Coronavirus focus

3 Things you can do during the Coronavirus to advance yourself

At these uncertain times it's important to realize that you have a choice for how to utilize this incredibly trying moment in history.

I want you to first and foremost love and honor yourself, but then i also want you to expand and grow.​You see, you can either be living into your highest self and cultivating your resources at this time to move you towards your paradise, or you can put your growth on pause and run the risk of falling behind with your goals. As your coach, my job on this journey Is to get you to your highest self and into your musical paradise.I want you to choose the former option and here are three things i want you to place as a priority for using this time optimally.​​1) Creating​​​​​​​​ - One of the biggest things you can do right now is to be creating content on a continual basis. Songs, blog posts, articles, thoughtful social posts, visual posts and brand building graphics. Create create create. Don't hold back and see how much you can produce. You can always refine and develop content you've already created such as old songs and blog posts. And see if you can develop ideas and concepts that you may have just outlined or saved for later when you need something to work from.​​2) Meditation - Anyone who knows me knows how much i love meditation, hell it saved my life, but meditation is not just some airy fairy thing to do that may or may not be beneficial. It's science backed and all the experts recommend you do it. I recommend you stick to a 2x7 regimen. Twice a day at least 15-20 minutes each time. If you do this consistently it will change your life. You don't need to meditate for 8 hours a day to receive benefits, though if you were to meditate for that long each day you would transform your life entirely. Even just 2 hours a day you would see substantial benefit. Don't skip your meditation because you didn't think it mattered, or just put it off! It does matter and it will help you refresh your mind body and soul and activate your potential.3) Learning - This is something that i recommend you devote at least 30-60 minutes each day doing. It can be some skill that you need to learn or it could be educational/motivational type of content from youtube. I recommend youAs your coach i want to see you come out healthier and happier and more vibrant than you've ever been in several months. I want to see you look back on this time and know that you took this time to focus on your success habits and rituals ​and developed your well being.This is how you will look back on this time and be proud of how far you've come.From my heart to yours.When you are ready for your Music Business Breakthrough Session, go here.Stay Fresh,Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators--> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show!Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation AcademyAuthor of The Music Business ManifestoCreator of the Music Business Blueprint


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