Hey , who ate my lunch? It wasn't you, was it? Of course not. You're an independent artist. You're only looking to grow your career. But what if i said that not acting now would hinder your ability to do that optimally in the future? That it was going to effect your dinner. You would probably take that action right away. You would do what it took for you to sustain the long term-doing exactly what you love without compromises, right? Well that's the situation i faced many years ago-and fortunately i took that action, and resolved to do whatever it took, for as long as it took-to ensure a future on my terms-making music-without compromises. As you've probably learned by now, there are times when it's very important to know who's on your side. Especially in a world where things are getting more and more complex. As an independent musician and music business owner, don't sell yourself short. You absolutely deserve a more substantial quality of support as well as reward for being the incredible content creators and the uniters of your tribe in the modern music business. The fact is that traditional career growth strategies no longer cut it, and an upgraded approach is primed and ready to bloom. The Indie Artists we are looking for will upgrade their creativity and resourcefulness in order to better grow their music businesses, connect, engage, and unite their tribes in the modern world. The client profile is successful independent music business owners. Pro's who have built a relatively large following but aren't as strong in the other dimensions affecting their career and creative freedom as well as lifestyle upgrades. You'll learn how to grow your career and fan base more effectively than a major label would or could using what you've already got available. If that sounds right for you, please go here and put your name in the one box on the page and i'll tell you all about it. Don't worry, your seat is still open, but don't wait any longer. Stay Fresh, Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and earn a full-time living doing what they love-on their own terms. CEO of The Music Business Liberation Program Author of The Music Business Manifesto Creator of the Music Business Blueprint