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The 8 Dimensions of Mastery
The 8 Dimensions of Mastery
The 8 Dimensions of Mastery - Modern MusicianshipAs i always mention Modern Musicianship is the integration of the 3 core pieces of artistic, entrepreneurial, and personal growth.But actually their are in full 8 Dimensions of Mastery that i want you to begin to track and measure progress with.The 8 Dimensions of Mastery1) Health and Fitness - your body including your voice and your speech.In the personal dimension of your life is the vessel for your journey, your physical health and fitness. We want to optimize your health and vitality. Modern Musicians experience the deepest levels of wellbeing and abundance.And it's no accident that they take incredible care of their physical body.Y
our body is your vehicle. It is your temple. Modern musicians know that to embody their message brings it to life.Modern Musicians embrace their body as their temple and realize it as their vessel for communication.We can optimize your health and fitness in several waysIncluding your nutrition and supplemention, your fitness regimen, your sleep wake cycle, your activity schedule and your hydration.Do you feel that you are in optimal physical condition for the functions, roles, and responsibilities of your life?Are you strengthened in your body, re-energized, full of motivation each day? Can you handle the ups and downs of life?Modern Musicians overcome the distractions, challenges and limitations and embrace the opportunities.Modern Musicians are comfortable, vibrant, and at peace in their body.Your self care makes you feel like your best self physiologically.2) Internal - Inner OS - psychological and emotional - Thoughts and feelings - Mindsets, mental faculties, and emotional statesStill in the personal dimension, Modern Musicianship is using your thoughts and feelings and actions and speech like your super powers.Their beliefs, their values, their mindsets, their drives, their responses all move them toward their goals and mighty mission.Modern Musicians express greatness in how they serve the world.In how they show up with their thoughts and feelings and actions to serve others.It starts and ends with mindset.Thoughts create feelings which create action and speech. Learning to do each one successfully will determine the course of your life and your achievements.The game begins and ends with mindset.The first thing you have to be is ALL IN.Modern Musicianship is a game played at ALL-IN.Until you are ready for that, don’t attempt to play.When you are ready to step into the arena, we’ll be here.Next, the reason that people give up on their goals is because they don’t have enough buy in or emotional connection to them. You have to get involved with your goals and dreams on a daily basis.Mindset transforms the way you look at things which changes how you operate in the world.The game is 80% mindset, and 20% strategic execution.Creative visualization is one use of the imagination to set and achieve goals with full emotional and sensory stimulation. It is how you can motivate and communicate with your subconscious and your superconscious to achieve optimal performance.As a Music Business Owner, their are many mindsets you need to adopt to be successful in the modern world.One of the main mindsets modern musicians have at their core is a growth mindset.It states that your capabilities are not innate and fixed and can be grown and expanded.To accelerate your growth, I want to start with the most important factor for your success or failure.Your Identity.Modern Musicianship is becoming your best self. Your identity will determine everything in your life.I want to unlock your thinking by first helping you build an unstoppable self concept that becomes the bedrock of your foundation. It is this self concept you can continue to come back to reinforce your best self as you go through your day.Modern Musicians use their mind and their emotions in a way that serves them and provides them the highest quality of life possible.Use your negative emotions to pivot to the emotion you would prefer. When you know what you don’t want you can think about what you do want.Do you feel that you are in optimal mental and emotional condition?Do you feel like a self managing, self leading organism that is self actualizing, and mentally as well as emotionally rewarded by your work?Modern musicianship is about thinking, feeling, behaving and speaking in an empowered way to create your paradise, create your own economy, and a masterpiece with your life.Modern Musicians use their mind and emotions for fuel and to program their experiences and an optimal quality of life.3) Spiritual - The Soul and Spirit - Modern Musicianship becomes your religion. It is deep engagement with your spiritual essence. Embrace the present moment. Connection to god/source. Oneness with others. Do you feel like a spiritually enlightened soul and spirit? Do you feel presence and connection to the present moment? Does your spirit feel vibrant and fully alive? Modern Musicians are daily