Defining Success as a Modern Musician Part 1

The foundation for your success stems from clarity and focus and your ability to complete the mission.

Without clear targets, you'll miss them every time.

The vision for your success must be clear and defined.

I want to change your definition of success to an enlightened definition.

As a Master Sgt for the artists revolution, it is my job to see that you get the models and understandings that help you operate like a modern musician.

Success is the acquisition of all required properties necessary to fulfill the vision of your success.

Later in this article I’m going to give you the structure to map out your dream down to the runway of your blueprints… What we call your game plan to success. But first, let’s define a few more things and expand what we're working on now.

According to our definition of success, that means that something cannot be successful until you define the parameters for your success and then fulfill the properties.

Let’s take your next project for example… what are the required properties for it to be successful?

You should set outcome goals like financial targets, or ad spend or traffic numbers, but you should also know the types of feelings that you are intending to generate and experience or elicit in others.

For example, in my life I the parameters that I have for success on this next project are that I want to develop more clarity, more confidence, more flow, and more connection with myself, I also want to develop the consistency of writing and publishing unique content experiences, make 100 sales right out of the gate of my next launch, and develop my workflows to the next level.

Rule #4 Preproduction is key. Step 4 - start with a game plan.

Everyone needs to have a game plan for their goals.

First we start with the goals, 8k in sales and the experience of flow state as the majority of my conscious and unconscious experience. This will satisfy and fulfill the efforts and the pure joy of creative production. This will get my energies into alignment and tap me into the vortex of my success and the feelings of glory and wisdom and fulfillment and flow will be the constant state of my life. By next year I will have the mind and the heart right for incredible growth and scaling. How I’ll do that is by creating a report for sale and focusing on the process to generate the results I am aiming for. To get there I build a pathway and follow the plan with the strategies and tactics for completing the mission.

Modern musicians complete the mission.

The only way to fail is to not complete the mission.

They realize that they have the power and capabilities of imagining what they want and then create that vision in reality. Pulling that picture into form.

This is the most marvelous fact you may not have given much thought. But if you pontificate, study, expand on and intuit insights about it, it will change your whole life. You will now see yourself as a CREATOR.

You now have the power to create your paradise.

I want to help you live your best life as an artist, musician or creator, and become your best self. Your true self. In perfect harmony with your true nature and the divinity within.

What are your opportunities?

Modern musicians understand the different opportunities and revenue streams available to them.

They know exactly what they want to achieve and then take the action to achieve it.

They take control of their destiny by taking the steps that bring them closer to their ideal career and lifestyle and the goals they set out to achieve.

Modern musicians learn how to use the modern toolset and to harness their inner os to develop their S.T.A.R.S. (Self/stories, Team, Assets, Resources, Systems/processes) and build the career and fan base of their dreams. Fulfillment and prosperity. Inner and outer music business liberation.

Modern musicians are the leaders and servants of their tribe. They are hero’s of their story and the creators of their paradise.

Think in Cycles

I want to help you to start thinking in cycles and seasons. Everything is a cycle. From every season to every month to every week to every day to every individual workblock, technically any task or project completed is a cycle. Modern Musicians think in cycles and they think of how to utilize each cycle effectively to drive them closer to their ideal future.

They harness the power of emotional involvement with their daily activities and it compounds the impact of their action.

They get emotionally involved with their dreams and goals.

The thinking, feeling, behavior cycles that they engage in daily drive them closer to their paradise everyday as they spiral upwards towards what they dream.

Rather than looping on things they don’t want they focus on positive and motivating outcomes and thoughts that feel good.

This is all you are responsible for in life. How you think, feel, speak and behave. The next cycle of your life and career.

A Modern Musicians job is to master their universe from the inside out. Your job is to pursue your opportunities and build a brand that thrives long term. A brand that reaches it’s full potential. As the Music Business Architect my job is to help you turn your dreams into blueprints, to see that you grow your brand optimally, and that you develop the success of your dreams and fulfillment of your purpose. You master your ABC’ so that your content becomes your currency. To become a Modern Musician means to embrace and develop your skills, habits, and mindsets, your systems and processes. Those of which are possessed by Modern Musicians. To achieve their goals Modern Musicians experiment with different strategies until they find the core strategies that work, and then they dial in.

There are only 7 functions you need to be able to make a living as a modern musician or even as a modern content creator.

