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- The Champions Blueprint - The Ultimate Success Plan
The Champions Blueprint - The Ultimate Success Plan
On your search to be the best you need to understand a few important things.
The are many creative growth traps to avoid and many breakthroughs you will experience, one of the creative growth traps to avoid is the calcification of the imagination.
This happens over time if we don't exercise our imagination and can be the feeling of a dullening of existence.
The comparison trap
Another growth trap is the comparison of yourself to other people. You are uniquely equipped and capable to do what you are here to do. Trust and remember that. The problem is that we often get lost in a comparison trap. Where we think the grass is greener on the other side. It's actually just the actualization of the person that you are seeing and the comparison is unnecessary as you have the same potential resources within you.
How you’ll get up the mountain:
The Ultimate Success Plan
Do what it takes for as long as it takes to achieve music business liberation.
Modern Musicians integrate the Champions Blueprint
How to create your own economy in your own paradise, with your own gold.
The Champion sets his mind and his desire to becoming a champion. No matter how many times he gets knocked down. No matter how many challenges come up, he overcomes them every time and he completes the mission.
The champion does whatever it takes to make it happen.
The Champion Completes The Mission
Unlike the dabbler the champion focuses on winning and discontinues all other possible options.
He understands that winning is 80% mindset and 20% strategy.
It’s the warrior in you that I need to activate for you to get inspired to become a champion in your life and career.
The next level. Of being the CEO and leader of your music business begins when you accept the champions challenge. When you accept the champions challenge you follow the champions blueprint. When you answer the call of modern musicianship, one of the mindsets is the champions mindset which you’ll develop through the champions creed following the champions blueprint
Take command and master your destiny.
Modern Musicians implement The Champions Blueprint
Become an achiever with the champions mindset through self actualization.
Master your destiny.
Ownership of self, career, content and life mastery and taking responsibility for the fan relationship.
Now the champions blueprint starts with interest and desire, identity and purpose
Plus talent and dedication to mastery of craft, content, self, and career
With a plan and blueprints to design a life not just a business
With processes and practices to develop your genius and a simplified regimen of daily dial tasks and activities that progress your goals.
It’s organic gardening planting seeds and growing fruits to harvest
It’s crawl, walk, run, fly with mastery as a modern musician achieving music business liberation
Creative fulfillment Financial freedom Spiritual liberation Mental and Emotional liberation Intellectual liberation Relational liberation/flourishing
Lasting Happiness
The Success equation simplifies to:
IDP T E A H Practice, Pathway Superpower in Paradise
The condensed and simplified equation for this boils down to attitude and effort
Faith and focus
Using a complete development system to grow and become your best self with.
Through the first 7 stages of modern musicianship
Serious play for freedom and fulfillment. Proactively creating your paradise through finding flow in all areas of your life. Creating and performing content and then mastering your marketing for sales and fan base success
Following the cycle of success
Its grassroots career development building a grassroots foundation for your fan base starting with the first 1000 to 10,000 to achieve music business liberation. Then exponential to 10,000 and then consistently up until 100,000 through jv partnerships and then scaled through to 1m+
You live an extraordinary life because you become an extraordinary person
This means winning the inner and the outer game
This means the fundamentals for success in anything we do
What you think, feel, speak and do.
Developing transformative influence in ourselves first and then with our audience.
Kaizen in all our ways
Have a plan and get into momentum in all areas of your life.
Build processes and improve processes raising the standard on all set points.
Achieve self actualization, self transcendence and music business liberation = success, happiness, fulfillment and multidimensional mastery
And always complete the mission.
Lock it in and schedule it.
Modern musicians also enjoy a flow based journey to the destination. Music Business Liberation.
The champion takes command of their life and manifests their destiny
The champion will find a way or make a way
The champion came to be the best
The champion knows that he’ll master and improve with every test
The champion is iterative and masterful in his thinking, feeling, speech and action.
The champion takes complete responsibility for their own success or failure.
The champion fails forward faster.
The champion’s always willing to do the work. To do what it takes for as long as it takes to have what they want.
The champion is not complaining about what he can’t do or why it won’t work out, he’s too focused on what he can do and how it can work out.
The champion is not a hack, fraud, or fake, he disciplines himself to become who he was meant to be. To be the best he can be.
He wins the medal, earns the money, feels the success long before it manifests in reality.
