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  • The Champions Challenge: Will You Answer The Calling of Modern Musicianship and Music Business Liberation?

The Champions Challenge: Will You Answer The Calling of Modern Musicianship and Music Business Liberation?

When you think of a great champion you think of someone like Michael Jordan or Lebron James, someone who has put in the work to become the very best at what they do. To become the great champion. It’s no different with modern musicianship, you become Michael Jordan and Lebron, and my intention is to impress upon your heart that you have what it takes to become a great champion, and in return live the ideal life you desire.

Modern Musicianship is embracing what it means to be a champion and living from your best self throughout the process, it’s becoming a champion through putting in the reps toward mastery.

What you need is a structured way to produce the thoughts, feelings, and actions that produce the result.

Modern musicianship is a complete development system for helping you get into the zone and create your own economy.

The champions challenge is the pathway to your paradise. It is designing a life and becoming a champion through developing your genius and mastering your universe. It is the road to your glory. Your music business liberation.

That’s creative fulfillment, emotional liberation, financial freedom, flourishing relationships, intellectual liberation and self mastery. Independent, direct to fan glory!

You have to be all in, and then you have to go.

You have to commit to the path, to the dream, to the vision, and then of course you have to commit to each day to take the actions that move the vision along the bridge of incidents to mission completion, and to fulfillment of the vision.

Daily Goal involvement is the key

Your goals become a part of you. You trade your life for them, and involving yourself with them and advancing them forward each day is how you win the day.

Modern Musicianship is about integrated training and coaching which involves multidimensional training as well as integrated growth for optimal career and business growth.

You don’t just grow one revenue stream, you grow multiple pillars of your content business one strategy and one campaign at a time until you have an integrated set of strategies that produce your desired results.

You may start out with one strategy through one campaign and then run multiple.

You have to be able to say I’m going to develop x, y and z and my plan to do that is this, and then you have to complete each step. Maybe you have 6-10 projects with 8 tasks for each and you develop 6 strategies that integrate to form and forecast anticipated results of one hundred thousand or x number of dollars in traffic, profit, and leads.

That’s a complete development cycle. The development process and then harvest advances the growth of you across all 3 dimensions. All dimensions of your life.

Modern Musicianship means growth with a plan, and that it’s scheduled.

The champions challenge is the calling to be the best inside of you and master your destiny with the 9 stages of Modern Musicianship.

Primarily it is the journey between where you are now, to your music business liberation and self mastery.

Stage 7 - Music Business Liberation.

The challenge to become your best and master your universe

It’s the solution to my life and the solution for creating a life you love.

It’s redemption from the past and hallelulah in the future.

It’s creating the future and living in that energy now.

It’s actually the path to mastery. to content business mastery, and full self realization.

I have to inspire you to envision this path for yourself, and to compel you to commit to the path to happiness and fulfillment.

Your call to greatness!

I believe everyone has a deep inner calling to their greatness and the best that their life can be, Modern Musicians answer that call.

It’s the depth of passion that a modern musician has that drives them into their dreams through the pathway to their paradise.

The champions challenge is a way of life. It’s the modern musician lifestyle with intention and commitment in pursuit of liberation.

Modern musicianship is a complete development system.

  • Your individual most optimal path to:

  • Self Mastery

  • Financial freedom

  • Creative fulfillment

  • Emotional liberation or empowerment

  • Spiritual liberation

  • Abundant world class relationships - flourishing network

  • Belief liberation

  • Intellectual liberation

  • Living your purpose, vision and mission and values

  • Living your ideal day and lifestyle developing your genius

It comes down to 7-10 foundational habits and several main moves/core practices From which you can build and expand on.

The champions challenge is the way to gamify the entire pathway for artists and creators to close the gap between where they are now, and their complete music business liberation. The scaling and mastery stages are an option if you feel compelled to rise to your full potential and greatness.

This can be accomplished somewhere between 2-5 years of full time work. You can reach your liberation.

Why are you willing to commit to this?

There are too many sad songs

Too many people give up on reaching their paradise

Too many artists career die a slow death instead of thrive

First you have to begin with desire

Then you have to see the path to getting there

Then you have to believe that you will do what it takes to achieve that

You should view the champions challenge as god giving you a second chance to live your best life and be your best self

You’ll start by removing FUD from your subconscious

Using your creative imagination to unlock your potential

Modern Musicians have the courage to take the Champions Challenge. To earn their glory through actualization, liberation and self mastery, and then to self realization and content business mastery

Commit to being a champion

The Risk of NOT taking the champions challenge

What I want to suggest to you is that the risk of not committing is almost sure to leave you to stagnate and lead to mediocrity.

One of the main reasons why artists careers don’t flourish is because they aren’t fully committed and taking massive action.

Instead of trying to create epic content, they create good enough content.

Or one of the other growth traps for:

◆ Not taking off

◆ No destination

◆ Not getting into your own vortex

◆ Not enjoying the journey

◆ Lacking freedom and fulfillment

◆ Fear and uncertainty

◆ Doubt

They lose that drive that reinvigorated them to pursue their professional achievements, and their creative fulfillment, their careers stagnate and they live a life of quiet desperation. I don’t get any sense of satisfaction from thinking about the careers that die every year, except for the fact that they have the renewed chance of liberation and earning their own glory through Modern Musicianship.

It is a holistic, spiritual, and evolutionary process that literally illustrates the wisdom of the ages.

It has to be an all in commitment to take the champions challenge.

Most will quit, most will never complete the mission, but those who stay, will become champions.

They will earn their glory. Modern Musicians earn their glory.

and it’s my job to be their for you at every stage of your journey

The risk of not really going for it with as much leverage and effectiveness as possible is missing the opportunity that your true self wants you to actualize your potential with.

It’s a commitment to your potential

The champions challenge is the commitment to your greatness and unlocking your full potential through the path of Modern Musicianship, to your music business liberation.

That means all the way to liberation. And then it’s your choice if you want to scale and master your content business beyond that, but my job is to get you to music business liberation.

Think about the risk of not doing this…

A mediocre career

A mediocre life

A career that never takes off

A chance of not living up to your full potential

Leave it all on the field, take the champions challenge.

The Champions Affirmation:

I commit to the champions challenge

I commit to master my destiny

I commit to create my own economy

I commit to repetition until mastery of my skills and disciplines

I commit to mastery of my habits and practices

I commit to taking the daily action steps that move the needle forward as I launch my next 3-5 albums and work toward self mastery and music business liberation

I will be doing a Champions Meditation Series at some point next year so i'll link that up below.


or to participate.