Platform Project management Preproduction Production Presentation Promotion Profits

To live your best life. As the CEO, you are responsible for all aspects of your operation. The leader of your brand and the master of your destiny. Your job everyday is to play The G.A.M.E. The Grassroots Authenticated Music Experience, also known as The Game of Business and the mastery of your craft and your self. The game of becoming your best self and living your best life. The game of achieving your greatness. We’ve turned it into a game so that you can play along at home and start with what you have right now, where you are at.

Everything we teach boils down to the ability to follow the 10 steps, the 10 rules of the game - which can be found here for an optin -

Play the G.A.M.E. of Business

The game is the game of goal achievement and the game of developing your greatness. It is also the game of your self mastery and craft mastery.

Everyday your goal is to hit the targets you setup in your weekly and daily planning process, your RPM, (Review Planning and Maintenance) and then focus each day on hitting the daily dial targets you setup for yourself to hit.

Each night and each week you need to review your day during your daily RPM and log your daily dials, log anything relevant into your journal and then determine what targets you want to set for the next day.

This way you are always making progress and tuning your mind into the things that matter most to you so you can make adjustments and tune into the right frequencies. The right vibrations that are in harmony with the things you want to accomplish or become. The goals you have.

I don’t know of a more powerful way to do it. It is a matter of practicing this process over and over and over again until you build the foundation for the rest of your career.

The conscious act of driving the dream, as we call it, which means coming from the emotional state of gratefully able to take the steps to achieve your goals and build your legacy, is what keeps you centered, tuned in, and on track with your goals.

Intention and attention

You need to have intention for what you are trying to create and trying to achieve, and you need to have attention on your goals and each play you are making.

Intention is the power we have to focus our mind. To concentrate our attention to purposeful aims. Intention is something we must reset daily and fix our attention on those things that bring us closer to our goals.

You have to measure your results

This means you must learn to get into google analytics and webmaster tools and facebook analytics, run reports, to test and track links to campaigns and to know your numbers.

What is Modern Musicianship?

Modern Musicianship is a technology for achieving success. It is journey that will lead you to your true self actualization, your enlightenment or connection to god, and ultimately your complete Music Business Liberation.

Honor the journey.

When I say honor the journey, I mean respect the struggle that it’s going to take to get to your paradise. It's going to take a lot of time and is a journey that you're on for the long term.

It’s about a life of flow.

Getting into and developing your genius.

Progressing your talents and capabilities to the tipping point of self perpetuating momentum.

Where your capabilities flow and your genius comes out.

It’s about flowing in each moment, mastering your main moves

It’s the road to your salvation or hallelujah, whichever it is for you.

What you need is a pathway to your success.

You also need the structure to perform optimally within and the blueprints to the life you most desire.

It’s about creating the ideal condition for your career and lifestyle by performing and producing optimally in a complete development system. The system I designed called The Music Business Liberation Coaching and Training Academy is designed from the ground up for you to structure the cultivation of your genius, and facilitation of your growth from traditional to modern musician.

I want to inspire the fullest potential of your extraordinary gifts by helping you achieve your goals. To do that we have to define your success. See success is the acquisition of all required properties of the vision. Therefore you cannot know how you are successful until you determine what is required for it to be so…

If it’s living on a beach doing what you love then that’s the start of your vision and journey to creating that in reality. It’s a matter of thinking in binary and tangible results and characteristics for outcomes you want to create in your life successfully.

The desire may be to have no desires, or to just be able to do the things you love and earn a minimal amount to live and pursue your passion. That’s still a definable outcome.

You cannot control outcomes but you can control your performance.

Attitude and effort. That’s all we control.

I define success as having hit my targets as that’s all I control.

Your goal is to build a 3dimensional brand and create complete success.

That means with clarity on each dimension, artistic, so with your craft and artistry, your content, entrepreneurially so for instance with your income, and then also with your self, with your own personal growth.

You need to understand all three.

I need to understand that I need to make $20,000 in revenue in order to achieve that.

Then as you’ll learn you have to have a strategy to get there, and a tracking system to track your success.

You gotta get into it. You can do that by tracking your success.

You can really activate yourself by getting engaged with what we call the game of business. Or the game of success. Essentially the process of setting and achieving goals.

Playing the game means knowing your numbers and tracking your success. Modern musicians Set goals in all 3 dimensions each quarter, forecasting their goals and setting their targets…. The game is the process by which they achieve their goals. When you have a pathway to success, as I’ll talk about later, playing the game is taking the daily actions steps that pull the picture into reality.