He’s setting the goal, and then trying every strategy and approach until he gets the result he wants
He learns to feel the way winning feels before he has the prize, and he learns how to create the states he desires because of his purpose and mission
He sees the masterpiece he creates in the world before he manifests his vision
He’s focused on the process which he enjoys
He’s concerned ONLY about what he can do, speak, think, feel,
He’s responsible for his responses to what happens in life.
The Champion is committed to the process.
The champion conditions themselves to be successful.
With Inspiration and motivation mastery they learn how to harness their drives and desires
And inner os mastery they learn how to use their mind to turn thoughts to things and to get into flow.
So that they get into a conscious, subconscious, and superconscious flow until a flourishing of consciousness
Here’s the simplified formula:
Plan it out and complete the mission.
Plan the work, then work the plan.
Success is scheduled.
That’s the secret.
I learned from Brendon Burchard that if the mind doesn’t know all the steps involved in getting to an end result, your heart will ask to pause.
I say, the only way to ensure success is to ensure you complete the mission.
The only way to do that is to know what has to be done, which equals your plan.
You can complete the mission if you have all the tasks and projects broken down into workblocks and worksets that are scheduled on the calendar. That’s the secret.
The champion understands their success is built on daily disciplines that lead to their success
Practices, Habits, routines, rituals are key in their success.
The champion builds good patterns into their life
They start by building their identity and living into their blueprints
You’ve will soon form your blueprints with The Dream to Runway Blueprint
It’s not just about the doing, it’s also the being as the challenge is to become your best self
Modern Musicians develop good processes starting with the Content Business Growth Process
The champion walks along with the wisdom of the ages as they point out everything he/she needs to know to do everything he’s/she’s here to do.
The 3 levels of learning
Their are 3 levels of learning. The first is the information level. This level is not that valuable because their is an abundance of information happening to us throughout our daily lives. We cannot process all of it in a meaningful way unless we reach the next level of learning which is the activation level. It is at this activation level that we see information we’ve learned activated in our lives or into scenarios. It is the level of awareness that allows us to understand and make intelligent decisions which lead to the third level, practice. This is the ground level details. Where the rubber meets the road. Where action is taken with the information. John Assaraf, a mentor of mine calls it Praxis. Where knowledge and action meet. Modern Musicianship is phronesis and praxis.
The champion has a learn by doing strategy, as what they learn they put into practice. The third level of learning.
Well designed vs. Undesigned destination
The champion understands that if they don’t do what they need to now, they can’t be where they want to be tomorrow. The secret here is that you will either end up with a well designed or an undesigned destination. Modern Musicians, Champions, have detailed blueprints for who they want to be, what they want to have, and what they want to achieve. They understand what their dream lifestyle and career look like, as well as know how they want to feel when they get there.
They consciously create their reality and improve incrementally in all ways all the time
Once we have the blueprints, the only way to ensure your success is to complete the mission.
Champions build an optimal workflow structure to perform and produce their best long term
The champions blueprint integrates the head and the heart so that they are fully involved and engaged with their dreams and goals on a daily basis.
Champions come back to the practices and habits that drive them to their success.
The Champions Blueprint
Starts with not only embracing the champions mindset, but developing your identity as being the champion and taking the champions challenge
1) Master your universe and unlock your full potential by getting 1% better each day in 8 dimensions
The champion commits/sets out to master each dimension of their universe.
2) Plan the work and work the plan
A) Set Outcome Goals and Process goals High hard goals and clear goals
High hard goals are things like a book, or an album, or a movie or a documentary. Clear goals are things like writing 500 words every day.
Create your blueprints, you set your blueprints and then live into your blueprints as part of the goal achievement process. Your timeline is determined by your goals and your priorities
Focus on the process
7 Stages of the Content business growth process
Pioneer the future of artist and talent development
B) Accountable Execution Optimal workflow structure Integrated heart and head With an optimal workflow structure Your life is having a conversation with the whole universe Believe in it with your full energy investment - fully engaged play full out
C) Complete the mission
Success is scheduled You’ll show up You’ll perform your best You’ll add value to the audience You’ll market yourself like a modern musician and how well you do that is how well you will sell like a modern musician. But you’ll focus on the process and on nailing your performance by having the best time doing it You’ll grow like a modern musician, in each dimension of your life.
Now your job during execution is to build momentum. You need to bring everything important in your life that you are trying to grow into a perpetual state of momentum, a gradual or increasing momentum. Segment intention as well as visualization are ways to speed up the process of building up momentum as well as any other form of success conditioning.
