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- campaign week 5
campaign week 5
Are you thinking like this?
I think this time that we're living in now was what the original founders of the United States were really talking about with the vision of manifest destiny.
But why is it that so many are still living with imprisoned souls and thinking in impoverished ways?
The answer is they are still playing the old game… Traditional artist development.
Scarcity vs abundant thinking
Outside in vs. Inside out
Starving artist thinking
The Old Game used to lead to burnout, feast or famine cycles, starving artist syndrome, frustration, procrastination, not getting all of what the artist needs. Death was another common side affect of traditional artist development. Many of us not making it.
The New Game = Modern Career Development...
MODERN ARTIST DEVELOPMENT is what I call EXHAUSTIVELY COMPLETE ARTIST DEVELOPMENT - because it was exactly that. It closes the gap, and squares away the mess that Traditional Artist Development left us with.
-Complete Artist Development fundamentally embraces the responsibility for 3 core roles of your musical career
• ☐ The Leader of your tribe
• ☐ Core project and operations management
• ☐ And Optimal performer in every dimension of your life
It's from the ground up, pay your dues, know your ground, carry your own weight, and to the best of your ability perform each task, master each function, project, skill, campaign until all required properties of your vision are fulfilled.
And we believe that in order for music businesses to unlock their full potential, that they should have everything they need for optimal growth and development. Do you agree?
Modern Artist Development Includes better support, trusted guidance and coaching, and a more complete artist development process. As you'll see there is more to complete success and fulfillment than the traditional career development process took into account. But with Complete Artist Development, we're really focused on making sure you are performing optimally as a person as well as a performer and creator who delivers the world amazing gifts. Traditional artist development didn't address or take into account the whole person, or their support system, core relationships, health and nutrition, nonetheless teach you the skills needed to succeed as an entrepreneur in a brave new world.
As the CEO of your career. Modern artist development integrates the growth of your craft and content as well as the owner of your music business AND helps you advance or begin your self mastery. The process of leading, caring for, performing and managing yourself.
As a modern musician you have:
More responsibilities
More creative freedom
More direct relationship with fans and supporters
You take control, you drive the car, you make your own way.
Let me coach you from the shotgun with the map in my hands, as you work your way to your dreams, one mission, one goal at a time.
My job as the coach is to take care of the players, to show and help them take both full control and responsibility... to better connect and engage with their fans and supporters using the modern toolset. By modern toolset i mean the d2fan technologies available to musicians in the modern world..
Coaching allows you to grow faster by leveraging the guidance of someone with the perspective, experience and know how to get you where you desire to be.
Someone to hold you accountable – to give it to you straight and make sense of the chaos of life. To finally free you of the BS story that’s been holding you back for years.
Let’s be honest here:
Warren Buffet wouldn’t be the greatest investor of our time without Benjamin Graham…
Marcus Aurelius wouldn’t be one of the greatest philosophers, the Emperor of Rome, and one of the most successful generals in military history without Epictetus…
Michael Jordan wouldn’t be the greatest basketball player and (arguably) the greatest athlete of our time without Phil Jackson…
And it’s crazy to think that you’re any different.
If you want to be great – then you need help getting there.
Artists now more than ever need coaches to guide them to unleash their greatness in their life, career, and relationships.
When you are ready to step into the arena, we’ll be here.
Why not book a session today and get some coaching, on us?
Jamie Leger
The Music Business Architect
P.S. Did you know?
Artists in the coaching and training academy are provided with everything they need for optimal career growth?
Trusted, unbiased coaching and consulting advice, real guidance in your corner, at home or on the road-every step of the journey
Targeted Goal Achievement with accountability and progress tracking.
Performance measurement and daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly reporting.
Peer Matched Battle Buddies - and small group masterminds.
In many of the cases clients will be applying our system for PAID Artist Development. This means they'll be using our system to get paid to make their music and grow their careers UP FRONT. Flips the old model on it's head.
In the Academy we help them get their mindset, their skillset, and habits right and coach them to their liberation. To their salvation or their hallelulah.