driven by a deep spiritual practice that is rooted in personal values and beliefs with and about source. The absolute.Modern musicians understand that it is about expressing the higher consciousness that is within them. They understand their divine essence and draw that out of everyone they meet.4) Social - Relationships - family friends and funThey say the quality of your relationships is the quality of your life. They are what most of us live for. And central to Modern Musicians.The first thing we have artists do with regards to relationships is to build out the network they desire to have. Starting with developing your key relationships as well as putting all your contacts into a relationship database and then bucketing and following up with them everyday.5) Career - your mission/career/businessModern Musicians play the Game of business, achievement, fulfillment.Grassroots career development leads to self actualization, grassroots authentication, self transcendence, and complete spiritual, musical and financial liberationModern Musicians find their blind spots and GROW THROUGH THEM.They develop the Modern Musician Skillset the integration of artistic and entrepreneurial skillset.Do you feel focused, energized, self actualizing, mission operationalizing and conversationalizing? Do you feel a sense of momentum and fulfillment and contribution in your day?Do you believe that you provide value and have done your best work to contribute with the right attitude and effort. Do you live the Modern Musician lifestyle and thus turn your life into a mission and lifestyle custom designed by you or me, the music business architect. A business built on your ideal lifestyle and passive income that grows your business in an automated way.Can you tell me your 3-5 main moves?Can you tell me what your single biggest strength is?Can you tell me what you single most valuable skill is?Can you identify and articulate your primary growth traps? How about The one thing that is primarily responsible for holding you back from where you want to be?Have you identified and written out your 12 month goals and turned them into a project or a series of projects with defined tasks and objectives?Do you have a roadmap for the next 90 days of your career?What are your top 5 business operating principles?Do you regularly eat well, exercise and get enough sleep every night?Do you work one mission at a time adhering to the SFACT protocal?Have you defined the core of your brand and your UVP? Have you gotten direct feedback from your top 50 closest relationships?Can you articulate your mission statement?Is your visual brand image and reputation aligned with everything else?Is it consistent and also congruent in the eyes of the audience you are primarily targeting with your art and message?Do you have a strong professional network and rolodex of contacts and solid valuable relationships?Have you actively added any sort of new value to a member of your network or potential influencer?Do you email your new potentials at least twice monthly with fresh, non-pitchy content?Do you have a workflow structure that works?Do you have a coach/mentor/advisor that is a trusted, 3rd party?Are your ducks in a row across the key platform role call?Do you do a regular weekly monthly, and quarterly review all active projects, opportunities and potentials?Do you actively monitor your brand and at least top 2 keywords across the social web?Do you ask for feedback at the end of each project?Are you building a team? Have you idenfitifed all the systems and processes you use to complete all content business operations?Do you actively keep a victory list and remind yourself of lessons and key insights learned that are relevant to your growth?Do you unapologetically f*ing love what the f you are doing every single day you are alive?6) FinancialModern musicians learn how to set goals, manage cashflow, invest and grow their money, log and track their expenses, weekly log their profit and loss statements with a balance sheet7) IntellectualModern Musicians follow their interests, desires and passions through a deep intellectual evolution they call their learning journey. It is a pathway of self education that will lead them to unlock the powers and message they have within. Again the pathway to your paradise consists of the learning journey to develop the skills and become your best self.What does your learning journey look like? Are you reading books every week and stimulating your intellect?8) RecreationalModern Musicians have passionate hobbies, and spend their time on what matters, the things they love to do and be.Are you ready to step your game up to Modern Musicianship?If so, book a complementary Music Business Breakthrough Session to get some music business coaching by the Music Business Architect!Stay Fresh,Jamie Leger The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators--> FREE GUIDE: Double New Fan Signups At Your Next Show!Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation AcademyAuthor of The Music Business ManifestoCreator of the Music Business Blueprint