Mapping across your 3 dimensions

Really begin to think about what it looks like to be successful over the next 90 days? How do you want to progress artistically, in your career or entrepreneurially, and how do you want to progress as a person? As a soul.

The model I’ve developed is similar to the GTD model except varies in a couple ways that I’ve just found to be more effective in breaking it all down

From 50,000 ft we have the

Purpose + Dreams

One of the first things you must do if you have not yet is to define your purpose and your dream. It’s an absolute must to define what your purpose in life is. Here is where you want to define your dreams and purpose in fully illustrated, fully defined terms and outcomes. Get vivid and descriptive and communicate sights and smells and feelings and get emotionally involved with your dream. You need to have emotional involvement with what you are doing or you will have no willpower for when you don’t feel like doing it.

Part of my purpose is what I call my 5 why’s, or the 5 major reasons I’m committed to my success. You’ll want to define that for you. Deeply define why you want something and what you do it all for and you’ll get right to the heart of the matter when it all matters.

You may find it to be one of the most beneficial exercises of your life.

You have a lot of purposes in life. One of my purposes is to advance and evolve musical artistry.

Vision + Desires

Here is where you want to get clear on the vision of what you want. You’ll also define the desires you have around your purpose and your mission. For example I have a deep desire around impacting peoples worlds with the impact of transformative influence. Of being there for peoples growth and transformation. Guiding and coaching them to their paradise. I suggest that you set the biggest grandest vision of your life and then work backwards from there. What’s it look like in 5 years, in 3 years, in 2 years, in 1 years and in the next 90 days?

For example, in 5 years I want to have built my first tribal clubhouse built by me and my tribe in the heart of Michigan preferably on some water atop a mountain or hill.

I want to have a business that I can operate from anywhere with a smartphone and a laptop, and I want to be living as the music business architect embracing my full potential and experiencing the richest quality of life and perpetual inner and outer state. Each moment a uniquely fulfilling experience.

That means I have a number of projects going on, and a number of income streams coming in and I have my operation on lock. Perpetually performing and producing at my best. Living my best life. Living as my true self, one with the universe and with my greatest self. My divine self.

In 3 years I want to be moving into my first home in Ann Arbor Mi on the streets of spring and sunset prepared and in position to see the blooming of the modern music business and the thrival of the artists revolution and modern musicianship… I want to have a best selling book, a successful podcast that’s still going strong, I want to have a growing audience that generates 100k visitors per month to my sites and socials. I want to be earning six figures per month in revenue. I want to build my brand and platform up so that it generates 1,000 new potentials and leads each month. I want to live in a perpetual flow state that keeps me in a prosperous state of abundance and joy and in harmony with the many relationships central to my mission and purpose.

I have built the core of my paradise and am living in it. I will be a fountain of flow atop the mountain with my complete liberation.

I will have built up a list of mission partnerships and income streams that secure my future.

I will reach pure bliss consciousness.

I will be pursued by organizations all over the world to speak on stages or for interviews on their show.

I will be earning six figures per month in revenue.


Here is the actual mission of your organization, movement, or calling. It’s how you accomplish your purpose. So my mission is Music Business Liberation. It is to update and upgrade musicians from traditional to modern.

That includes building the structure and resources for artists and musicians and creators. It means providing a pathway to Music Business Liberation. The actual mission is to liberate the music business by giving independent artists/musicians/dj’s everything they need to liberate their music business. That means a variety of DIY, DWY, and DFY resources.

This means uplevel a music business from traditional to modern.

Goals and objectives

You can set income goals and other success metrics like subscribers and likes-as goals just as you can set emotional, physical, relationship, intellectual, and spiritual goals. There are inner game goals and there are outer game goals. Your road to music business liberation - inner and outer victory, depends upon the process of you setting and achieving goals.


After goals and objectives you move down to projects where you break the particular goals down into goal achieving projects like recording the EP, mastering the EP, release marketing plan, 6 month tour, merch creation and etc.


Then after that all the projects are further broken down into daily dial tasks. These are the tasks on the runway ready for execution! Activities that get scheduled on the calendar and logged at the end of the day and week. This is how Modern Musicians structure their workload and get into workflow. This is how they always know what to be working on and it’s why they get so much done. It’s why they achieve goals instead of just set them.


So in review, success is the acquisition of all required properties. Once we get clear on what our success looks like, we are much more likely to achieve it. Utilizing the above you should be able to construct a clear blueprint for what you will need to be successful and how to know that you have been.


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