7 Steps To Becoming a Spiritual Millionaire

Another Mindset To adopt and embrace through practice and focus and deep work is becoming a spiritual millionaire.

As a Modern Musician you are already a cultural influencer, you should embrace the idea of becoming a thought leader and growing your tribe as you embrace becoming a spiritual millionaire.

Modern musicianship is an enlightened path to happiness, self actualization, flow, success, mastery and fulfillment.

The pathway to becoming enlightened is available to all and the pathway is meditation as well as learning and self development, It’s self development, self actualization, self mastery and self realization, understanding universal laws and principles developing our own characteristics and qualities of success.

The pathway for modern musicianship is habits and shifts in the way you think, feel, act and speak that lead you from where you are to where you want to be with habits and foundation for a lifetime of success.

Becoming a spiritual millionaire is all about living in harmony with your values and principles, mastering your beliefs and main moves and following the rules, steps, habits, practices, processes of modern musicianship.

Become a Spiritual Millionaire

Master your inner and outer game of mastering your universe through mastering your thought, feeling, action and speech.

I define becoming a spiritual millionaire as understanding and going through the process of alchemy. Proactively turning thoughts into things, visions into reality through the process of development and manifestation. Through the process of doing it over and over again you will develop your message, stories and narrative and the content that is your destiny.

It is an awakening at a spiritual level that activates you into a greater possibility for what you thought you were capable of. It’s bliss building practices and processes that are built on principle and law.

It’s getting onto the frequency your success lives on and consistently aligning with your desires as you master the moment.

Intentional practices for being our best selves and improving in each dimension of our lives.

Activation exercise: Visualization exercise for alchemy

Visualization of you at your best, being your best self, fully engaged and immersed in positive meaning making and emotions.

See yourself going from the very beginning of the process of getting great at your craft as you write and perform songs and content through video and every format and becoming so valuable of a person that your content resonates with culture so deeply that you feel the love of your audience so strongly in your heart and feel the appreciation of 10,000 of your closest fans and followers gathered together to celebrate what you’ve positively done for their lives in this moment. Hear the roar of appreciation and celebration as you having completed the process have gotten this work into the hearts and minds of millions!

Feel the satisfaction and fulfillment that working your way up from the bottom of the hill all the way up to the top feels like, and how refreshing it is to think about over and over again. How what I love only seems to grow stronger and deeper in my level of desire, motivation and passion which I express with compassion and joy

Developing your genius and operating your life from a centered state of being in the zone

Start with learning more about yourself through self discovery and self education. Personality testing to find strengths and weaknesses is a good place to start as an activation exercise if you are looking to self actualize, grassroots authenticate or for music business liberation.

Becoming a spiritual millionaire is about developing success habits that perpetuate a healthy mind body and soul.

These habits and practices are the recipe in your success. Apart of the structure and workflow systems you have for mastering your productivity.

Kaizen is a philosophy of improvement that modern musicianship was built on. With gradual consistent micro progression you can improve in each area of your life through small but constant ongoing development and improvement.

It takes a while to get there, you have to build foundations across a variety of skills, habits and mindsets

You build a house from the foundation and then construct each floor and each room as you build out the blueprints.

It’s no different with becoming a spiritual millionaire. You have to define what that looks like for you but it’s likely centered around the spiritual practices that lead to spiritual liberation and spiritual mastery.

Getting inspiration from all media and the wisdom of the ages for 15 years led me down a virtuous cycle that led to music business liberation and modern musicianship.

Getting onto the frequency that the things you want in your life are on.

The pathway is Becoming your true self, your best self through personal, career and spiritual development for 15 years.

Step 1) Write from the spirit for 15 years

The first thing I had to do to start to become a writer was to just start writing, which I did 15 years ago on a whim to start a blog and a movement and a community. Now I am a writer, and so every day monday through friday and often on the weekends, I write. It’s apart of the voice and narrative and curriculum of training that I’ve developed over the years as a comprehensive body of work with courses and coaching, books, reports, blogs, and more.

It’s the process of planting a seed and cultivating that plant into fruitful harvest across all dimensions and planes. You have to allow it to happen in your mind and become vibrationally one with the frequency your success lives on as you let the ideas evolve and you begin to gain mastery over a core curriculum and system that transforms the world.

Step 2) Think from the soul and follow the heart for 15 years

It’s a calling from god who placed these desires deep in my heart, to be a coach, consultant, speaker, teacher, author, artist and creator. It’s my job to rattle free from false self and pursue the great liberation of souls for 100 years.

Step 3) Read for the mind body and soul/spirit for 15 years

Learning from what I call the wisdom of the ages was the best way for me to close the gap between where and who I was, to getting to where and being who I wanted to be. Learning is the result of focusing my concentration for 15 years to be able to liberate my mind body and soul from poverty, lack and limitation. It’s helped me produce a rich spirit and character that will do what it takes to complete the mission. It starts with a rich internal life and reading enriches your soul with knowledge and nutrients for growth.

Step 4) Living from the spirit

Living from the spirit is the progressive ability to tap into true self and live from the spirit as opposed to living from the body. Giving it your all means tapping into your own power and drawing from your higher self and your superself, your connection to the divine. When you live from the spirit you base your decisions more on what you can give as well as more of what you do already have, which is part of the keys to happy living.

Step 5) Aligning yourself with your vision and purpose and mission

The next step is where the self and the roadmap aligns with your intentions, which aligns with your vision and purpose and mission. When you have this alignment there is a certainty and confidence in your plan and your action as well. You have to become your message and your purpose and fulfill your vision and complete your mission. It’s a constant process of moving towards whats wanted instead of away from what’s not. You do poverty no favor by thinking or speaking of it.

Replacing limiting beliefs Actively replace limiting beliefs with positive uplifting beliefs to install inspiring beliefs that raise your energy and vibration and sense of confidence and abundance. Peace, love and joy are the foundation.

Changing stories and narrative Change the story that your telling around your limiting ways of disempowerment consciousness which has left an impression on your tendency toward the negative, you are going to consciously change that pattern, and you are going to now drift automatically toward the positive. The narrative and tales we tell should be of us at our best or how we are becoming our best through what we are doing.

Step 6) Mastering your universe

Optimal performance coaching is the intentional mastery of your thought, feeling, action, and speech to master your universe through your roles responsibilities and blueprints. Mastering your universe means kaizen on the 8 dimensions of management/mastery. It’s just a commitment to constant and never ending improvement through small improvements to the process and performance of an individual within a system of continuous growth and development.

Being the captain of your ship Think about it, you are the one who can and will take command if you claim and step into your power. The power of the universe is in your hands, use it to leave a great legacy and create a body of work that changes the planet.

What are your models?

Step 7) Integration - Pulling it all together

This is the most satisfying and fulfilling step. You have to now see all the other pieces coming together to fulfill your mighty mission. Integration is the most beautiful part of the process. But it is a conscious process at first nonetheless, but you pave the way for the most beautiful experiences of your life. You have to maintain the faith that these things will come together for you and you have to maintain your focus on the few things that matter each day to move the needle forward for your career.

Use your thoughts to create incredible things in the world that uplift and inspire people.


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