Christmas Gifts - Toolkit Manual + Summarized Manifesto

Music Career Christmas Gifts!

I have something to give you, and i hope you like it.

I come bearing gifts!

I was thinking about what i was going to do with this special career planning/growth kit i've created for a small group of you and i realized that probably the most valuable thing i could do for you would be to just make sure every one of my early subscribers received it. We've been through a lot and i'm very proud to have you here with, together we are going to do something great in 2015!

As made mention of in the last letter i sent you there are a great many things culminating together that are ready to hit the tipping point in 2015.

It's nervewracking and exciting all at the same time.

It's certainly going down though, and to express my sincere gratitude for being connected and engaged early enough to be here with us at this time, here is a summarized version of the Modern Musician Manifesto, free of charge, PLUS a special manual for guiding you through strategically planning and preparing to make 2015 the best year of your life and your career.

The manual can be used on it's own for helping you build a stronger foundation, clarify, plan, and prepare for the growth of your career and fan base, but it is part of a special package of tools, cheatsheets, planning templates, and checklists for mapping everything out called the Music Business Toolkit.

This toolkit is an adapted version of the Music Business Growth System that our Gold Level and above Artists Academy members receive and use to make massive progress in an effective, measurable, managable way.

In addition to the manual, you can snag up the Music Business Toolkit AND a complimentary Career Growth Session by going here and following the steps to claim them. Their are a limited number of these so i'd recommend you go and do that right now before you put it off and forget about it.

Though the Modern Musician Manifesto is only about 65% completed, and will be turned into the full book in 2015 - I think you'll find the content relevant, useful, and inspires forward progress for your Music Business, no matter what stage you are at today. It's a pretty dense capsul of content that you can read rather quickly-yet get a bunch of aha insight. Please email me your thoughts and feedback, would love to hear directly from you about it.

Quick Updates:

1) The revamp and upgrades to my web platform have just about fully come to fruition, which you can check out here and/or by connecting with me on one of my social channels.... TwitterFacebook,  LinkedinGoogle plus urls....

2) The January release of the Music Business Blueprint is still on track, and we'll be launching the Interactive Magazine we've built called Modern Musician Magazine shortly thereafter. Within weeks.

All of this content is slated to get out to you IN January, with a NO LATER THAN january 31st hard time.

3) Music Industry Pioneers Program - We are still fielding applicants for this one of a kind program that will break new ground and propel qualified Artists, those with a base of tracktion already-to the next level. We're going to be equipping this tight roster of Pioneers with the advanced training, consulting, support/accountibility, AND the underpinning software to manage and grow their careers, all tightly integrated with direct 1-1 coaching with me twice monthly, a tightly knit mastermind, and much more..

Currently, nothing else on the market place has the all-in-one features, functionality, stability, and support that our software suite-the Music Career Operating System does... Further, the Industry Pioneers will receive personal process maps, direct implementation training and support for using this and getting MY OWN personal setup guidelines and processes for REALLY starting to leverage the technology that is now available in the modern music industry, which WILL take your productivity, your income and your enjoyment levels to the next level.

This is pretty cutting edge stuff, some of which you've probably heard about, but that in my pretty extensive experience virtually no one is doing, and/or doing very well as a Musician. This is the kind of stuff that will give you the ability to spend more time on the fun stuff, upgrade your systems, and increase your level of passive income in your career.

The way to learn more about it, and see if you may be a fit for it is to go here. Again this is a one of a kind, one time program event that will occur only once. It will incubate a group of Artists that will be leading the way for the rest of us and it will be a very special atmosphere to be a part of. By nature of this vip, high touch structure-we are only going to be able to work with a small group the right artists/musicians.

The window of time for qualifying and getting on board will be closing very soon.

If that sounds like something you're ready for, go here.  

Wow. That feels good to get out. I know that's a lot of stuff, but we're really picking up steam and things are coming together beautifully. Talk to you soon.

Stay Fresh,Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Artists & CreatorsProudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and earn a full-time living doing what they love-on their own terms.CEO of The Leaders Edge, LLCFounder of Artists AcademyCreator of the Music Business BlueprintEditor in Chief of Modern Musician Magazine

Peace and love.


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