Your Custom Key To The Creators Economy

Your Custom Key To The Creators Economy


Welcome Back To The Modern Musician Newsletter

First off i'm happy to make it to the end of February and am just about ready to complete the book and launch it after these last 2 years!

I've got a meal and really a feast of meals that you will never forget, this book that started out as a Special report and turned into full blown mega book is now about ready for the last round edits and completing the manuscript but there are some expenses and other things that i would need for the launch to go smoothly, so i decided to do a pre-sales campaign to get some initial cashflow for launch expenses and launch runway.

The path over the last 15 years has led to this book and i couldn't be more excited and proud to produce and deliver it.

Creativity and productivity had a baby and we named it Modern Musicianship.

Look for the pre-sales campaign coming in the next couple of days.

I want you to imagine the future version of your career and life in 1 year.Imagine that get into that future you had to open and enter a door that was locked.This door required a custom key that only you have.Imagine a custom made key, unique to your identity only, custom to your DNA and individual combination of skills, experiences, abilities...Has never before, nor will ever be, repeated throughout all of existence.A special key, The MASTER KEY that gave you ACCESS.Access to the tools, resources, and opportunities previously unavailable to you.Access to the practical means to create the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of, and the unending fulfillment doing what you love and what you are here to do.It’s a delicious thought.But what if this wasn’t the fabled “philosophers stone,” or an esoteric idea?What if there really WAS a key, you were the only one who could claim it, their would never be an exact replica created, and only you could use it, even if it was found by someone else long after you had come and gone?Well then it would have to be your PURPOSE to find that key, and “unlock” the doors and opportunities that it was designed to open. Right?Like a video game, where the further you advanced, the more resources, the more doors you unlocked, and the more opportunities you created not only for yourself, but for everyone whose lives were in some way connected to yours.Suppose there were hundreds, thousands, millions, maybe even BILLIONS of lives that COULD NOT find their key, or progress through their purpose and mission, if YOU didn’t fulfill YOURS...Would that change the thoughts you are having today, the actions you are taking today, the plans and goals you are setting for tomorrow?Some may call me crazy, but I really do believe that for Content Creators in the Modern World, that Key, DOES exist.It exists for every Artist/Expert or Personal Brand, and cannot be duplicated.I think just as sure as we know there is gold in the ground somewhere, at this very moment, and we could pull it out of the ground in some quantity using the right tools; your key exists, and it is your JOB to find it and fulfill your purpose.Of course, just like gold-mining, there’s a lot of digging, a lot of hard work, but eventually you’ll strike gold.Do you think I’m Dillusional?I mean this sounds CRAZY doesn’t it?Sounds good for a Hallmark movie, or maybe from one of those guru’s who’ve gotten super rich selling people that same message...All though I ABSOLUTELY believe those words I just wrote, I know why it’s still not embraced, and I think at the very least, for me and the specific audience I serve, I’ve figured out a very practical solution.The answer, of course, starts with a question...WHY in the world if so many people already KNEW they were not only CALLED to do the thing they ACTUALLY wanted to do, and could make a living by learning some specific skills and creating a plan...Then why are we still in such an economical crisis? Why is this such a difficult notion to accept?How come most people look at you like you have lobsters crawling out your ears when you tell them something like this?Of course taking into account the amount of sheer ignorance, terrible advice, irrational fears, beliefs, destructive habits and negative conditioning...Aside from that, which for the most part that does not include you, if you are reading this...But for you, for us, for those that recognize a higher calling and break our backs digging and digging and digging, what is the PRACTICAL “philosophers stone?”For those of us who build brands we put every bit of ourselves into, that we believe in through to the deepest fiber of our being...For those of us who have the passion who are developing and mastering our crafts, who know it’s a journey, that business is rough at times, and the business world can be brutal...What is the ONE key-that we as artists, craftsman, experts, and all modern content creators who are driven to deliver their message and do what they are here to do, what does it take to succeed in doing that?What does it take