Artist Development and Marketing in The Modern World

The Modern Artists State of the Union: 2014

How to Transform from Starving Artist-into a Savvy Modern Artist, a thriving leader in the new economy.

Learn the biggest breakthroughs that you need to make to evolve your income, your lifestyle, and your career as a Modern Artist.

WELCOME! Thank you for joining us. Nice to have you here. Now over the next 8 training modules you are going to be ingesting some content that can accelerate the growth and development of your career as a Modern Artist if you keep an open mind, and follow through with the small amount of effort required to complete each mission. By zeroing in on a few of the biggest stumbling blocks I’ve seen with hundreds of students and clients of all level, we can shortcut your progress by turning them into leverage points that eventually we’ll have work for you-rather than against you. I’m glad to give it to you and our community for free, but I ask that you’d comply with two simple requests.

1. That you’ll apply the lessons and complete the work by updating me on what happened. (@jamieleger – [email protected]

and 2. That if you find this series valuable or useful to you-that you’d go and personally share it with a friend or anyone you know who’d appreciate your doing so. Just direct them to this link and then they’ll get the rest delivered to them without any more work on their part. (This is really the best way we can help other Artists in our community and advance the creative culture into the MODERN world!)

To overcome any of the 8 Artist Growth Traps-and transform into a Successful Modern Artist, there are 8 major breakthroughs that if you adopt and implement right away-will save you years and years of not fun stuff… Pain, frustration, and lackluster results.

These are the the biggest nuggets in mindset and approach that separate those who succeed with their Art/Music/Content, and those who don’t.

Today you are going to learn about the first couple pitfalls and counteractive breakthroughs. By the end of this training series-you will have all understood and seen all eight demonstrated through stories and examples.

Over the next 3 lessons in this training series, you are going to learn the reason WHY you are not generating the income with your art, music or content that you COULD be, and given that is something you’d care to improve-i’m going to map out a proven model, in full transparency, for showing you how you can take control of that yourself.

But even if you don’t particularly care to make more income, or create new sources of Revenue-these breakthroughs, the individual stories, and the short Missions found at the end of each lesson will aid in your ability to build a bigger fan-base, provide a better experience for them, get more people to your shows, improve your leadership and communication skills, and avoid the pitfalls that are the most dangerous artist growth traps. That sabotage my students, my clients, and even the best of us-from time to time, if we’re not careful.

Look, no one becomes an artist because the pays good… BUT, I’m going to share with you some tested principles, concepts, tried and true techniques that I  100% guarantee, that if you implement, if you make these breakthroughs and apply this stuff to your career, your results will improve. Your income will increase. Your sense of joy and freedom will elevate. Noticeably, if not radically.

This has taken over a decade to develop, test, and prove. I hope that you’ll use it, come back, and let me share your success story with the rest of the community!

  • You’ll learn that embracing the responsibilities AND the opportunities that come with being a MODERN Artist, will empower you with the freedom to no longer need to WORRY about money, and getting paid as an artist, because you’ll know the game-changing breakthroughs of Modern Artist Development.

  • What the Modern Artist Breakthrough is all about, and join the thousands of leading edge artists who now enjoy the experience of endless freedom and fulfillment doing what they love, when and where they choose.

  • You’ll see how practical and accessible making a full-time living can be for you-doing what you love, for those that love what you do.

  • A practical, proven solution to Artist Development and Artist Marketing in The Modern World.

  • You’ll learn how ANALOG thinking might actually be the solution to our digital dilemmas…

  • You’ll learn the most important thing you need to claim control of your artistic and financial freedom as a modern creator.

  • You’ll learn a 7 step strategy for getting paid to develop your artistic content full-time.

  • You’ll learn how to develop of the most valuable skillsets to have in your arsenal-to build the career and lifestyle of your dreams.

  • You’ll learn about the epidemic that has long plagued the Artists and Creators on our planet, perhaps may infect you currently, and you’ll be introduced to a potent and proven cure.

  • You’ll learn the 8 biggest breakthroughs you need to make in order to fully embrace your success and potential as Full time Modern Artist.

  • You’ll learn how most fail and why some win.

  • You’ll learn the cause, symptoms, as well as how to avoid the 6 Artist Growth Traps.

  • How and why you shouldn’t waste your money on a big album print and the new model for the music industry that works just as well for other artists.


or to participate.