Don't Worry About Your Thoughts

Don’t place too much emphasis on your thoughts...

Curb the psycho babble for minute. Thoughts are important and all that. I understand that thoughts effect the way you feel, which effect the way you act, and what you do.

But at the end of the day, you don’t/can’t always control what pops into your head, and why, and reading any further into it is ludicrous.

The answer is to detach from your thoughts, and just kind of passively watch them stream by.

Think of your mind as being a cover-flow for your thoughts. You can scroll through and then you CHOOSE one to focus on. This is critical. You have to, you GET to CHOOSE, which one you focus on....

Only choose thoughts that serve you, and only choose thoughts that focus on a solution, or on the task at hand. Don’t get lost in your mind worried about things you cannot control.

If you are a daydreamer, and can dream up amazing and complex plans and visions, then you are likely going to understand the power of your mind for being destructive as well as immensely creative.

This can be a problem. Just remember to separate fact from fiction. There is no disputing fact from fiction. Your mind can twist and turn anything and actually start to distort memories if you spend too much time dwelling on it. Don’t worry about it.

So the answer = don’t worry about your thoughts, worry about DOING whatever you are DOING, the best you can, and use your mind to assist in that.



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