to find the TOTAL Freedom in lifestyle and peace of mind, in addition to the fulfillment of living on purpose loving what you do?What is the Master Key to the Creator economy? The ticket to freedom and fulfillment for the rest of you and your brands lives?No... It’s not a magic bullet or a special wordpress plugin, you can’t even buy it.It is not a generic “high level” concept, and it’s NOT EVEN a clean smooth-talking politician who’s going to “fix” the economy despite what many are still hoping for...Drum roll please...The answer, for the rest of OUR lifespans as Modern Musicians, as Multimedia Content Creators, is:A Loyal Audience That Loves WHAT, WHY, and HOW You Do What You Do. It is the “intangible” part of your Platform that is actually the biggest asset of your biggest asset. That’s our KEY to the NEW Economy. To both business and personal success. Period.That is all you need.A loyal group of customers who love what you do, why you do it, and (how) the way you do it.That’s the only job security you got.That’s the everything boiled down to one sentence, the key to success in the new economy.A Platform with a Loyal Audience that Loves what, why, and how you do what you do.Think about it, unless you are strictly the low cost leader, which is a very competitive and risky place to be unless you have a platform and add some additional value to the process of purchasing whatever it is you provide, then you have to recognize that what’s happened is that the internet and the new economy that has largely been created and certainly forever affected by it, has exponentially increased competition and fundamentally changed the entire business landscape at a global level.Chris Anderson’s Long-Tail is exactly right, and the balance of power from big brand manufacturing and distribution domination, to much more specialized offerings from the best providers in niche markets.The playing field has been leveled.Enough said.The new economy, the creator economy, or at least from a very pragmatic standpoint, the only assurance of a business or brands ability to thrive within it, is simply the creation of a loyal audience that loves what, why, and how you do what you do.Essentially, small, agile, content based brands are in the best positions, as people relate to and build relationships with people.It’s about the value you add, and if that’s the price, then someone can always come and undercut you...That’s no good.RELATIONSHIP.Relationship. Chris Brogan got it right, granted he may seem a little cheesy, but I believe he is sincere, and he actually replies back to email from his im sure MASSIVE list.That’s pretty cool.In other words, the new economy is the rebirth of CUSTOMER SERVICE, of we’ll pump your gas for you ma’am.It’s the re-emergence of quality control and an incredible customer EXPERIENCE from sale to support. Alright so that’s the key.OK... GO.Now, unfortunately there is one little catch...It’s takes a LOT of work to “get one of those.”More than most are willing, and it doesn’t happen by luck or magic or accident... It’s not like you can go and buy one at Target, or EVEN SAM’S CLUB! :)But in truly connecting to your purpose, creating amazing stuff, and continually creating value for an engaged audience at an extraordinary level - consistently and persistently...You can build your Platform, and claim your brands Master Key: A Loyal Audience That Loves WHAT, WHY, and HOW You Do What You Do.There is a LOT to say, and limited space to say it so first let me say that I will have to deliver some of this content in a COMPACT way, and will not be able to deliver the long and detailed stories I’d like to fully flesh out every aspect... I will be writing a full book on it over the next couple of years, though.So first let’s look at the question of why A Loyal Audience That Loves WHAT, WHY, and HOW You Do What You Do, is the biggest asset you could ever have, the ticket to your future as a Modern Content Creator, and your custom Key to the New Economy.Think about it, of course connection and brand loyalty is the key to longevity for your brand, but more importantly to satisfaction and fulfillment in what you’re doing.The value creation is FOCUSED ON YOUR AUDIENCE, not simply what you THINK they want, which as is quite obviously to most of you - the key to “financial” freedom.Regardless of-on what level and in what form of connection, whether you are their voice, their teacher or mentor, their inspiration, their hero, you add real value or represent something positive in their lives...I think attitude plays a big role that we can keep ourselves in check by continually coming back to, as this is an incredible honor, and your service to your audience must never be taken for granted.You have to EARN their respect, their trust, you have to resonate, connect with, and enrich their lives.This is the JOB.You have to find your key, navigate the path it takes you on, and somehow weave your way to building a Loyal Audience that loves what, why and how you do what you do.The what, why and how are