Your Story
Your story is one of the foundational assets for your brand as well as for your content business. It’s apart of the roots system for your life to work the way you want it to.
Your message
Your message is another one of the foundational assets for your life and career. Your message is expressed in your content. My message is liberate yourself from the inside out and unlock your full potential with modern musicianship. Music Business Liberation is my mission and my message. Become your best self and live your best life through doing what you love in service to others. We have many messages but that’s one of the main ones.
Is developed through building the muscle of the skills, habits, and other factors for success
Inner OS
Success conditioning
In harmony with the laws of life
3) Live The modern musician lifestyle
You unlock your full potential by building your content business Content business mastery - Growing the garden of your content business Turning your life into a masterful performance Passion + persistance Inspiration and Motivation + concentration IDP TEAH - practices-pathway-paradise Burning desire
6 altitudes
5 brain states
Start with your Identity
Self belief drives success like a self fulfilling prophecy. An unstoppable self concept is a habit that you will cultivate as part of building the foundation for grassroots career development. An unstoppable self concept roots in your multiple dimensions of self with a powerful visual image that builds a powerful emotional anchor that roots an emotion or feeling to your identity rooted to your purpose. You must build an identity that life is always working for you. You have to learn to acknowledge the shadow and dark side and give them love. You have to reconnect to the inner child and you need to reawaken the magic that you had when you were a kid. That enthusiasm was enthralling and compelling. Reconnecting with your true self ignites that passion again. That enthusiasm again. And brings the renewed wisdom and clarity of experience and understanding to embrace creativity and productivity as a truly next level of enlightened consciousness. It’s an unconditional flourishing that you are on the path to.
Your character is developed in your ability to build the habits, skills and mindsets that develop you and your destiny. It is your ability to take control of your own destiny through doing the work of implementation and execution for as long as it takes to make your dreams a reality. It is what draws you back to your masterful mission and why you must build the good habits that sew your character and your destiny. Writing, speaking, teaching, coaching, marketing, selling, you need to develop good habits doing all of the 14 practices. In so doing you will set yourself up for a lifetime of success.
Your Champion Triggers
Your Champion triggers are the signs, symbols, ideas, feelings, that trigger you to feel and perform at your best, that cause you to feel like a champion.
What are the reminders and triggers of embodying your champion identity?
What are the Blockages that hold you back?
What are the Stoppers that cause you to doubt yourself?
What can you do to overcome these blockages and stoppers that hold you back? i.e. Fear of failure Doubts Insecurities Urges Notifications Email Facebook scroll Negative/Gross/intrusive ideas
Activation Exercise:
Do the Modern Musician Meditations and/or the champions creed3x per day for 90 days
The Champions Creed:
I am a champion in life who achieves his goals and dreams I am a master of the universe and I live life on my own terms. I do what it takes for as long as it takes to achieve my goals and fulfill my desires. I know that I have the ability to achieve my definite purpose in life: therefore I demand of myself, persistent, continuous action towards its attainment and I here and now promise to render such action.
I am the triumphant creator of my destiny, and I live in the riches of my abundance each day.
I make definite plans to be all that I can possibly become, and go all in on achieving my success.
I embody kaizen in all I do.
I fully realize that no wealth or position will long endure unless it is built upon love and authenticity; therefore I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all to whom it effects.
I am succeeding by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use and the cooperation of other people.
I induce others to serve me because of my willingness to serve others. I eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, cynicism, anger, and fear by developing a true love for all humanity, I develop a oneness with life and truly serve the greatest good for everyone because I know that a negative attitude towards others will never bring me success. I cause others to believe in me because I believe in them and believe in myself. This is my creed, my quest. To never stop striving for mastery. To always keep moving forward. To always be the very best I can be. I will always do what it takes, for as long as it takes to fulfill my dreams and desires. I am the power. I am the magic. I cannot be stopped. I am a Champion. I promise to always be true to myself
because I am the creator and master of my universe and I am responsible for making a positive difference in the world and to the quality of life in it. I live in continuous improvement, in a state of constant and never-ending improvement. I am the creator of my reality and I can disengage with anything that doesn’t serve me by creating my paradise. My heaven on earth. I do this through my thoughts, feeling, speech and action. I flow with the almighty powers of the universe and have transformative influence on the world