach goals.Three months is also a time that can seem to vanish. (Last time I opened up enrollment was almost three months ago.)Think about the last couple months. What have you focused on and achieved?Have you improved your Potential Fan flow, gotten new placements or licensing deals, or built a new income stream?What were you planning to do and achieve? Did you do it?If you didn’t, what was the reason?Did you lose focus? Or did you get stuck with a question you couldn’t solve?Or did you reach every goal you had?There’s an invaluable business practice that can make a huge difference in your life: set specific goals with specific timeframes and when those timeframes close, look back and be honest about why you did or didn’t reach the goals you had.When you do that, you’ll see the reality of your business; are you moving forward as you want or getting slowed down by something.The key is honesty. It’s really easy to find excuses, but those will only slow you down.We built the Music Career Growth System to be a clear roadmap with detailed instructions for every step you need to take.So, if you want to know what to focus on next and how to take the next step, consider starting the course.It has my 10 years of experience in it, it’s the same system I use and live, and it has proven to help hundreds of other Artists already.

Just hit reply and we can quickly determine whether or not we’re the right fit for each other.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger 

The Music Business Architect for Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and earn a full-time living doing what they love-on their own terms.

CEO of The Leaders Edge, LLC

Creator of the Music Business Blueprint

Editor in Chief of Modern Musician Magazine


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