important distinctions and we will be going over those in a minute.But I want to drive this point home by helping you see that their is no way to replace the internal fulfillment, the rapport or the relational capitol you have by building an audience that loves what, why, and how you do what you do.If you can develop this type of loyalty with your audience, you have everything you’ll ever need.Because you become the Go-To Guy/girl on your niche, genre, topic or subject matter. No matter where you go or what you do, your audience will value your opinion, your expertise, will purchase the products you create, share the content you deliver, respect and listen to your recommendations and advice...As you’ve certainly heard by now-people buy from people they know like and trust.In the realm of Modern Content Creators - such as Artist/Expert and Personal Brands, this principle reaches it’s highest level of relevance.Let’s take the already over-used yet appropriate example, Apple.Apple’s brand loyalty is epic. And they make MACHINES. They make computational devices and software, but they’ll forever be the only option for their almost cult-like community because their audience is made up of loyal customers who love WHAT, WHY, and HOW they do what they do.People camp out for sometimes DAYS to be ONE of the FIRST to get their hands on and own a new product they put out.People are MAC users, they are APPLE enthusiasts, many, myself included-have just about every device they make, and use their computers and portable devices exclusively...How come on the other hand, people with a PC, or any old phone will usually brag to you about something similar to - “dude, I got this phone for INCREDIBLY cheap!”Notice the difference. I know this one is already beaten to death, probably because it is a perfect example, but you get the point.Brand Loyalty.The WHAT is the actual product or service they deliver, which singlehandedly changed the entire tech industry for such simple, elegant, intuitive design features. The iPhone has changed the whole concept of a phone and brought sexiness and sophistication to a mostly mechanical world.They’ve clearly got the WHAT.The “what” wouldn’t, or couldn’t really be what the WHAT actually is, unless it started with the WHY.Apples philosophy of simplicity, elegance, EXCELLENCE and user experience are forged much deeper and much earlier than the molds and machines that turn plastic and wires into something extraordinary...They started from an IDEA, a WHY, so strongly believed in that it was taken all the way through creation and ultimately received with screaming praise from the market because at the CORE the DRIVING principles congruently touched every aspect of the WHAT.As Simon Sinek said in his Ted X presentation, It all starts with the WHY. The WHAT is the PRODUCT of WHY, which is at the core of any brand. Greatness comes from the inside out, and that’s where the WHY is developed.The WHY also drives the HOW. How you do what you do.In the case of a brand like apple, the HOW is in the style and all the other pieces of the chain from customer service to technical support.If your brand’s WHY is first and foremost make as much MONEY as you can, then-if not readily apparent in your WHAT, this will show up in your HOW.If you’ve designed an album, a product, a training course or coaching club that has a WHY that values profit more than it does the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those you are able to serve, then your HOW will most likely reflect that.This may show up in the lack of attention to detail in providing the best possible experience for your students and clients, not accepting input and feedback to develop the material or instructional design of the contents. Etc.Now let’s bring this back to you as a Modern Content Creator. You, or your content IS your brand.This means that unless you want to compete on price, developing a Loyal Audience that loves what, why, and how you do what you do, is what you are after.You are delivering a message, your content, your art, your unique expression, you are not focused on forever trying to convince people to buy your stuff, spend endless amounts of money trying to tweak a lead and sales conversion funnel to death to make up for the fact that what you are offering may not be something “worthy” of brand loyalty... Unless you do.Look there is nothing wrong with a why being to make as much profits as possible, for some audiences that is exactly WHY, How and What they will love you for.But be clear where you are coming from, and remember it all starts from the why so you tell me, WHY are you doing what you are doing?WHAT is it that your audience or prospects love you for?and HOW will this show up congruently to complete the trifecta of a loyal audience that loves you?Because again, if you can nail this, you can claim your custom key to the Creators Economy.Please share with me your answers to these questions in the comments below.Be Your Best,Jamie

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