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- Creating eBooks I How To Write an eBook
Creating eBooks I How To Write an eBook
Creating eBooks
Creating eBooks is perhaps the easiest of content packaging methods. Whether you are creating the ebook for sale or for free in exchange for an email address, the outline for creating a great one-is the same.
eBooks are a great way to position yourself as an expert on your topic, and a valuable item you can exchange for the start of a relationship with a new prospect. The good news is, that depending upon the quality of your material, you can obtain massive respect from and establish a relationship with your prospects the right way, based on a high level of trust.
The following outline, is a tried and true method for creating the content for your eBook. Presenting the material in this way will keep the reader engaged all the way through, and is a very natural progression to deliver your information, advice, and expertise.
*You are obviously going to need to create a PDF document out of the text or word document you create it in, and you are also going to need to create a landing/sales page.
There, now that the technical stuff is out of the way, let's get down to how to actually create the ebook.
How to Write an eBook - There are Essentially Two Parts
Part 1:
Benefit – The first thing you'll want to cover is the benefits and the promise of what you are going to deliver. This can be a paragraph or as long as it needs to be.
Results – The second thing is the results that you have had with the material and information that you are going to cover.
Pitfalls and Problems – These are the problems that people generally run into, and the pitfalls that keep most people from getting these results.
Testimonials – Next you are going to want to cover the success stories from people who have used and applied this information. Testimonials are a great form of social proof, and should be included to enhance and demonstrate the effectiveness of your information.
Personal Struggle – This is where you get into and go through your personal story of struggle – as it pertains to information leading to the solution you have found and are covering in this material.
Part 2:
Personal Success – This is obviously the part where you explain the story of how you won and briefly covers what you changed/learned/did to become successful.
Top Myths Busted – This is where you get into the common misperceptions and myths about your topic and your area of expertise, and you shift people's perspective by busting those myths, and setting yourself up as an authority in your area further building interest and credibility in your solution.
The Solution – Then you get into the solution. This is the MEAT of your book, it is where you will present and explain the steps, principles, techniques, etc. and flesh out the content.
Additional Tips – Afterwords, now that you have satisfied and delivered your content and message, this is a great time to add additional value and sprinkle some icing on the cake. For example some tips and bonus info on success, best practices, practical tips and insights you have found that work, etc.
CTA – Finally, now that you have walked through all the steps and covered all the bases, you want to include a call to action. This is a “do THIS next,”or a go here to check this next thing/program out.
It is a great way to upsell and offer lead ins to your other programs/products, coaching, seminars, etc.
This is it. That about does it. Don't over-complicate it, go out and apply this stuff right now.
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