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- Concentrating Into Results
Concentrating Into Results
In an upcoming article on inner os mastery i will teach you how you have to learn how to master the disciplines of inner os mastery in order to master your outer game.
In short,
There are three minds, the conscious, subconscious and superconscious.
Modern Musicians integrate all three into a state of flow in all areas of their life, aligned with their purpose, vision and blueprints.
When you boil it down there are two main modes of operation for your consciousness.
Mindfulness and concentration.
With concentration, reason drives purpose, and Modern Musicians always complete the mission. No matter how hard or complex their life gets, they clarify and they complete the mission.
To do that they first understand the difference between mindfulness and concentration.
According to the dictionary mindfulness is:
The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something: their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition.
A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Mindfulness is how Modern Musicians learn to operate as their default mode because it’s from this state of awareness that they begin to identify the many preferences and desires they have, and they observe what their thoughts and feelings, speech and action cause through optimal performance coaching.
Modern musicians become immersed in a love affair with the universe and through their fan base as they master their universe from the inside out.
Modern musicianship is a process of becoming Autotellic and building the empire of your content business.
Concentration is defined as being the action or power of using ones attention or mental efforts.
My Intention is music business liberation. Achievement. Mastery. Fulfillment. So I concentrate on my twenty percenters. Writing, coaching, speaking. Then bring it home with courses.
Through concentration you develop insight and influence as your attention and intention develop the magnetism of your personality and attract all that you desire into your life.
Modern Musicians understand that all of your life experiences, activities, events are teaching you through concentration to achieve results and fulfill yourself through your thoughts, feeling, speech and action.
Concentration builds the leverage and the momentum that progresses you toward your goals, modern musicianship is becoming Autotellic in your life activities and fully integrated thinking through multidimensional growth. Fulfillment is the byproduct of the process you go through in cultivating deep work through building your career, yourself and your mini brand(s).
When you begin spinning plates you start as a one plate spinner and you concentrate on keeping that one plate spinning. You then add a second and a third until you have a dozen plates spinning. This is what you are doing with modern musicianship. You are concentrating throughout the 7 stages of the content business growth process. Creating a new product, a new funnel, a new campaign, a new launch you are envisioning the result of creating and launching the product and experiencing the happiness that the process of doing that brings into your life.
Concentrating into results can be looked at as a series or an interconnected suite of products, income streams, and fan funnels that will be rolled out in launches and campaigns to sell products and build the brand and audience.
Concentration is something that can be developed through practice.
Concentration is your investment in your future and should be thought of as a habit you are building, a pathway to your paradise. Single pointed concentration is the cure to a distraction driven society.
One thing at a time, albeit in and out of multiple projects throughout the day, is the solution to all the problems that occur from not doing this.
You should look at it like a flight path with a game plan and then a short and long term trajectory for each product launch.
Using the power of focus in a powerful, positive way.
Calibrate. Focus. Feel.
Before concentrating it’s important to calibrate or recalibrate to your true self with strong anchors and frames that center you into your sweet-spot consistently maintaining the ideal state of mind. That means alignment with your desires for hours on end each day.
When you are able to do that, you are able to tune your dial to the frequency your success lives on.
Think of about the potential for seeing your future dreams coming true. See yourself getting the deals, making the sale, nailing the performance, getting the girl. As you learned in our last article the technique of feeling into your future is a tool that you should use every day in addition to the concentrating into results exercise you will learn in a moment.
Alignment is your best friend. Modern Musicians find alignment and then take inspired action as they drive the dream.
Driving the Dream
Driving the Dream is the proactive process of determining how you want to feel and be in the world and living into the blueprints of the desires and dreams of your extraordinary life.
It’s one of the most important concepts of modern musicianship because it is through the development of driving the dream that you build up emotional fitness and eventually self mastery and emotional liberation.
You must learn to fully embody the dream each day. That means that you get to feel it. Live into it!
Focused attention meditation techniques
The proactive method of meditation or active meditation involves breathing and or movement. I’m a big fan of using focused attention to create solutions with your meditation session. This conscious training process is one act of a resourceful use of the creative imagination.
Single pointed attention
Is the core mode of focus our work blocks should be in.
Breadth or depth focus
You want to bring as much depth and as much breadth to the table as possible to connect with your inner powers and resourcefulness.
Clarity and focus equal desire, the starting point of achievement and the driving force of motivation. Desire is the key fuel for your journey and what you are learning how to align with consistently.
Self Discipline into “Blissipline”
Blissipline and flow are the more enjoyable way to complete freedom and fulfillment. The way to do it is to turn the disciplined behavior, into a blissiplined experience that is sacred and treasured. You aren’t just going through the motions but reinforcing a healthy state of wellbeing and enjoyment in your cycle or moment as you experience a flow based journey to the fulfillment of the vision.
