


Becoming all you are capable of becoming. Fulfilling your full potential. What are you willing to do to achieve that? Are you up to the game of getting it? 

Are you ready and willing to step into the arena and achieve your goals?

It’s your music business coach.

And I ask that because of what’s required…


What are you committed to make happen? 

What are you so committed to that you won’t let anything get in your way.

Call them your goals.

Let’s back up…

Get your mind right first…

Taking your thinking to the next level will uplevel your quality of life and align your world to achieve your goals. It starts with

Clarity and focus

In each domain of your life. Your art, your career, your content, your physical self, your social life, your emotional happiness we can begin to imagine what the next level is in each area

Start to do that. I want you to begin to build the mental model of your greatest self. The actualized version of yourself. See because when you do that you activate powers that know how to help you become that most effectively and will steer you onto the path of becoming that. So I ask you, how are you feeling, how are you performing, how are you thinking, how are you being?

What happens when we start to imagine doing anything at the next level?

We all recognize that their is a more actualized version of ourselves

It’s about clarity and focus on what that means that is so powerful to our full unfoldment.

In the modern music business…

You’re in the drivers seat to get there.

Now I stand beside you. 

Riding shotgun with the map in my hand. 

I stand in service to your greatest good.

Being the process facilitator.

Your coach.

My job is helping you activate your greatness.

To perform and produce at your best, to tap into your genius and unlock your greatness.

As a music business coach

I’ve learned to understand that things can just kind of go a number of ways…

Things don’t always tend to work out the way you want or that you might expect.

But with an optimal development system you have an optimal creative structure.

And what do I mean by that?

Well I mean an optimal structure to perform and produce at your best.

Well perhaps it may be tweaking your fitness regiment to get more bloodflow, or perhaps an improvement with your content strategy to improve your output and productivity, or perhaps the learning regiment for being your highest self. Habits skills and mindsets. We find an optimal workflow structure by adjusting one of many factors and finding an optimal reward and consequence structure. I’m a staff sgt for the artists revolution.

You’re in this game for the long haul, and I’m here to make sure you create your best work and remain in a structure that perpetuates sustainable excellence for the course of your career.

I got your back.

Are you ready to perform and produce at your optimal?

When you’re ready to schedule your complimentary breakthrough session go here, until then stay fresh.p.s. action task = list out what you are committed to. all the commitments in your life.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger 

The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.

Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy

Author of The Music Business Manifesto

Creator of the Music Business Blueprint



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