6 Things Modern Musicians Do To Turn Their Dreams Into Reality

Stop trying to hack everything.

There’s no shortcut across this river.

The cultural ambition should be toward actualization and an ambition around becoming more of who you are.

The hack is similar to the amateur because he is looking for the quick fix, he doesn’t feel the capability to become what he wants to be through long term self discipline. It is through this lack of resourcefulness that he resigns to his fate instead of creates his destiny.

As a modern musician you’ll go through 9 stages of growth until mastery and full self realization.

You’ll develop 10 skills, a few dozen mindsets, and 8-12 core habits where you give of yourself to the world and marketplace, and it gives you the life you love.

It needs no explanation for why you want to do this, but what’s required is a reason why you personally want to turn your dreams into reality.

This reason why has to be strong enough to pull you out of bed in the morning and keep you motivated during the day.

You need to stack up many reasons why, and put them into a document we call your Mission Motifs.

They go into the energy you create through a project and should be thought about until it's unconsciously tied to the action that produces the result.

1) Live in the energy of the project

Each project has a unique energy signature and the more you can attune to the energies of each project and begin to form the feelings of completion and wholeness through your work. You are building a mindful creative and technological fluidity. This is one source of your confidence and your abundance development process.

The Big Picture and the Small Picture

Aka The forest and the trees

You need to be able to see through both perspectives. FROM both perspectives.

You are a soul. Your soul is here for a purpose, that purpose extends into a vision and desires, then that gets turned into a mission, then that gets turned into goals and objectives and from there we start tracking everything from the ground level, back on up to the big picture. From 10,000 feet your projects come into view and on the runway lay out the daily dial tasks you do.

Modern musicians determine where they go with their project roadmaps. The modern project studio is a part of your pathway to paradise.

2) Align identity and paradigm to create success

Modern musicians align their identity and their paradigm to achieve optimal performance and become their true selves.

This is how they condition themselves for unconditional success.

Then modern musicians use the goal achievement system to turn goals into success skills and habits that allow their life to unfold optimally.

Use this to find the recipe of your optimal career growth.

Once they have their blueprints firmly in place, Modern Musicians focus on their performance and the process along the bridge of incidents, at the ground level details.

So with each project you need to first set the frame and intention, then expect resistance for some period of time, followed by a breakthrough insight or understanding that moves everything forward. Modern musicians live into the energy of the project.

And then expect resistance, and then persist and make the breakthrough, make sure to write it all down and then get in harmony with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

3) Study the laws of the universe

So the laws of the universe are omnipresent. They are the reasoning behind all results in your life, and they can be your passport to paradise if you realize that you can provide value to other people and that will cause an exchange of value that gives you everything that you'll want in life.

4) Build their libraries: Read books, watch movies, listen to podcasts, create content

Modern musicians are voracious readers, they develop their reading skills as well as their speaking skills as well their communication skills across all dimensions of their universe. The books and the programs became my mentors and coaches and the wisdom of the ages raised me throughout the journey to becoming the Music Business Architect. It's foundational to my nature to want to Build My Libraries. They are seeds in the garden of my life on an infinite timeline.

I’ve armed myself with inspiration from the wisdom of the ages to thrive long term.

Build your book library, your content library, your product catalog, your music library, your post library, and your movie library and flourish in the modern world. It’ll change your life.

5) Success conditioning: Visualize and affirm the new reality

Their is a pathway, many pathways actually, that you form grooves for with your thoughts and feelings. If you can condition yourself with good vibes then the more often the chance in the future will be harmonious with those good vibes as opposed to something undesirable.

Success conditioning is the training of your mind and body, your brain and your nervous system to prime yourself into wanted states and conditions. Visualization is a form, as well as certain kinds of meditation and journaling, affirmation, incantation, priming, prayer, subconscious reprogramming, belief clearing, and hypnosis are all forms of success conditioning.

6) Live into the blueprints

This is the methodical process of becoming through the integrated thinking, feeling, speaking and doing. Instead of going away from what you don’t want, this is proactively going toward what you want. The process of imaging, mapping, sequencing out the construction for, and then living into the blueprints is part of the goal achievement process used in the goal achievement system.

Follow the goal achievement system and thus the goal achievement process. Thus success habits.

In the goal achievement system you will develop success habits that you integrate to get into optimal performance and master your destiny. You do not need to start out with massive action. You can start off with consistent inspired action that builds over time and generates momentum.

Modern musicianship installs and upgrades your life in the mindsets, the emotions, and the behaviors habits and practices that cause your success, happiness and fulfillment, as well as your mastery and level of flow power. It gives you systems, processes, skills and strategies, tools and techniques that will help you grow in every area of your life.

Stay Fresh,

Jamie Leger  The Music Business Architect for Independent Artists & Creators

Proudly Helping Hundreds of Modern Musicians liberate the music business, declare their artistic independence, and unlock their full potential doing what they love-on their own terms.

Founder & CEO of The Music Business Liberation Academy Author of The Modern Musician Creator of the Music Business Blueprint

 The Complete Guide To The Modern Music Business


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