Developing concentration
You do this through your self education and study as well as ancient practices of self mastery including breathing and yoga, qi gong, success conditioning and exercise.
Super learning
When you learn something you aren’t just passively learning something but beginning to embody and assimilate the principles, values and methods you are learning. It’s an all in process. The super learner plays full out and turns their learning into the performance and outcome goals of their mission.
The Concentrating Into Results Exercise
While seated or laying down I want you to relax and then begin to see a countdown from the numbers 3 on the screen of your mind, 3, again and 2, and 1.
You are now at a deeper level of mind, in alpha or in theta. Here is where we can tap into our ability to superlearn, meditate, and develop our powers in the world through meditation, visualization, affirmation, and any number of success conditioning tools. This modern musician activation stage tool can be done everyday to strengthen your concentration and connection with your goals.
Breathing techniques to focus your mind
The Alternate Nostril Breath
• Sit comfortably, making sure your spine is straight and your chest is open, with your shoulders down and relaxed, and place your left hand on your left knee. • Press your right thumb against the right nostril to close it. • Inhale for 4 seconds through your left nostril. • Use your right ring finger to close the left nostril (your index and middle fingers should point downwards) so both nostrils are momentarily closed. • Release the right thumb and exhale through the right nostril for 4 seconds. • Inhale through the right nostril for 4 seconds, then reseal the right nostril with the right thumb. • Release the left nostril and exhale out of the left side. Once you have inhaled and exhaled out of each nostril, you’ve completed one full round. • Complete at least seven rounds. https://www.byrdie.com/alternate-nostril-breathing
The Victory Breath
• Sit in a comfortable seat, where your sit bones are grounded and bearing even weight on both sides. Knees no higher than hips. Stacking head over neck, neck over shoulders, 4 corners of ribs stacking 4 corners of hips. Perceive equal length in both sides of your body, spine feels lifted and tall. Chin is parallel to earth. • Rest one hand on your lap/ thigh, Palm facing up or down and the other hand at the same height and in front of your mouth, Palm facing towards you. • With your mouth open exhale into your palm, imagining you are steaming up a mirror/ glass and feeling the warm breath on your palm. On your next inhale keep the hand where it is, breathe in making that same sound. Practise this for up to 10 cycles (4 count in, 4 count out, x10). Notice if you find the inhale or exhale more difficult. • When you feel comfortable here move on to closing your mouth on the inhale but opening mouth on the exhale. See if you can maintain the sound even with the lips are sealed. Next inhale with mouth open and exhale with mouth closed, keeping sensation in your throat and the sound of breath the same. Do each for 5-10 cycles. • When you feel you want to move on from here, relax your hand and begin Ujjayi Pranayama. You might time yourself with a stopwatch for 2 minutes or chose how many cycles of breath you want to aim for (feel free to use the metronome here). • Again notice where resistance lies in the breath. Maybe you find the audibility awkward, equalising the volume of breath on both inhale and exhale difficult, or you notice the discrepancy of ease between in-breath and out-breath. Notice where you need to focus and what you need to practise on. I recommend that my students shorten the longer breath to meet the shorter breath if they are unable to stretch the breath evenly on both sides. You don’t want to feel out of breath or gasping at any point. There is absolutely NO RETENTION, it’s like a continuous sea of waves, no holding, totally fluid and seamless. Equanimous. https://www.ekhartyoga.com/articles/practice/a-guide-to-ujjayi-breath
See the desire that you have and let yourself feel that desire now. Let it radiate in every cell of your body and you happily and joyfully achieve optimal performance at each stage.
Push vs Pull Motivation
Their can be a sense of push motivation but the more powerful drive is an intrinsic pull, pulling you into action in the present working proactively toward your future. The most desirable state is alignment with your desires where your identity and your desire strongly propel you into inspired action.
Lean into the energy and concentrate into results in the key areas of your life.
What does that look like in each dimension of your life?
Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially, intellectually, career, financially, and with your fun and hobbies?
Are you becoming a better person each day?
For me concentrating into results looks like an increase in sales, leads and traffic through doing several marketing activities in addition to the writing and the journaling and meditation and the learning.
It looks like reaching deeper levels of clarity and focus, fulfillment, bliss and harmony on the journey, reaching deeper levels of mastery over every aspect of our lives.
Building multiple pillars of my content business empire, one mission, one pillar at a time and multiple pillars by the years end.
Enjoying every stage of the process of growth and mastery.
So I’d say, Financially I am now launching multiple products and having successful product launches generating 30k each launch earning six figures this year and then scaling to 7 and then 8 figures
I see myself hitting the amazon #1 best seller and making 100 sales of my products and courses each day. Generating hundreds of thousands of visitors generating 100 new customers, group members, facebook messenger list subscribers, and email subscribers each day.
When I see this image it activates the advancement of the journey throughout all the stages that bring me into alignment and harmony with my true self fully integrated with the results.
I use this visual as an Intention to trigger my inner os to catalyze the evolutionary process through visualization and intention seeding.
I visualize this image to cement my unstoppable self concept into my consciousness as I harmonize the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds.
I visualize my success infinitely occurring in the future and live in that vibration now.
As I generate the success energy and momentum that attracts and fuels my hunger/appetite for my angels, my clients, my partners, my friendships and all the relationships that are now vibrationally apart of my universe now.
I now communicate from the sweetspot of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, mental and physical expression, connection and influence.
I now Let myself have what I want on every level.
I went for what I wanted and did what I had the opportunity to do and it led me here with this business and mission committed to mastery.
Concentrating into results will bring more life, more energy, more fulfillment, more abundance, more leads, more conversations more power and more flow.
Concentrating into key areas of your life
By doing this you are overcoming resistance, overwhelm and distraction.
By embodying the elements in your owners manual (values, principles, beliefs, models, desires, mission motifs, vision and blueprints, and installing the unstoppable self concept you are taking charge of your own destiny as a modern musician.
See yourself as a flowing evolving creator of value.
Concentrating into results means getting into your zone with the flow protocol.
See the visual illustration concentrating into results as you go through each of the prompts:
Construct them all as mental models in your mind
Run them through the stages of the journey and see them all the way through the successful end results
Drilling down
Start with your identity in each area of your life
Playing the game develops your powers. Your super powers bring you endless fulfillment and mastery.
So for me that would be something like:
• Intuitive
• Extra sensory perception
• Mastery
• Freshness
• Telepathic
• clairvoyant
• The craft
• The writing
• The development
The why of what you do will become stronger through your concentration on
• Reading
• Meditating
• Water
• Sleep
• Exercise
Now here we get into the best possible state by finding what motivates you to take the action to realize your dreams each day. When you are aligned and motivated or inspired you are fueled with the energy that creates worlds. This is something we want to train you to do and in fact be, as a modern musician you become a person who consistently aligns with their definite chief aim and their desires all the way through to their fulfillment. You see what I had to do was to find the Firestarters that were the fuel and then use them to activate my hunger and thus my desire, drive and motivation to doing something.
• My hunger to create! • • My hunger to be the best I could be • • My hunger to be a leader in the marketplace • • My hunger for being the best in the world at what I do • • My hunger for service to others • • My hunger for a passive income lifestyle doing what I love • • My hunger to learn everything there was to know about living the good life and developing value for people • • My hunger to unlock your full potential • • My desire for building the largest community of artists and creators • • My hunger for music business liberation • • My hunger for building the complete life development system
Here are my 5 Reasons Why AKA my Mission Motifs
To experience and enjoy, and realize all that is and all that is available and all that is the promise of life as human beings on earth in the modern world. Life is, and we are connected, and pure, and loved, and the knowledge and progression that we’ve made as people through the combined knowledge and experience has brought us all to this point, and I firmly and boldly assert that this life, my life, is one without compromise.
From Jan 2013 I will experience endless freedom and fulfillment doing EXACTLY what I love, for those who love what I do. Second I COMMIT to my audience who NEED and value and become who THEY are supposed to be, who do what THEY are supposed to do, and WHOM I honor, enjoy the company of, and sincerely find joy and fulfillment in sharing with, inspiring, teaching, learning from, and creating WITH.
Third, I commit to honoring all of those who have sacrificed-with the greatest gift that any man can give, their life. It is my responsibility to be my best, to live my best, and to fulfill ALL that is possible, and in so doing honor the stories and the memories of the heroes whom i’ve been proud to call my brother. Fourth, I commit to my family, whom i must protect and encourage and nurture and inspire THEIR greatest potential and enjoy their greatest realization of heaven on earth.
The guardian, the guide with the g-drive in the deep sky. The leader by example. That speaks when it’s time to say something, and that can handle both the pressure and enjoy the spotlight when it’s time to share something. Fifth and finally, I commit to all the lives and people and contributions I can make, to ways I can innovate, and develop, and lead, and serve, and inspire, and teach, and to learn from and finally to share the stories of those whose lives intersect and those whom I can touch. I will always attempt to leave people better than when I found them. To draw out the greatest talents and gifts and amplify their potential to any degree i can. In so doing my mind is still, i am at peace, I am healed, and I have forgiven. This is my life. And i enjoy it to the fullest.
I want you to learn how to see and visualize:
Here are some of the things I wrote down for my personal mission statement. You’ll want to do something similar, and use the most compelling language you can.
Repeat this or your unique mission statement at least 3 x per day until it is engrained in your life.
I operate at perpetual optimal performance, and enjoy each uniquely fulfilling moment from now until the end of time. I have built the structure, routines, habits, systems and workflow to effortlessly produce the best results possible-and live in complete pure bliss consciousness, harmony, peace, freedom and fulfillment. I am an optimizer and a maximizer for the greatest people on the planet. I am the foremost expert on building and maximizing content businesses, second to my artistic and musical expressions. I express my art in both the music and songs i write, produce, perform, and co-create... but also in the projects, the businesses, the priorities, the experiences I choose.
I am a wise man in an young mans body, i am a soul expander, and a master of the journey. I am a man of high character, of endless capability, a resonant ball of light. I am a Leger. I am a champion. I pioneer the future of artist and talent development as well as lead experts and creators into the modern world. I experience endless freedom and fulfillment doing what I love, for those that love what I do. I enjoy the modern retirement. and i show others how to do the same.
I liberate a million artists by 2040.
I teach, coach and train them through the 9 stages of modern musicianship for the next 100 years. I will teach at least 100 million individuals how to turn their content into currency, and destroy the festering and insidious beliefs that limit the valuable content that can be created, harvested, and used to make positive change in the world.
To do so in absolute authenticity, as the peoples champion, and the voice for my 5 whys. To fully realize all that it means to be human, and to free themselves to experience their heaven on earth. I live my life in complete harmony and alignment with my core values and principles, an effortless mastery over every element, duty, and responsibility. I keep things simple, and I truly pay attention to and spend my time on WHAT MATTERS.
Go ahead and create your fire-starters! Then list out your desires. You can use these as anchors to get you into the ready state as well as to feel into your future.
If you haven’t already created your own Mission Motifs, now would be the time to do that as well.
When I add in my desires, Feel into Your Future becomes real.
◆ Core Desires: To be the music business architect - A master sergeant for the artists revolution.
◆ i desire to have timeless relationships that are rewarding and divine.
◆ the desire to serve
◆ the desire to live in glory and in my desire
◆ the desire to have exactly the life i want and love
◆ the desire to be vital and vibrantly alive with love and joy
◆ to be the anti fragile learner
◆ to be the complete picture of success that i’ve always known within myself to be
◆ to be in love with the journey and the process and find joy all throughout the day
◆ to be one with the wisdom of the ages
◆ to have transformative influence
◆ to have flourishing products and services that feed hungry audiences who go on to get results in their lives and businesses and then share with their network
◆ to be the master architect for transformation and growth
◆ to be the success architect mapping out the blueprints for people to their success
◆ to be the most sought after coach and most respected of names and brands in my industry
◆ to be a master at the ground level details as well as world class strategist
◆ to be the doctor for music businesses - the trusted advisor for creators
◆ To be masterfully obsessed with the details and the difference that makes the difference between success and failure
◆ to be perpetually reinspired with each conversation in my life
◆ to be an optimal performer
◆ to hold on to my ideals
◆ to be clear and focused on my vision and mission
◆ to be a masterful communicator
◆ To master every part, piece, and point in the process
◆ to master the details
◆ to bring out the best in humanity
◆ to unlock peoples full potential
◆ to win every day by getting into glorious states of being
◆ to live life in the most genius and brilliant and divine way
◆ to be fully engaged in my work loving the journey and the process with well formed outcomes.
◆ to be engaged in the activities that lead me to the glory of my paradise
◆ first class living
◆ to be generating sales on autopilot, earning money while i sleep
◆ to communicate my true self
◆ to be a results creator
◆ to live in pure bliss consciousness in harmony with the tao and god
◆ to perpetuate excellence everywhere i go
◆ to give the impression of increase to all whom i meet and who read about me
◆ to always come from the heart and from my true self
◆ to live in a state of perpetual optimal performance and flow
◆ to raise the vibration of the planet
◆ to be a modern master
◆ to be one with the wholeness of who i am
◆ to architect ideal experiences
◆ to communicate powerfully
◆ to speak from my heart and soul
◆ to give the impression of increase to all those in my life
◆ to master my ideas, emotions
◆ to write from the heart from one heart directly to another soul in a way that has transformative influence
◆ to write a million success stories and tell stories that are timeless
◆ to live everyday doing what i love
◆ to own a powerful platform
◆ to have an 8 figure business
◆ to become the worlds best coach and advisor for creators, most in demand coach and consultant
◆ to reach divine oneness and pure bliss consciousness
◆ to be a well respected and accomplished entrepreneur
◆ to be a well traveled well cultured modern master
◆ to live my life in flow
With your life in perspective like this you can very easily see the pathway to your destination and use the concentrating into results exercise daily until you arrive aligned alive and vibrant, having lived into the blueprints of your extraordinary life.
Concentrating into results can be your ideal exercise to tune you into the frequency that your success lives on each day. So you become a vibrational match with the dream you desire. It’s another tool to add to your toolkit, and another exercise and process you can use to create the life of your dreams.